Method for training a wide back at home

Method for training a wide back at home
Method for training a wide back at home

Find out what exercises you need to do at home to maximize your latissimus dorsi and create a triangle of your body. Powerful back muscles are not only a beautiful figure. There are several reasons why you need to pay sufficient attention to training this muscle group:

  • The condition of the spinal column and the whole organism improves.
  • It is a large muscle group and requires a lot of energy to burn calories efficiently.
  • Lats training will allow you to give your figure the look of the English letter "V".

Even these reasons should be enough for you to learn how to build a wide back at home.

Features of training a wide back at home

Pull-ups on the bar
Pull-ups on the bar

Many people are interested in the question - how effective can home training be? If you approach its organization correctly, then you can pump all muscle groups well and make your body beautiful. At the same time, you should understand that if you need to achieve great results in the development of muscles, you should visit the gym.

This is due to the fact that at home there are problems with the progression of the load, without which muscle growth is impossible. If you have created your own gym, which contains various sports equipment, then in this case you will have more opportunities for training. However, you will not need to use large weights until a couple of years or even more. Of course, this will only be achieved if you exercise regularly.

Thus, in two to three years of home training, you can lay an excellent foundation for further growth. If you want to know how to build a wide back at home, then you must remember the principles of organizing such classes.

  • During the week, you need to train at least twice. There should be a pause of seven days between work on large muscle groups so that the muscles can fully recover.
  • All exercises should be performed in three sets with 12-15 repetitions each. Once you learn to feel the contraction of the targeting muscles during the session, you will need to move on to work on denial.
  • Before each workout, a high-quality warm-up for the muscles and joints must be performed.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to make changes to the training program in order to avoid adaptation of the body to a constant load.
  • At each lesson, it is necessary to perform one or two basic movements (always start with them) and a similar number of isolated ones (at the final stage of the lesson).

Anatomical structure of the muscles of the broad back

Back muscle anatomy
Back muscle anatomy

If you want to know how to pump up a wide back at home, then you should imagine the anatomical structure of the muscle group. Let's talk about this. The back muscles can be divided into three sections: upper, lower and middle. There is no need to burden you with various scientific terms, because to conduct effective classes, it is enough to have a general understanding of the targeting muscle group.

The upper section is represented by the trapezium and the rhomboid muscle. When performing pull-ups, the rhomboid muscle is actively involved in the work, and the trapeziums are actively involved during push-ups on the uneven bars. The middle section is represented by the largest muscles - the lats. With their sufficient development, your figure will acquire the appearance that we talked about at the beginning of the article.

In addition to the above muscles, there is one more - long. It runs along the spinal column and its main task is to protect it. Thus, by strengthening the long muscle, you provide reliable protection to the spinal column.

The Most Effective Back Muscle Exercises

Girl performing deadlift
Girl performing deadlift

Now we will tell you about the most effective movements that will answer the question of how to build a wide back at home.

  1. Pull-ups are classic. This is one of the best exercises for strengthening your lats. Hands on the horizontal bar should be located approximately at the level of the shoulder joints. Also, in order to accentuate the load on the back, your thumbs should not be wrapped around the bar. As a result, the biceps will be turned off from the work and the load will shift to the lats. An equally important aspect of performing the exercise as efficiently as possible is that. The slower you pull up, the more the muscles are loaded. Start with four sets of 10 reps each.
  2. Pull-ups, grip narrow. Pull-ups again, but this time you should use a narrow grip, in which the distance between the palms is no more than 15 centimeters. Also, don't forget about your thumbs, which shouldn't be wrapped around the bar. When your chin is above the horizontal bar, pause and start moving in the opposite direction. This exercise will actively engage your upper lats. Do four sets of 12 reps.
  3. Hyperextension. This movement is performed without weights and allows you to perfectly strengthen the long muscle of the back. In the halls for this exercise there are special simulators, and at home you can use a bed, you just need to securely fix your legs. Take a prone position with the body hanging over the edge of the bed. After that, start lowering your torso down, and then return to the starting position. The pace of the movements is slow. When your muscles are strong enough, you can use weights, say, dumbbells. Do three sets of 15 reps.
  4. Exit by force. You need to return to the horizontal bar again. We warn you right away that this movement is heavy, but very effective. From a technical point of view, the exit by force turns out to be simpler in practice than it seems from the outside. Hanging on the horizontal bar, you should slightly swing your legs forward. This will give you the momentum you need to complete the exercise. When starting to master the exercise, do not perform it at a slow pace, but literally fly onto the bar. Gradually, the speed should be reduced and the movement should be performed slowly, excluding the swing of the legs and working only with the muscles of the arms and back.
  5. Dumbbell Rows. If you have dumbbells, then you can pump your back even better. Dumbbell rows are an excellent exercise for this. Bending your knee joints slightly, tilt your body forward. Sports equipment is held in the hands, which are lowered down. Begin to perform dumbbell rows in the direction of the waist, and this should be done only with the help of the back muscles. Do four sets of 12 reps.
  6. One-handed dumbbell rows with emphasis. This movement is isolated and in many ways similar to the previous one. You need to place one leg on a support, for example, a bench. Also rest on it and the hand of the same name. The dumbbell is in the other hand from the side of the supporting leg. The body is tilted forward to parallel with the ground. From this starting position, begin to pull the sports equipment towards the waist.
  7. Deadlift. If you want to know how to build a wide back at home, then with a barbell, you can perform such a great movement as the deadlift. At the same time, the exercise can be done with dumbbells. Novice athletes can safely start with this sports equipment, since while there is an opportunity to progress the load, muscles also grow. Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. The knee joints need to be bent somewhat, and the back has a natural deflection in the lumbar region. The dumbbells are in the hands and down. From this starting position, begin to tilt your body forward until it is parallel with the ground. Sports equipment should move close to the body. When you reach the end position of the path, start moving in the opposite direction.

Here are all the basic movements you can do at home. After completing the main part of the training, you should do a stretch, which will positively affect muscle growth. When the previous load turns out to be easy for you, start increasing everything, while decreasing the number of repetitions. Also watch your diet, as about 50 percent of your success or failure depends on it. Knowing how to build a wide back at home can help you build a beautiful body, making it more attractive.

How to pump up your back at home, see here: