The chemical athlete is aware of the state of stopping the growth of muscle mass. Find out how to organize training and meals between AAS courses to minimize this process. Every athlete at some point is faced with a sharp slowdown in training progress. A roughly similar situation can arise when using AAS. At the same time, the athlete strictly adheres to the daily regimen, nutrition program and training process. But progress cannot be accelerated by increasing the working weight, not other ways. Moreover, every new kilogram on sports equipment can cause exercise difficulties. This phenomenon is called homeostasis or dynamic balance of the body.
Simply put, your body was working as usual and there was an increase in performance, but you decided to speed up this process with the help of doping. Of course, in the first time after the start of the use of steroids, there will be a significant increase in the effectiveness of training, but this cannot continue indefinitely.
The human body has a large number of defense mechanisms aimed at adapting to the environment. As a result, he gets used to anabolic steroids and progress stops. There is also a negative example of homeostasis associated with age-related changes in the body. For example, blood pressure rises with age, which can lead to the most dire consequences. This suggests that the body is no longer able to maintain the necessary balance. In this case, people have to use various medications to help the body restore homeostasis.
When, when using steroids, the effectiveness of your training drops sharply, then you need to take a break. At this point, the main task of the athlete is to cleanse the body of the products of used steroids. The body must forget that you have been taking AAS. Today we will talk about how to organize organized training and nutrition between courses of steroids.
Training regimen between courses of steroids

It must be said right away that the frequency and volume of training sessions should be halved by you. For example, if during the steroid cycle you could perform squats twice during the week, using 8 approaches each, then in the inter-course pause this should be done once, performing four approaches.
The intensity of the training should be reduced by 15 or even 25% compared to the training during the course. This intensity should be maintained during the entire break between courses or until the body fully recovers after using steroids. The degree of intensity reduction directly depends on the amount of steroids used during the cycle and the body's response to their use.
Say, after a combined cycle using Methane, Testosterone and Deca, the intensity of the training session should be reduced to a greater extent than after using the Turinabol solo cycle. You should also make certain changes to your training program, adding to it those exercises that you have not used before. This will avoid prolonged muscle stasis and reduce the likelihood of depression. First of all, this recommendation should be applied to exercises for the development of flexibility, stretching, endurance, and coordination. At the same time, it should be recognized that a rather small number of athletes strive to develop the above qualities in themselves in parallel with building muscle mass and strength indicators.
When an athlete has serious problems with the development of flexibility and coordination, then there is no better time than a pause between anabolic cycles for their development. Coordination and flexibility will develop quite quickly even in the absence of steroids. This is primarily due to the lack of training these qualities before.
To quickly improve your coordination and speed, you should use some of the exercises from the arsenal of weightlifters and crossfitters. During the pause period between AAS cycles, your strength training should end with stretching exercises, of which there are many.
Also, you should not get rid of excess weight during the period of rest from steroids. This is due to the fact that along with excess fat, some of the muscle mass can be lost, which no bodybuilder wants to allow. It is better to use cardio loads, the heart rate of which will be about 80% of the maximum. This will only benefit your body.
Try to achieve good results in this discipline. This can be an increase in the time or length of the running distance, or its speed. To develop aerobic endurance, you can use any machine designed for cardio training.
Organization of meals between AAC cycles

Do not try to reduce the total calorie content of your eating program. It will be quite enough to exclude from the daily diet from 300 to 500 calories. This is necessary, since after the completion of the anabolic cycle, the body's energy expenditure will be reduced and it will not need as many calories as it did during the use of steroids.
At the same time, special attention should be paid to reducing the amount of calories entering the body with fats and protein compounds. If everything is clear with fat, then many are interested in why protein compounds are on the list.
Everything is very simple here. With the use of AAS, a rapid increase in muscle mass occurs and the athlete needs to consume up to 4 grams of protein compounds daily. After the end of the cycle, such an amount cannot be fully absorbed by the body, since the process of creating new muscle tissue has stopped. During this period, it will be quite enough to consume about two grams of protein compounds throughout the day.
This is how training and nutrition should be organized between courses of steroids.
For more information on how to eat and exercise between AAS courses, see this video: