Here are some practical tips for pumping a powerful neck. This muscle requires tremendous attention. Start your workout as soon as you receive the secret method. Often, athletes do not pay attention to their neck muscles at all. But this is very important. Agree that if an athlete has an athletic build, and his neck is weak, then this imbalance will immediately catch the eye. For team sports, it is also necessary to keep the neck muscles in good condition. After all, it is they who are responsible for the stable position of the head. Today you will learn some of the nuances of neck pumping from professional bodybuilders.
Also, sometimes you can hear the opinion of bodybuilders that a pumped neck can ruin the appearance of the whole figure. But this is completely wrong, as the neck determines the appearance of the upper body.
Among the famous athletes, John Grimek can be a role model. He filmed a lot and understood how important body symmetry is for obtaining high-quality photographs. If someone believes that the muscles of the neck do not take an active part in performing the exercises, then it is enough to try curling the arms for biceps or pressing dumbbells with an injured neck. These muscles are involved in various exercises, and it is imperative to pay attention to them.
Also, weak neck muscles can cause frequent injuries, as they are unable to protect the spine in various situations. Those people who experience problems in this area can attest that the painful sensations are very unpleasant and quite possibly even exceed the pain in the lumbar region. Watch your neck muscles at least to prevent injury.
Anatomical structure of the muscles of the cervical spine

All major muscles are located at the back and protect the spine from damage. These include the trapezius, belt muscles of the neck, the semispinal muscles of the head, the upper dentate muscles, and the muscles responsible for lifting the scapula upward.
For turning and tilting the head, there are four muscles located in the region of the first clavicular nerve. The most prominent are the sternocleidomastoid muscles, which form the letter V. They extend from the ears to the collarbone. There are other, smaller muscles. From the point of view of training, special attention should be paid to trapeziums, since they are the largest.
How to train your neck muscles?

As we just figured out, special attention should be paid to trapezoids. For this, a barbell lift can be used to the chest. This exercise should be included in the training program for all novice athletes. Thanks to him, you can harmoniously develop the muscles of the upper back. Given the fact that trapezoids are rarely used in everyday life, they are the weakest link. At the same time, they respond well to strength training, and within a short period of time, you will be able to see progress in their development.
There are many special exercises designed to develop the muscles of the neck and, in principle, you can start using them before the trapezium is stronger. However, you first need to create a good base in the form of a developed upper back. For those people whose age no longer allows them to lift the bar to the chest due to poor mobility of the shoulder joint or other reasons, jerks or pulling movements of the bar in the direction of the chin can be used. If you choose the second option, then you need to start with a low weight and special attention should be paid to technique.
All traction movements contribute to the strengthening of the trapezoid. However, do not forget about the muscles of the front and side of the neck. When designing a workout program for the neck, you should use normal logic and exercises that allow you to work out each of the four sections of the neck.
It must be said that the muscles of the cervical spine respond well to strength training. This is probably due to the fact that they rarely receive a serious load. It should also be noted that the neck can be pumped frequently. For example, wrestlers train this part of the body during each session, and some even twice in one workout.
There are special simulators, but most of them are not suitable for every figure, and they may not be in your gym. But there is a way out - dynamic tension. This technique can be used by anyone who is just starting to train their neck muscles.
This technique was created by the American Charles Etlas and can be used by athletes of any age and level of training. The essence of this technique is to resist the resistance of the muscles at the time of their contraction. You can adjust the resistance level for yourself and, if signs of fatigue appear, complete the approach. You do not risk getting injured, and if there is still a risk, then it is very insignificant.
You can train your neck while sitting, which for many will seem very attractive. Start with the muscles between the chin and upper chest. To do this, sit up straight and begin to press with your palms on your forehead, while trying to lower your chin. In this case, the resistance should be sufficient, but not so powerful that you cannot touch your chin to your chest.
After that, you should raise your head and relax, and then perform the next repetition of the exercise. All repetitions must be five seconds long. To begin with, it will be enough to perform one approach consisting of 12 repetitions.
By analogy, do the exercises for the remaining three muscular sections of the neck. You can come up with exercises yourself and a lot of work or special knowledge is not required.
Very soon you will see progress and you will understand how important it is to train all the muscles of the body, including the neck.
You can visually familiarize yourself with the technique of performing exercises for training the muscles of the neck in this video: