

What is this kumquat fruit, what is its calorie content. The composition of the golden apple and its beneficial properties. Who should not introduce exotic citrus into the diet. Recipes for dishes with Chinese tangerine and cultivation features. The calorie content of kumquat largely depends on how it is stored and how it is cooked. The calorie content of a frozen fruit corresponds to the nutritional value of a fresh plant, but in a dried one, the amount of carbohydrates increases, and, accordingly, the calorie content increases to 283 kcal per 100 g. It can be concluded that the golden orange should not be included in the diet menu.

Useful properties of kumquat

Kumquat fruit
Kumquat fruit

When using kumquat with the peel, there is no need to fear that nitrates or heavy metals from the soil absorbed by the fruit during ripening will enter the body along with it. No harmful compounds accumulate in the pulp and skin of the fruit.

The beneficial effect of kumquat on the body:

  • It has an anti-fungal effect.
  • Replenishes the vitamin and mineral reserve of the body, enhances immunity, has a general strengthening effect on health.
  • It accelerates metabolic processes, thanks to the large amount of dietary fiber and pectin, it helps the body get rid of old toxins and accumulated toxins.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • It is used as a prophylactic measure to prevent seasonal viral infections.
  • Helps reduce the likelihood of diseases such as arthrosis, cancer and arthritis.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Prevents the development of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

People whose professional activities are connected with emotional stress are recommended to eat at least one golden orange every night. This stabilizes the state of the nervous system.

Harm and contraindications to the use of kumquat

Feeding the baby
Feeding the baby

Contraindications to the use of kumquat are exactly the same as for all citrus fruits. First of all, it is a polyvalent allergy and an individual negative reaction to the product - citruses are strong allergens.

It is undesirable to use the golden apple:

  1. With increased acidity of gastric juice against the background of an exacerbation, when heartburn, nausea after eating and other symptoms appear, indicating the onset of gastritis.
  2. With inflammatory kidney diseases, so that the acids contained in citrus do not provoke exacerbations.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, so as not to cause the development of allergies in the unborn baby.

Care should be taken to consume this fruit with diabetes, so as not to provoke an increase in blood sugar.

At the first "acquaintance" with a kumquat, you should be careful not to pounce on a tasty treat. For the first time, you need to limit yourself to half the fruit - its effect on the body is more pronounced than that of the usual tangerines and oranges.

Kumquat recipes

Sun-dried fruits of kumquat
Sun-dried fruits of kumquat

Choose the right kumquat to avoid disappointment. Before purchasing the fruit, you should definitely touch it: if it is soft, it means that it is already overripe, too hard - it was picked green and ripened during transportation, most likely it will taste bland. The skin should be the same as that of a ripe orange - orange, smooth, shiny.

Kumquat recipes:

