Insulin is a powerful stimulant of muscle growth. How to use it correctly so that muscle cells start protein synthesis? Find out now! Today we are going to talk about how to increase insulin sensitivity in bodybuilding. This is important because insulin is an anabolic hormone. This can be done through the use of nutrients and an appropriate nutritional program. First, we need to understand the definition of insulin sensitivity.
The cells in the human body only allow certain substances to pass through. Since we are talking about bodybuilding, the substance must use insulin to enter the cell. Thus, when insulin receptors are highly sensitive, you can be sure that muscle tissue cells will receive all the substances necessary for their vital activity. Now let's return directly to the main topic of the article: how to increase insulin sensitivity in bodybuilding?
Chromium increases insulin sensitivity

In recent years, chrome has not become as popular as it was a few years ago. However, this fact does not mean at all that the effectiveness of this microelement is insufficient. By using dietary supplements containing chromium, the body will increase the sensitivity not only to insulin, but also to glucose. For this reason, chromium also has a second name - the glucose tolerance factor (GTF).
The average dosage of chromium is between 200 and 600 micrograms. Any mineral with an overdose or deficiency can lead to disruptions in the body. If you have not used chromium before, then most likely there is a lack of it in your body. To restore the level of the mineral in the body, you can even take a slightly higher dosage for a couple of weeks, and then go to the recommended one.
It is also advisable to take chromium, adhering to a cyclic scheme, or more simply, sometimes pause in taking supplements. The most effective dietary supplement containing this mineral is chromium picolinate.
Effect of vanadium on insulin sensitivity

This mineral is also actively involved in optimizing the body's sensitivity to glucose and insulin. Supplements with this mineral were very popular in the early nineties. Athletes who have already taken vanadium sulfate report a significant increase in the effectiveness of their training. This is due to an increase in muscle glycogen stores.
It should be noted that the maximum effect from the use of additives containing vanadium is noted with a strong deficiency of this mineral. If your level is normal, then you may not notice the effect of the supplements. The optimal dosage of vanadium is 60 to 100 micrograms per day.
Cinnamon and insulin sensitivity

It may seem strange to some that the list of drugs for increasing insulin sensitivity includes a crust. However, this is a very effective tool. You can even find special additives on the market that contain this product, for example, CGM1029. But it doesn't make much sense to use them. It is enough to add cinnamon to various dishes.
Cinnamon is not a mineral and there is no reason to cycle. Likewise, there are no dosages. If you like this product, then you can safely use it.
Alpha Lipoic Acid to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

This substance is very effective and is often confused by athletes with alpha-linoleic acid, which belongs to the group of omega-3 fats. It should be noted that alpha lipoic acid is not only able to increase the body's insulin sensitivity, but is also a powerful antioxidant.
At the same time, there is one caveat when using this substance. In nature, there are two isomers ALA-r and I-ALA. For bodybuilders, only the first is of value, since it has a higher indicator of biological activity. In terms of dosages, the situation is similar to cinnamon and you can take large amounts of alpha lipoic acid. However, it is sometimes worth taking a break between ALK courses.
Cyanide-3-glucoside increases insulin sensitivity

Cyanide-3-glucose has proven to be a very effective supplement. This fact has been confirmed in the course of numerous studies. By its structure, yzionide-3-glucoside is a cyanide that binds glucose.
Speaking about the properties of a substance, one should start with its anticarcinogenic effect. Also, ycinide-3-glucoside prevents the development of malignant tumors, and is also a strong antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Cycling carbohydrate intake and insulin sensitivity

Many people underestimate the importance of cycling carbohydrate intake in increasing the body's insulin sensitivity. It has been proven for a long time that insulin sensitivity decreases when using a diet program containing a large amount of carbohydrates.
If you want your muscle mass to constantly increase, then you will have to dose the amount of carbohydrates in your diet using a cyclized scheme of intake of this nutrient. It should also be said that cycled nutrition programs in general have a very positive effect on weight gain. However, if you continue to use your previous diet, in which there is no cycling, then you will have to restrict yourself in carbohydrates when eating. The only exception is the post-workout time, since during this period the body needs to restore glycogen stores and all incoming carbohydrates will be used for this purpose.
And in conclusion of the article, I would like to give some advice regarding the training program. It is reliably known that during high-intensity exercise, a greater amount of glycogen is stored in the muscles.
It is also directly related to insulin sensitivity. Thus, it can be recommended to increase the volume of your training.
For more information on ways to increase insulin sensitivity, see here:
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