How to care for your breasts and décolleté

How to care for your breasts and décolleté
How to care for your breasts and décolleté

The skin of the breast is very thin and delicate, therefore it needs careful care. You will learn how to provide her with full-fledged care at home by reading the article. The décolleté and chest area, like any part of the female body, needs constant and thorough care. The main thing is that it is systematic. It is worth remembering that the skin in the décolleté area is very delicate and tends to dry out. To maintain its beauty, youth and elasticity, you need to choose the right care cosmetics. Of course, you can constantly visit beauty salons, but this pleasure can be very expensive. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the various masks and wraps that you can do at home.

To carry out home care, you can use a variety of professional products that are commercially available. The main thing is that they contain trace elements, sea elastin or collagen, extracts from plants - thanks to them, the skin receives proper nutrition.

For age-related care, it is recommended to use creams and oils that contain valuable essential oils and vitamins E, A, which have a powerful anti-aging effect. The most popular and most effective are preparations with an increased concentration of nutrients. Most often, these products are sold in ampoules. They are used in special cycles.

Frequent problems of the neckline

How to care for your breasts and décolleté
How to care for your breasts and décolleté

It is this area that is prone to premature aging. Cosmetologists say that, taking into account the condition of the skin of the décolleté area, it is possible to determine as accurately as possible how old a woman is. Therefore, it will be useful for every girl and woman to get acquainted with the most common problems associated with the condition of the décolleté and chest skin:

  • The skin of the breast is tender and very thin. At the same time, there are practically no sebaceous glands in it, and in the case of improper care or too aggressive exposure, it can become hypersensitive. There is a tendency to the formation of skin irritations and rashes. As a result, a woman is faced with the problem of pimples and acne.
  • Photoallergy may appear. This phenomenon develops under the condition of a negative influence from ultraviolet rays - a small rash appears on the surface of the skin, which looks like hives. Perhaps, after a couple of days, it will disappear on its own, but it may entail the appearance of undesirable consequences.
  • Under the condition of too frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, visiting a solarium, under the negative influence of aggressive sunlight, the skin begins to deplete even more. As a result, a network of fine wrinkles soon becomes visible. This problem is most pronounced in the morning, especially if a woman likes to sleep on her stomach. Many girls face this kind of trouble even at a young age.
  • Most women take very careful care of their facial skin, while completely forgetting about the need to moisturize the décolleté and breasts.
  • According to statistics, it can be seen that this area most often suffers from sunburn, as a result of which ugly age spots can form very early. That is why you need to regularly, before each going out, use strong sunscreens.

How to prolong the youthfulness of the skin


In order not to look for methods of rejuvenating the décolleté area, you need to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to cleanse the skin surface well, due to which all the vitamins and minerals that make up the masks will be better absorbed. Also, the skin will rest and be able to fully recover overnight.
  • With special attention it is necessary to select care products that must fully correspond to the type and age of the skin.
  • The benefits are brought by the regular use of special caring masks, for the preparation of which only natural ingredients will be used. It is advisable to add vegetables and fresh fruits. Perfectly nourishes, whitens and moisturizes fresh berry juices.
  • It is necessary to regularly use creams designed for the décolleté and neck area, which have a rejuvenating effect.
  • As soon as the mask or cream is applied, you need to do a light pinch massage. As a result, the blood circulation process is significantly improved, which, in turn, improves the absorption of nutrients.
  • The skin should be regularly wiped with fresh herbal decoctions, as well as cosmetic ice, for which infusions and juices of berries were used.
  • After overcoming the 35-year milestone, it is useful to do special contrasting compresses or oil wraps every other day.
  • Benefits are the performance of gymnastic exercises aimed at preventing the development of premature wrinkles.

Regular cleansing

How to care for your breasts and décolleté
How to care for your breasts and décolleté

Do not forget that the décolleté and chest area needs proper cleansing. For this, it is useful to use slightly cool water, as well as a neutral agent (for example, a gel).

When taking a bath, it is useful to use a soft sponge or a special mitten, and use it to work out the décolleté area with soft massage movements. The total duration of the procedure should not be more than 4 minutes.

It is necessary to regularly peel, but the use of coarse exfoliants is strictly prohibited. It is advisable to consult with an experienced cosmetologist - he will help you choose a gentle remedy that will not only act gently, but also provide maximum benefit.

For peeling, you can use fine sea salt, which gently cleanses the skin surface, stimulates blood microcirculation. Apply salt with gentle massage movements and then rinse with lukewarm water. Thanks to this procedure, the skin becomes soft and tender.

Cleansing masks for chest and décolleté

These masks perform gentle cleansing, removing all dead cells and excess sebum. At the same time, they act very gently and do not provoke redness or irritation:

  • The coffee mask gives almost instant results. Finely ground coffee is mixed with a pre-ground apple, and the resulting mixture is applied directly to the skin of the chest and neck. From above you need to cover with a towel and lie down for 25 minutes, then the mass is washed off with lukewarm water. Literally after the first procedure, the skin regains freshness, while the oily sheen is completely removed. Then you need to use a nourishing cream, only light texture.
  • A mask with oatmeal, which is crushed in a coffee grinder and mixed with warm milk. As soon as the consistency of thick enough sour cream is obtained, you need to add a little melted butter (chilled!). The resulting mass is applied to the skin and left for about 15 minutes, then washed off with some water at room temperature. At the end of the procedure, a cream is applied, which has a nourishing or moisturizing effect.
  • There is not always free time for such caring procedures, so you can use a citrus lotion, which is very easy to make on your own. Strong green tea is brewed, cooled, mixed with lemon, orange, grapefruit or lime juice (2-3 tbsp. L.). This mixture is used to wipe the décolleté skin.

Masks for aging breast skin


To avoid premature aging of the skin of the décolleté, chest and neck area, it is necessary to take care of regular hydration. This is especially important for girls who often like to sunbathe. At home, you can make several good masks that can be much better than store products:

  • A large sweet pepper is taken, crushed on a fine grater and mixed with ground oat flakes (1 tbsp), low-fat milk (1 tsp), honey (1 tsp). The finished mask is applied to the skin. After 15 minutes it is necessary to wash off the mass with warm water.
  • Potatoes are boiled, kneaded, mixed with sour cream (can be replaced with cream) and while the mass has not had time to cool, it is applied to the décolleté, chest and neck. After 20-25 minutes you need to wash everything off with warm water. This mask gives a moisturizing effect, restores youth and a feeling of freshness to the skin, which begins to fade.
  • To normalize the water balance, it is useful to use fresh fruits - apricots, peaches, bananas. The pulp of the fruit is simply mixed with warm milk, and the finished gruel is applied to the skin, and after 20 minutes it is washed off. Residues can be removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water beforehand.
  • A simple rubdown of the décolleté, chest and neck skin with cosmetic ice is also beneficial. For its preparation, it is recommended to use decoctions obtained from medicinal herbs. In order for the above procedures to have the maximum benefit, it is recommended to comprehensively perform special exercises designed to maintain the beauty and youth of the breast.

Breast and décolleté home care videos:

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