This vegetable stew with chicken is an easy yet satisfying meal for the whole family. It is low in calories, so dinner will in no way be deposited on the sides. If you are looking for carbohydrate-free recipes, this is the place for you.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Vegetable stew with chicken, the recipe is very simple, but the dish turns out to be very tasty. All products are perfectly combined and complement each other. If you follow a healthy lifestyle, then this food is intended just for you. If you do not like chicken, then it can be successfully replaced with any other meat products, such as pork, beef, veal, etc. But a lighter, dietary and low-calorie dish is obtained with chicken, and from fillet.
Vegetables in this recipe are fresh seasonal, summer: eggplants, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes. However, in the winter season, they can be successfully used frozen. But then it is worth taking care of their preparation for future use in the summer. The cooking time is also very short, about 30 minutes. In addition, according to this recipe, you can cook food in a multicooker. All of the ingredients below are for 4 servings. Therefore, if you need to increase the amount of products, then adjust it yourself, depending on the number of eaters. This stew goes well with black bread or boiled porridge, rice or spaghetti.
- Calorie content per 100 g - 62 kcal.
- Servings - 4
- Cooking time - 40 minutes

- Chicken or any of its parts - about 500-600 g
- Zucchini - 1 pc.
- Eggplant - 1 pc.
- Carrots - 1 pc.
- Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
- Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
- Garlic - 3 cloves
- Salt - 2/3 tsp or to taste
- Ground black pepper - pinch or to taste
- Refined vegetable oil - for frying
- Any spices and spices to taste
Cooking a Carbohydrate Vegetable Chicken Stew

1. Chicken or parts of it (in this recipe I use thighs with drumsticks), wash and pat dry with a paper towel. Use a sharp knife or kitchen hatchet to split large pieces into smaller pieces. If feathers are present on the carcass, pluck them.

2. Wash all vegetables and peel carrots. Then cut them into long bars, 3-4 cm long, 1 cm thick. If mature zucchini and eggplants are used, then first remove the pulp with coarse seeds from them. Also, old eggplants will need to be soaked in water so that all the bitterness comes out.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat. Add chicken and fry over high heat until golden brown.

4. In an arc pan, fry all vegetables one by one. Prepare the courgettes first.

5. Place them in a bowl and brown the eggplant. They absorb a lot of oil, which will make the dish more greasy. To prevent this from happening, it is better to fry them in a cast iron pan or with a non-stick coating.

6. Also sauté bell peppers and carrots.

7. Put all the food in a large skillet: chicken, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, bell peppers. Send slices of fresh tomatoes, finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper and any spices there.

8. Heat food, bringing them to a boil. Then reduce the temperature, cover and simmer for about half an hour.
See also the video recipe on how to make a dietary vegetable stew with chicken.