Sports for a hernia of the spine

Sports for a hernia of the spine
Sports for a hernia of the spine

Find out how to properly train in the gym if you have a spinal hernia. If you are diagnosed with a hernia of the spine, then drug treatment is not the only way to heal. Of course, this is also an important element in the fight against the disease, but besides this, you need to think about how correct your lifestyle is.

A herniated disc most often manifests itself between the vertebrae, which were hyperactive and therefore physical therapy classes are aimed at solving two problems:

  • Strengthening the muscular corset of the back to eliminate the hypermobility of the vertebrae.
  • Removal of muscle spasm, which is a protective reaction of the body.

It should be remembered that the spasm cannot simply disappear, and even after the elimination of painful sensations, posture and the quality of tissue nutrition are disturbed. With a hernia of the spine, it is recommended to do light exercises aimed at stretching and straightening the spine. They should be performed at a slow pace to warm up the muscles and improve the nutritional quality of the joints.

When playing sports with a hernia of the spine, you should always follow a simple rule - even the lightest and simplest movement should not cause pain. If this still happened, then you need to pay attention to the technique, and also reduce the amplitude. If the movement gives you discomfort, then it is better to refuse to perform it.

What sports can you do with a hernia?

Activities in the water
Activities in the water
  • Unwanted sports for herniated discs. Sports disciplines such as weightlifting, throwing and high jumping heavily load the spine and are highly discouraged for herniated discs. Football and hockey are quite traumatic, as is alpine skiing. You should also abandon sports disciplines that require the athlete to abrupt movements, such as golf and tennis. Active running is also not recommended for this disease. The main reason for this lies in the fact that while running, the whole body is strongly shaken and the load on the spinal column increases dramatically. You can only go jogging in special shoes or on a soft surface.
  • Permitted sports for a hernia of the spine. If you have been diagnosed with this, then you can safely go in for swimming. This is a versatile sport that eliminates heavy loads on the spinal column. Skiing (at a low pace) or cycling is also excellent for a hernia of the spine. You can also do all kinds of oriental gymnastics. Whichever sport you choose for yourself, it is very important to listen to your body. He will definitely tell you what is unacceptable for him.

Spinal column stretch


If you have pain in the back, then it is quite possible that it was caused by an uncomfortable position during sleep, or, say, the pillow is not suitable for you. One of the most effective ways to treat and prevent a hernia of the spine is stretching the spinal column. It is recommended to use a special simulator for this or perform simple exercises.

The spine stretcher is a specially designed device that allows you to restore the natural position of the vertebrae and relax the muscles while relieving pain. Note that the simulator has no contraindications and can be used by any person, regardless of his age, and it should only be practiced for five minutes a day.

If you do not have a simulator, then you can perform a special set of movements aimed at stretching the spine. The simplest way to achieve this goal is a horizontal bar. All you need to do is hang on to it and relax the muscles in your body. However, in severe forms of a hernia of the spine, you should not use a horizontal bar. In such situations, it is advisable to stretch the spinal column in a horizontal position, for which a specially designed table is used. Thanks to the fixation of the ankle, the intervertebral discs are relaxed. However, you can also use a simple table. To do this, you need to rest your hands on it and, without lifting your legs from the ground, perform forward bends.

It should be noted that not all doctors agree on the need to stretch the spinal column in case of intervertebral hernia. Of course, the treatment of any disease should be prescribed on an individual basis. It cannot be said that stretching the spinal column is the most effective way to eliminate back pain. Also, you should not expect a quick result and you need to exercise regularly.

How to play sports with a hernia of the spine?

Exercises for a hernia of the spine
Exercises for a hernia of the spine

Aqua aerobics and swimming

Aqua aerobics
Aqua aerobics

Swimming is the most acceptable sport for many diseases, including herniated discs. It can be used as a prophylactic agent or for treatment when a diagnosis has already been made. According to the laws of physics, the mass of a person's body in water decreases, which entails a decrease in the load on the spinal column.

While in the water, the muscles of the whole body relax, and this has a beneficial effect on the blood flow in the tissues and helps to eliminate muscle spasms. By actively consuming oxygen during swimming or water aerobics, you can also strengthen the respiratory system. Do not forget about the positive impact of these sports on the ligamentous-articular apparatus, which is one of the elements of the muscular corset. The duration of water aerobics and swimming lessons must be determined individually, but most often this indicator is several hours throughout the week.


Pilates classes
Pilates classes

Pilates is a very effective set of exercises that are performed in various positions. In addition, there are movements in Pilates that require special equipment. All Pilates simulators have a special design that does not imply fixing the body in a certain position. This helps to strengthen all the muscles in the body.


Fitness classes
Fitness classes

Today, fitness is very popular and many of its movements resemble exercises that are included in the complex of physiotherapy exercises for a hernia of the spine. Fitness can be done if you have this disease, but you need to exclude complex exercises from your activities.

It should be noted that fitness for herniated discs should be divided into several stages. First, you have to develop and then consolidate your stabilization skills. Only after that you can start mastering and performing movements on simulators. Also, during fitness, fitball can be used, which is an excellent way to strengthen the muscles of the body.



Strength training strengthens the muscles while increasing their endurance and tone. However, with a hernia of the spine, the set of exercises must be limited. Recommended movements include twisting, hyperextension, and lying leg raises.

You can also pull up, but the bench press can be included in your training program only with the consent of the doctor. You can use almost any movement that works to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms. Avoid only those that involve a strong axial load.

How to exercise if you have a hernia of the spine, see here:
