The best exercises for wide shoulders in bodybuilding

The best exercises for wide shoulders in bodybuilding
The best exercises for wide shoulders in bodybuilding

How to continue to progress in the development of the shoulder girdle? Many will say it is unrealistic! But how do you react after reading the secrets of the best bodybuilders. Every man dreams of a V-shape. It is she who distinguishes a man from a woman. The female figure is characterized by a wider pelvis in comparison with the shoulder girdle, which is associated with the need to bear children. In men, the opposite is true and the shoulders should be wider than the pelvis. The wider the shoulder girdle, the more athletic the figure looks. Thus, today we are going to talk about the best exercises for wide shoulders in bodybuilding.

What do you need to swing first to train your shoulders?

The athlete takes dumbbells in the gym
The athlete takes dumbbells in the gym

When it comes to a V-shaped figure, this means a wide back and shoulder girdle. Today we will look at the best exercises for wide shoulders in bodybuilding, and back training deserves a separate article.

The width of the shoulders is directly related to the development of the deltoid muscles, which move the humerus in different directions relative to the shoulder joint. Such a high mobility of the forelimbs is a distinguishing feature of humans from other mammals. Only primates are able to move their forelimbs almost as freely, since they move a lot in trees.

In this regard, it should be noted that the shoulder joint is a rather complex and delicate structure. The higher the mobility, the more complex the device is and, as a consequence, the likelihood of its breakdown increases.

Other joints in the human body are unable to perform such complex movements. In principle, they can be divided into two groups:

  • Pulls - hamstrings, back, biceps, etc.
  • Push - quads, chest, triceps, etc.

All these movements can be done in only one direction. With the shoulder joint, things are much more complicated, and it allows you to perform both types of movements. This is certainly good, but at the same time, the risk of injury increases. Thus, you need to pay great attention to the technique of performing exercises that involve the shoulder joint.

Such mobility of the shoulder is associated with the variety of attachment of muscle fibers to the skeleton. In total, three sections (bundles) of muscles are used to control the shoulder joint:

  • Front - removes the hand and performs pressing movements.
  • Medium - Performs both pressing and pulling movements.
  • Rear - designed for traction and hand adduction.

As you may have noticed, the most interesting of all three divisions is the middle one, as it performs both types of movements (pulling and pushing). This fact can greatly facilitate your task of training the shoulder girdle.

Best shoulder exercises

Schematic representation of the muscles involved in performing an army press
Schematic representation of the muscles involved in performing an army press

A large number of exercises have been created for training deltas, but they are all variations of rows and presses. The most effective are the standing chest press and the dumbbell or barbell broach.

The first movement works out the front deltas better, and the second - the back. These exercises are as safe as possible for the joints, as they are close to natural movements. This makes it possible to use large working weights. It is very common to see athletes doing overhead presses, confident that this will allow them to widen their shoulders. However, in practice this does not happen. First of all, this is due to the fact that this is a normal pressing movement performed in an unnatural form for the joint. If the standing chest press is quite popular among athletes today, then this cannot be said about broaches. The most popular are the swings affecting the middle and rear deltas. At the same time, these exercises are traction exercises and can provide an isolated load on the muscles.

In turn, broaches refer to multi-joint movements and, together with the shoulder joint, they involve the elbow. Performing various swings and ignoring the basic exercise (broach), most athletes cannot understand the reason for the weak progress of the muscles. The thing is that they give the wrong load.

Shoulder workout program

The athlete performs swings with dumbbells in an incline
The athlete performs swings with dumbbells in an incline

So, we have decided on the exercises that are ideal for solving the task set before us - the broach and press from the chest in a standing position. For maximum results, you should alternate the approaches of these movements. For example, first you do one set of broaches, then a set of presses, etc. Between sets, you need to take a thirty-second pause to rest. The result is a stretched superset of two exercises.

If you notice, the broach is the first in the execution queue, and this is no coincidence. The fact is that the back part of the deltas most often lags behind in its development from the front, which also works during all pressing movements. Also, visually, the rear deltas create a wider shoulder girdle in comparison with the front.

In the form in which this training program is presented, you can perform a fairly large number of sets, and you should not limit yourself to four for each movement. Soon enough, you will realize that these exercises are very effective and this will give an additional incentive to perform them.

You can also add variety to the above program. To do this, you should add, for example, dumbbell swings and a seated dumbbell press. These movements should be alternated in the same way as the main ones. Despite the fact that you can do only two exercises to increase the width of the shoulder girdle, or if you want four, you can very quickly evaluate the effectiveness of such a program.

It doesn't make sense to do a lot of exercises, getting poor results from them. It is much more practical to do a couple of exercises that are truly effective. This way you can save your time and nerves. It's no secret that in the absence of tangible progress in training, athletes begin to get nervous and this can cause mistakes.

Check out the techniques for doing shoulder workouts in this video:
