When using injectable steroids, certain regimens should be followed. Learn about intravenous insulin and amino acids in bodybuilding. Today we will talk about the method of intravenous administration of insulin and amino acids in bodybuilding, which is not new, but from this it does not become less effective. And if, at the same time, we recall the number of doping tests carried out at various competitions, then it may turn out to be the most acceptable. This is due to the fact that insulin is included in the composition of prohibited drugs for athletes. When using a combination of insulin with growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1, it will be practically impossible to detect the drug.
Injectable drugs used

All athletes seeking to achieve certain results now cannot do without the use of amino acids. Currently, the sports pharmacological industry produces a wide range of amino acid complexes. Most of these drugs are available in tablet form. But there are also injection ones. Moreover, such drugs can be purchased in pharmacies, and not in sports pharmacology stores. We will talk about them.

This is a rather important drug for athletes, as it helps to accelerate the transport of glucose into tissue cells. Insulin also enhances glycogen synthesis and inhibits the conversion of amino acid compounds into glucose. Most athletes understand the importance of these properties of insulin and their effect on muscle tissue hypertrophy.
Athletes use short-acting insulin, and the dosage of the drug should be from 8 to 15 IU.

Since insulin is used, it is impossible to do without glucose. Thanks to this, hypoglycemia will not develop, and besides this, the supply of glycogen is never large. It is best to use complexes of amino acid compounds in which glucose is already included. Otherwise, you will need to use glucose separately. It should be remembered that the number of drugs administered will also increase.
Intravenous insulin and amino acid method

Insulin should be given intravenously first. Then you can wait for the onset of hypoglycemia, and then enter glucose, and then amino acid compounds. You can also, without waiting, the onset of hypoglycemia, enter glucose simultaneously with amino acid compounds. It all depends on your desire.
Positive and negative aspects of the method

Surely, experienced athletes have already discovered all the advantages of the described method. First, amino acid compounds enter the bloodstream immediately, which allows them to start working almost instantly. Secondly, by injecting insulin intravenously, you can avoid the loss of this hormone. With this method of administration, the effect of using the drug will be more noticeable.
The disadvantages of the method are also quite obvious. Intravenous administration of any drug requires much more experience in comparison with intramuscular administration. You will need a lot of time to complete the entire procedure. For example, it takes about two hours to administer 500 milliliters of amino acid compounds. Also, in this case, one should lie still, which is quite difficult.
Remember the dangers of using insulin. Even when used intramuscularly, it can hardly be called safe. When used intravenously, insulin starts working instantly, which can cause some difficulties. For this reason, it is best to use insulin under the strict supervision of a healthcare professional.
Method effectiveness

Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of the described scheme and their results have been very good. After one procedure of consuming 500 milliliters of amino acid compounds, the muscle mass increased on average from 150 to 200 grams. However, it should be said that such efficiency was achieved due to the simultaneous use of androgenic drugs or growth hormone in conjunction with insulin-like growth factor-1. You can also use all of the listed auxiliary drugs at the same time.
However, even when using only amino acid compounds, insulin and glucose, muscle mass gain continued for a long time. It should also be said that amino acid compounds can be administered in larger quantities, based on the calculation of 2 grams of amino acid compounds for each kilogram of the athlete's weight. But, firstly, it will take more time, about two times, and also with the introduction of a large number of drugs, pain may appear. For this reason, the optimal dosage for one procedure should still be called 500 milliliters.
Thanks to the injected intravenous insulin, the body's recovery processes are significantly accelerated, which makes the use of this scheme as expedient as possible during the period of high-intensity heavy training.
If we talk about the possible frequency of such procedures, then they should not be carried out more often than three times throughout the week. Although even using the method once a week, the effect will be very good. The entire course should last from 4 to 5 weeks, after which a break of the same duration should be taken.
When growth homon is used simultaneously with amino acid compounds, it is advisable to inject it on days when insulin and amino acids are not taken. This is due to the fact that in a state of hypoglycemia in the body, the synthesis of growth hormone is accelerated. In addition, a large number of amino acid complexes include arginine, which can further enhance the body's production of growth hormone.
As you can see, the described scheme of intravenous administration of insulin and amino acids in bodybuilding is very effective and deserves attention.
For more details on intravenous injection of injectable drugs, see this video: