

Description of the citron plant. Where does it grow and what chemical composition does it have? Medicinal properties for the body. Harm from abuse of the product. Contraindications to the use of citron. Citron contains fiber, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reduces the accumulation of fatty deposits, prevents the development of colon cancer, cleanses the body of toxins, heavy metal salts and toxins, and supports microflora.

Useful properties of citron

What does citron look like
What does citron look like

Citron allows you to speed up metabolic processes and has a low calorie content, so it is recommended for people who want to lose weight. Also, the fruit has an antiseptic effect and is used for diseases of the respiratory tract.

The benefits of citron and the foods it contains are due to the harmonious combination of vital minerals and vitamins:

  • Strengthening the protective function of the body … Due to the high percentage of ascorbic acid in the blood, the level of homocysteine is maintained, erythrocytes fight infectious and viral agents, and the effect of pathogenic microflora is suppressed.
  • Help with poisonous insect bites … The components of the fruit resist inflammation and infection in the affected area of the skin.
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract … Stool stabilizes, the mucous membrane gets rid of abscesses, abundant gas formation decreases, waste is removed, and the absorption of nutrients improves.
  • Relief of muscle spasms … Thanks to improved blood microcirculation, pain disappears, lactic acid is absorbed faster, and the body is toned.
  • Stabilization of the liver and kidneys … The excretion of hippuric acid and ammonia is normalized, hormonal metabolism improves, albumin and prothrombin are formed, hemoglobin and B vitamins are synthesized.
  • Blood clotting accelerates … Wounds heal several times faster.
  • Sleep normalization … Citron components have sedative properties and have a positive effect on the neurons of the central nervous system, irritability disappears, depression and chronic fatigue are treated.
  • Help with hangover syndrome … Headache decreases, the body becomes toned, acetaldehydes and other harmful substances are actively removed, body temperature normalizes, dry mouth, tremors and sensitivity to excessive light disappear.
  • Slowing down the aging process … The acid-base balance is normalized, the condition of the skin improves, the hair acquires shine, the nails become stronger, the body receives more vital energy.

Also, biologically active components of the fetus resist the development of malignant tumors, cell mutation slows down, membranes are not affected by toxins.

Harm and contraindications to the use of citron

Small skin rash
Small skin rash

Despite the fact that citron has an impressive list of useful properties, there is always a risk of abuse of the product. Ailments and painful symptoms may occur. It is necessary to control the inclusion of exotic fruit in the diet.

The consequences of overusing citron:

  1. Increased bladder tone - due to the large percentage of water content in the plant, metabolic processes are accelerated, urine is excreted more often. There is a possibility that calcium will start leaching from the bones, and this will lead to serious problems.
  2. Manifestation of an allergic reaction - citrus fruits are one of the most common allergens. A small rash on the skin, a runny nose may occur, appetite will worsen, pressure drops will appear, mucous membranes will become inflamed, and flatulence will occur.
  3. Failure of the menstrual cycle in women - hormonal metabolism worsens, fatigue increases, pathologies and endocrine disorders may begin to develop.
  4. Stool disorder - constipation occurs, diarrhea, pathogenic microflora appears, toxins accumulate. Due to the high percentage of fiber in the fruit, digestive processes may deteriorate and colitis may worsen.

Absolute contraindications to citron:

  • Individual intolerance to individual plant components - the skin contains essential oils that can cause hypersensitivity, itching, rhinitis, sneezing and blood in the stool.
  • The use of blood thinning drugs - the presence of group A vitamins can neutralize the effect of drugs.
  • Duodenal ulcers and gastritis - there is a negative effect on the mucous membrane, heartburn appears, frequent belching with a bitter taste, pain in the abdominal region.
  • Pancreatitis and viral hepatitis - general weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, heart palpitations, increased body temperature appear, skin color changes and the sclera of the eyes turn yellow.
  • Pregnancy and lactation - citron can negatively affect the well-being of the child, cause allergic reactions.

Before using the fruit for food, you must undergo an examination by a qualified specialist and make sure that you have no personal intolerance to the components.

Citron Recipes

Citron cake
Citron cake

Dishes that contain citron are characterized by unique and exotic flavors and spicy aromas. Due to the small amount of calories, the fruit belongs to low-calorie foods and helps in the fight against extra pounds.

