Amino acids in bodybuilding

Amino acids in bodybuilding
Amino acids in bodybuilding

Amino acids are known to play an important role in the body. Find out what they are, what features, benefits they have, and how they are used in bodybuilding. The body cannot use protein compounds as they are. First, they must be split into amino acids and peptides (amino acid groups). This is the only way amino acids in bodybuilding can be used by the body to create new muscle fibers. In addition, it should be noted that amino acid compounds are also used for the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and the restoration of the body.

What are Nonessential and Essential Amino Acids?

Table of nonessential and essential amino acids
Table of nonessential and essential amino acids

Most of the amino acid compounds can be synthesized by the body using nitrogen-free metabolites and assimilated nitrogen for these purposes. Such amino acids are called nonessential. Among this group of amino acid compounds, it should be noted: serine, alanine, ornithine, glutamic acid, cystine, etc.

It should also be noted that arginine and histidine are partially non-essential. Their main difference from non-replaceable ones is that they can be used instead of phenylalanine and methionine.

There is also a second group of amino acid compounds called essential amino acids. These include threonine, valine, methionine, tryptophan, lysine, etc. These substances are not produced in the body and enter the body only with food.

The process of protein production in the body does not stop as long as it contains all amino acid compounds in sufficient quantities. When there is a deficiency of at least one of the amino acids, protein synthesis stops, which can lead to metabolic disorders, loss of muscle mass and growth arrest. The amino acid compounds found in sports supplements have already been artificially degraded and are in free form. It should be noted, however, that consuming them is not the best way to get protein, although many experts say otherwise. However, amino acids can be very beneficial in bodybuilding.

For example, tyrosine and tryptophan act on neurotransmitters, while arginine and glutamine act to accelerate the production of growth hormone. Today, the sports pharmaceutical industry produces three groups of supplements containing amino acids:

  • Separate amino acids;
  • BCAA;
  • Complex amino acid compounds.

BCAA amino acids

Probably many athletes have heard of the branched chain amino acids, which are called BCAAs. It is also necessary to know that in order to create new muscle fibers, these substances play the most important role, preventing the breakdown of muscle proteins, and therefore muscle tissue. The BCAA group includes leucine, valine and isoleucine. These are irreplaceable substances that are not produced by the body.

The body is able to use BCAAs as an energy source, but such use of these amino acid compounds is not rational. Thus, BCAAs must be combined with simple carbohydrates when taken.

Complex amino acid compounds

Already from the name it can be understood that this is a complex of all amino acids necessary for the body. They contain not only essential amino acids, but also nonessential in different quantities.

Selected amino acid compounds

This type of sports supplement is less common in comparison with the previous two, as it has a narrowly targeted use.

It must be said that all amino acids have unique properties, which will be discussed below.

Essential amino acids

Essential amino acid formulas
Essential amino acid formulas


This substance is found in meat, eggs, dairy products, fish and poultry. Thanks to leucine, muscle protein is synthesized and the immune system is strengthened.


It is included in all products containing protein compounds. The body uses it for the same purposes as leucine.


It is one of the most important factors for tissue growth and synthesis. Contained in animal products. In addition to participating in the building of muscle tissue, valine increases muscle coordination, reduces the body's sensitivity to pain, cold, and heat.


The main purpose of histidine is to increase the rate of tissue synthesis and restore them. This substance is part of hemoglobin and is used to treat anemias, ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis and allergies.


Most of the lysine is found in fish and cheese. This amino acid compound is one of the components of the synthesis of carnitine, and also improves the absorption of calcium by the body.


Mainly found in cereals, grains and nuts. Plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and protein compounds. In addition, methionine is a supplier of sulphur to the body. This substance helps to improve the condition of the skin, and also strengthens the hair follicles.


One of the main components for the production of purines that promote the utilization of protein breakdown products. Also, this amino acid compound contributes to the fight against fat deposits in the liver and improves the performance of the gastrointestinal tract.


It is one of the main components for the production of niacin and serotonin, which helps to improve sleep, increase mood, increase pain threshold, etc.

Semi-essential amino acid compounds

Synthetic Tyrosine in a jar
Synthetic Tyrosine in a jar


The main sources of tyrosine are milk, fish and meat. Tyrosine is used by the brain to synthesize norepinephrine, which increases mental status. Research is currently underway on the effects of this amino acid on fatigue. The results so far are very promising.


With a high content of cystine, the body uses this substance in the synthesis of proteins, replacing it with methionine. Most cystine is found in fish, wheat, soy, meat and oats.

Replaceable amino acid compounds

Synthetic arginine in a jar
Synthetic arginine in a jar


It helps to inhibit the development of tumors, helps cleanse the liver, increases the efficiency of the immune system and accelerates the synthesis of growth hormone. This amino acid compound is used in the production of growth hormone and is involved in fat burning processes.


Promotes the elimination of ammonia from the body, which is a danger to the central nervous system. Also, recent research on the amino acid has proven its ability to reduce fatigue. Admittedly, this is a fairly important feature for amino acids in bodybuilding.


Contributes to the normalization of sugar levels, increases the efficiency of the brain. It should be noted that glutamine is often compared with glutamic acid, which is completely wrong. These substances are very different in their effect on the body.

For more information on what amino acids are and how to take them, see this video: