Short courses of steroids from Bill Roberts in bodybuilding

Short courses of steroids from Bill Roberts in bodybuilding
Short courses of steroids from Bill Roberts in bodybuilding

Since the beginning of the use of steroids in sports, disputes between fans of long and short cycles have not subsided. Do you want to understand and choose the optimal course duration? Cycle length is a very important issue when using steroids. This range is very wide. Someone conducts a mini-course, lasting only 14 days, while other athletes may “not get off the anabolic steroids for several years. Of course, "eternal" courses are used only by professionals and amateurs to conduct them, there is no point.

The most popular are AAC cycles of one and a half to three months. These are the so-called average courses, which we will not talk about today either. And the topic of this article will be short courses of steroids from Bill Roberts in bodybuilding.

Bill Roberts is a well-known personality in the field of bodybuilding in general and the use of anabolic steroids in particular. It was this person who came up with the idea of using the "2 + 4" cycle scheme. The first number here indicates the duration of the cycle itself, and the second is the time for the body to recover. For obvious reasons, they are measured in weeks.

He is the creator of more complex schemes, but it makes no sense for amateurs to fill their heads with an excess of information, which, by and large, is superfluous. We will focus on the "3 + 3" scheme.

Positive and negative aspects of short AAC cycles

Athlete performing deadlift
Athlete performing deadlift

The main advantage can be discovered immediately if you have minimal knowledge in the field of human physiology and the mechanisms of work of anabolic drugs. It was found that the secretion of the natural male hormone begins to be inhibited after about 15–21 days from the start of the cycle.

This suggests that if the synthesis of testosterone in the body continues after the completion of the course, then less time will be required for rest, and the rollback effect will also be minimized. It should also be remembered that the training program during the course and after its completion is significantly different. Rebuilding the training process after a short cycle is much easier than after completing a long one.

There are also disadvantages to short courses. First of all, the number of steroids that can be used is sharply limited, but we will talk about this in more detail below. Also, the disadvantages of short cycles include the cost of the entire course. Generally, long cycles are less expensive. The point is that you have to use more expensive steroids.

What is the advantage of the AAS "3 + 3" course scheme?

Injectable steroid
Injectable steroid

As we have already said, it is precisely three weeks or 21 days that is the period of time during which the synthesis of endogenous testosterone is not inhibited. Although more precisely, the secretion of luteinizing hormone decreases, on which the rate of testosterone production depends.

When using this scheme, it is necessary to choose only those AAS that do not suppress the production of luteinizing hormone, as well as to use drugs that support its secretion. At the same time, 21 days is often enough to make significant progress in gaining muscle mass. Now let's see why it is also better to set aside three weeks for rest. This is due to only two, but rather important points. In three weeks, testosterone secretion is restored, and you can also constantly progress in gaining mass. Agree that these arguments are very important and fair.

What steroids are used in the 3 + 3 cycle?

Testosterone Propionate Injection
Testosterone Propionate Injection

For obvious reasons, you have to use those injectable AAS, the half-life of which is short. These include:

  • Testosterone Propionate;
  • Masteron;
  • Trenbolone Acetate;
  • Nandrolone Phenylpropionate;
  • Winstrol (injectable version of Stanozolol).

In addition, a number of tableted steroids can be used, for example, Methane, Oxandrolone, Tableted Trenbolone Acetate, etc. But that's not all, and when certain conditions are created, you can use Sustanon.

The list turned out to be quite wide, but still it will have to be cut back a little. The first candidate for exclusion is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Since it has a powerful progestogenic effect on the body, it significantly reduces the rate of synthesis of the "native" male hormone and it is better to play it safe. Actually, we can stop at this, since all other steroids are quite suitable for our purposes and can be easily purchased.

We will now explain the reason for including Sustanon on our list. This is due to the fact that when using it, the rate of aromatization increases gradually, as when using male hormone propionate. In addition, Sustanon will be used only at the initial stage of the cycle, after which a short drug will come to replace it.

What auxiliary medications will be required during the course?

Clomid packaged
Clomid packaged

Let's say right away that we don't need Gonadotropin. As you know, it directly affects the testicles, bypassing the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This negatively affects the production of luteinizing hormone, and this is exactly what needs to be avoided.

But Clomid is very useful. It accelerates the synthesis of LH and simultaneously reduces the concentration of estradiol. You can use Insulin, but this is for experienced athletes, and even better for amateurs not to use it at all. Also, in the second half of the cycle, there may be a place for Clenbuterol. But it can be replaced by the classic - ECA (ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin).

How should the training program be organized during the course?

The athlete performs a bench press
The athlete performs a bench press

It is not worth “inventing a bicycle” here. During the first three weeks, the emphasis on training should be on gaining mass, combining strength training with pumping. The next 21 days are given for drying, and the exercises should be selected on an individual basis. You can try to use the most difficult, but at the same time, rare activities with slow repetitions. We emphasize that in this case the movements should be performed in an ultra-slow manner.

For the rules for constructing AAS courses and the optimal cycle time, see this video:

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