There are the following recipes for citron, which are distinguished by useful properties and good digestibility:

  1. Burning pagra … The gills and entrails of the fish are removed, then washed and dried with paper towels. The citron is cut into large slices and the pagra begins to fill. Thyme sprigs and spices to taste are also placed inside. Leave in this form for half an hour. Beat egg whites with a glass of water and combine with a kilogram of salt. The resulting solution is poured into a baking dish, pickled fish is placed on top and placed in the oven at 170 ° C for half an hour. The almond petals are toasted in a non-fat skillet until golden brown. Leeks, carrots, and garlic remove the top husk and place in a skillet heavily greased with olive oil. Fry until golden brown. Sprinkle the cooked vegetables with spices and salt. To them add butter, a few teaspoons of brandy, garlic cloves and sprigs of thyme passed through a press. After the fish is taken out of the oven, the top layer of salt and pagra scales are carefully removed. The vegetables are served on a separate platter and garnished with toasted almond petals.
  2. Raspberry Citronade … A glass of water, 150 grams of sugar and a bag of vanillin are poured into the container. Put on low heat and boil until boiling. Beat 300 grams of raspberries and a liter of filtered water in a blender. After straining through gauze bandages, freshly squeezed citron juice is added to the liquid. The sugar syrup is then added. The drink is stirred and placed in the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. Shrimp with citron and garlic … 4 cloves of garlic are passed through a press, and a bunch of parsley is chopped. Citron is cut into circles. A kilogram of shrimp is washed, their intestines and shell are removed. Sprinkle a frying pan with plenty of olive oil and fry the shrimps in it for about 4 minutes. After the lapse of time, add vegetables and spices. Fry for another 10 minutes. The finished dish is garnished with mint leaves and citron.
  4. Citron cake … 120 grams of softened butter is combined with a glass of flour, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cornstarch. The resulting dough is distributed on an oiled baking sheet and holes are made in it with a fork. The cake is placed in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 160 ° C. Meanwhile, the filling is being prepared. Remove the zest and squeeze out the citron juice. Then, in the same container, beat 2 chicken eggs with 200 grams of sugar, 3 tablespoons of wheat flour, 2 tablespoons of cream and a teaspoon of vanilla extract with a blender. The resulting filling is poured onto a baked base and placed in the oven again for 10 minutes. The finished cake should cool to room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours. At the end, sprinkle the dessert with powdered sugar, zest and toasted almond petals.
  5. Vanilla cookies … 400 grams of wheat flour is combined with 80 grams of corn starch. In another container, mix 250 grams of butter with a bag of vanillin and 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar. All ingredients are mixed and whipped with a blender. Then the dough is pushed by hand. Then it is twisted into a tube, cut into circles and formed into balls. The baking paper is distributed on a baking sheet, and pieces of dough are spread on it, which are slightly pressed with a fork. Bake in portions (if everything does not fit) for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 165 ° C. For the filling, beat 100 grams of sugar, 100 grams of powdered sugar and the pulp of one citron with a blender. The halves of the cookies are smeared with cream and connected.
  6. Citron cakes with airy cream … In a container, mix 2 cups of flour, a teaspoon of baking soda, half a teaspoon of baking powder and salt. In another bowl, a cup of softened butter is mixed with 2 cups of sugar and added to the rest of the ingredients. Then they drive in 3 chicken eggs, rub the citron zest, put a teaspoon of vanilla extract, 2 glasses of sour cream and knead everything thoroughly. The dough is laid out in special muffin molds and baked in the oven at 175 ° C for 15-20 minutes until a light brown crust appears. Meanwhile, the cream is being prepared. Mix 150 grams of soft butter with a blender with 6 cups of powdered sugar and 2 tablespoons of milk. Then the cream is filled into a cooking syringe and squeezed onto the baked muffins.
  7. Citron cheesecake … 150 grams of butter is melted in a water bath and mixed with 250 grams of crushed biscuit cookies. The resulting mass is poured onto a cheesecake mold and placed in the refrigerator for an hour. Then 160 grams of sugar are diluted in 80 ml of filtered water and cooked over low heat until boiling. Next, beat 6 egg yolks and add to the resulting syrup. 2 teaspoons of gelatin are diluted in a glass of water. Half a kilo of Philadelphia cheese is mixed with juice and citron rind. Diluted gelatin and yolk mixture are poured into this mass. In another container, whip 400 ml of cream with a blender and add them to the rest of the ingredients. The cream is thoroughly mixed and poured onto a cold cake. The cheesecake is placed back in the refrigerator for several hours. Before use, you can decorate the dessert with wild berries.

Citron is often used to make jams, preserves, marmalades, and is added to alcoholic beverages and baked goods. The fruit rind is used as a natural flavoring agent.

Interesting facts about citron

Citron plant
Citron plant

It is not known for certain how the fruit ended up in the Mediterranean. According to one of the legends, the citron was brought by Alexander the Great in the 3rd century BC from Mesopotamia. The ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus and the ancient Roman figure Pliny wrote about the fruit in their works. They noted the healing properties of citron and believed that the zest could be used in the treatment of lung diseases and gastrointestinal problems.

Indian shamans made decoctions of citron and treated purulent wounds and eyes with it to make the sclera white.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the fruit is used as an expectorant and bactericidal agent.

The picking of citron fruits is celebrated every year on the Riviera with folk festivities. The essence of citron peel is used as a natural dye. In addition, it is often used in the manufacture of perfumes, soaps, shampoos and toilet waters. Citric acid allows you to cleanse your skin and even get rid of freckles.

Watch a video about citron fruit:

Citron keeps well during transport, as it has a thick peel, and is widely distributed throughout the world.