  • Dried kumquat … Dry the fruits in the sun or use a dehydration method.
  • Jam … Sugar by weight should be the same as citrus. First, the peel is cut in 3-4 places in each fruit, then it is poured into a deep drushlag and dipped in boiling water three times. Then, from the last boiling water, into which the fruits were dipped, they scoop up water (at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 glass of water) and boil a syrup from all the sugar. Pour the fruit with syrup, boil until tender - until it thickens, add the juice of a whole lemon before turning it off and mix thoroughly.
  • Warm salad … Main ingredients: 150 g of golden orange with peel, 1 large bunch of rucolla, a spoonful of olive oil, chicken breast - 400 g, asparagus - 200-250 g. For dressing, mix 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and honey, a teaspoon of mustard and balsamic cream sauce, juice of one orange. Chicken fillet is rubbed with salt and pepper, baked in the oven. Cut the asparagus into 3 cm pieces, and cut the kumquat into thin rings. Fried asparagus and kumquat separately in olive oil. Pour the dressing into the heated kumquat, right into the pan, and leave to simmer for 7 minutes. Put the rucolla mixed with chopped chicken breast and asparagus on a plate, pour in the stewed dressing, mix. The salad is served hot.
  • Kumquat sweets … Blanch the kumquats in a saucepan with boiling water for 1 minute. Prepare a plate of ice or a dish filled with ice water in advance. After blanching, the fruits are laid out in the cold, otherwise they will become too soft. Put cold golden oranges on a paper towel - all moisture should be carefully removed. A bar of chocolate is melted on the stove, and cocoa powder is mixed with brown coarse-crystalline sugar in a deep plate. First, the kumquats are completely dipped in chocolate so that it evenly covers the skin. Then each fruit is pricked with a toothpick and a "hat" is made by rolling the half in the prepared powder. In order not to lose the powder and not to scratch the glaze, stick the toothpicks into the sugar bowl and wait until the glaze stops flowing. To make the chocolate freeze faster, a sugar bowl with almost finished sweets is placed in the refrigerator.
  • Hot with kumquat … Better to take poultry meat - turkey or chicken. To taste, kumquat goes well with pork, but the cooking time is 3 times longer. This recipe uses chicken fillet. The meat is beaten, medallions are formed, spread on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil. Medallions are salted, gloved, the surface is greased with mayonnaise, 2-3 slices of pineapple and kumquat plates are spread on each. The baking sheet is placed in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Hard cheese is grated. After 20 minutes of baking, the baking sheet is taken out and the medallions are sprinkled with grated cheese, placed in the oven again and brought to readiness. Once the fillet is tender, you can turn it off.
  • Channeled kumquats … Cutting is made on the skin of each fruit - 6-7 cuts, so as not to damage the pulp. Boil for 2-3 minutes - the water should completely cover the surface of the citrus. Boiled fruits are cooled in ice water. Now an incision is made on the "bottom" of the citrus and the seeds are removed - as carefully as possible so that the shape is preserved. Syrup is boiled: 2 parts water, 3 parts sugar, a little grated ginger. Place the fruit in the syrup and boil until it thickens. Stored, like ordinary fruit jam, in sterilized jars.
  • Casserole - the perfect breakfast … Mix cottage cheese with eggs, sugar and semolina. It is more convenient to first grind the cottage cheese with eggs, and add semolina later. Add a little milk, sugar, add salt, dried whole kumquats or chopped raw, mix the dough thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous structure. You can add a pinch of vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Grease the mold with butter, spread the dough like on a pie, put it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C, bake for about 30 minutes. Serve chilled. Eat with kumquat jam, honey, or sour cream.

Kumquat jam is cooked in the same way as from ordinary fruits, only cuts are made in the skin and lemon juice is added. Store in sterilized jars at room temperature.

Interesting facts about kumquat

Tree with kumquat fruits
Tree with kumquat fruits

Kumquat is the youngest of the citrus fruits, the first mention of it was found only in the 11th century, in the chronicles of China. In the 12th century, the Portuguese brought a curiosity to Europe, but it did not take root. The cultivation of the novelty began only at the end of the 18th century.

The culture is quite capricious. Those who grow bonsai on the windowsill also have to deal with her "quirks". In summer, it should be placed in the shade, in winter - in bright light, protected from hypothermia and overheating. When the temperature drops, the plant dies. If all conditions are met, then in spring or early summer you can admire the delicate flowers, and in winter you can enjoy the taste of fresh fruits.

To facilitate cultivation, breeders bred hybrids by crossing the plant with lime, tangerine, and orange. Unfortunately, the main highlight of the kumquat has been lost. After all, the fruit is appreciated for its sour pulp and sweet peel - you cannot eat hybrids with peel.

In China, guests are rarely invited home. But if this happened, in a rare house on the table there will not be a dish filled to the brim with golden fruits.

When treating colds, the Chinese heat the peel of the fruit and inhale it, inhaling the rich aroma of essential oils.

Intoxication after drinking alcohol is also treated with Chinese tangerines - 3-4 fruits help better than a bottle of beer or a glass of brine. Why don't the Europeans learn from the experience of the Chinese? You can get rid of hangover and eliminate bad breath at the same time.

Watch a video about kumquat: