Find out what steroid courses are that will not bring side effects and at the same time help to develop impressive muscles. When used judiciously, AAS can be an excellent and safe tool for gaining muscle mass. There are certain rules that must be followed when using anabolic steroids. All steroids are taken in courses of varying duration.
This is due to the assumption that the body is addictive to the effects of the drug, as well as their potential danger. The body needs rest in any case, and it is difficult to disagree with the first statement. But the second is very doubtful. All professional bodybuilders use steroids and nothing happens to them. It's important to do it right.
How to use steroids correctly?

It is necessary to start using drugs with minimum dosages and gradually increase them. This will prolong the work of the AAS. For example, tablets start to work very quickly after use, and most often after a month and a half or two, their effectiveness decreases. When this happens, you can switch to another anabolic.
In the course of research, it was found that combined cycles will not only be more effective, but also prolong the work of all the drugs that are included in their composition compared to solo use. For example, when combining Deka, Oxandrolone and Sustanon, it will allow you to gain high-quality mass and accelerate the recovery of the body.
The effect of anabolic steroids on the body can last for several months if the composition of the cycle is changed every 60 days and drugs with powerful androgenic properties are combined with anabolic steroids. We will now present several effective AAS courses.
Examples of safe steroid courses

Course 1
This cycle includes the most popular steroid combinations. With the help of Methane and Deka, you can gain weight. Nolvadex and Proviron will accelerate the elimination of excess water from the body and reduce the concentration of estradiol. Gonadotropin is an effective drug for restoring the secretion of the natural male hormone.
Thanks to taking Primobolan and Winstrol at the final stage of the cycle, you will consolidate the results obtained. Also, in the ninth and tenth weeks, a break is planned to restore the secretion of endogenous testosterone and provide rest to the receptors, thereby increasing their sensitivity. You should also start using Clenbuterol at 17 weeks of your cycle. Its daily dose is 120 micrograms, and the duration of use is from a month to two. This drug has a powerful anti-catabolic effect and will preserve the gained mass.

Course 2
This AAS course is aimed at gaining muscle mass and improving physical performance. Nandrolone decanoate is a powerful anabolic and perfectly accelerates the synthesis of protein compounds. At the same time, the androgenic properties of the drug are quite small and for this reason it is used throughout the course. Methane is taken only for a month and a half, since the drug comes into operation almost immediately and promotes weight gain. In addition, six weeks after the start of its use, the efficiency of methane begins to decline. After Methandienone, Testosterone Enanthate is connected to work, giving a new impetus to mass gain. Such a scheme of using Methane and Enanthate will be more effective in comparison with their use throughout the entire cycle. Gonadotropin and Clenbuterol are designed to enhance the synthesis of natural testosterone and reduce the catabolic background at the final stage of the cycle. Most often, it is enough to apply Clenbuterol for a month to protect the muscles from breakdown and prepare a powerful foundation for the next AAS cycle.

Course 3
This cycle is used by a large number of athletes. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that all drugs are used for three weeks. This allows you to achieve maximum efficiency, since the receptors do not have time to get enough in such a short time. You also need to start taking Proviron and Nolvadex at 3, 4 and 12-14 weeks.

Also, you may have noticed that the intake of Anadrol and Methane is spread over different weeks. This is very important, since you cannot use more than one AAS tablet at the same time.
The above steroid cycles are safe. So, say, course 1 can be used even by novice athletes, but they will have to reduce the dosage. The dosages of all drugs are within the permissible range, and thanks to auxiliary drugs (Clenbuterol, Gonadotropin, Nolvadex and Proviron), you can eliminate possible side effects and restore the synthesis of the male hormone in the body.
For more information on how to compose a safe steroid course in bodybuilding, see here:
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