How to lighten hair with cinnamon at home?

How to lighten hair with cinnamon at home?
How to lighten hair with cinnamon at home?

Learn how to use cinnamon to lighten hair multiple tones. Many are familiar with such a fragrant spice as cinnamon, but it is not only an ideal addition to baked goods, but also a valuable cosmetic. Regularly using cinnamon for hair care, you can not only saturate them with useful substances and conduct an effective health-improving course, but also lighten them in several tones, restoring natural volume and giving the curls a unique aroma.

Useful properties of cinnamon for hair

Ground cinnamon and sticks
Ground cinnamon and sticks

Cinnamon has a lot of useful qualities (for example, it has an antiseptic, tonic and stimulating effect), therefore it is widely used in folk medicine during the treatment of various diseases, while helping to improve the digestion process.

This spice also has a detoxifying effect, therefore it actively works in medicinal preparations, as it helps to enhance the effect of various useful substances on the body.

Cinnamon has a pleasant and slightly sweet aroma, quickly improves mood, has a stimulating and tonic effect on the body's immune system.

Today, cinnamon is widely used in home cosmetology, therefore it is often added to the composition of refreshing, toning and rejuvenating products for body, face and hair care.

Tips for lightening hair with cinnamon

Hair before and after lightening
Hair before and after lightening

To prepare a lightening composition at home, it is recommended to use a mixture of cinnamon with lemon or honey. These components that make up cosmetic masks begin to work as a natural reagent of hydrogen peroxide, while cinnamon itself will reveal their effect.

Thanks to the use of this mixture, you can get rid of the effect after staining with henna or chemical dyes. It is worth remembering that cinnamon itself can greatly dry the hair, so it is recommended to combine it with other ingredients that saturate the curls with useful substances, moisturizing and providing a healing effect.

When using cinnamon hair masks, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the mask is used to care for dry hair, it is useful to add olive oil (1 tablespoon) or egg yolk to its composition. Regular use of this cosmetic product gives volume to fine hair and restores splendor.
  2. After the mask is completely ready (the consistency should be similar to thick sour cream), it should be applied to clean and dry hair.
  3. If you do not need to pre-wash your hair, you can slightly moisturize it using a spray bottle.
  4. To enhance the brightening effect, it is recommended to rinse the strands with pre-prepared chamomile infusion after such a mask.
  5. During the hair lightening procedure, you may experience a slight burning sensation. That is why the cinnamon mask is not recommended to be applied to the scalp - the root area should remain untreated.
  6. After applying the brightening composition, after a while, a slight tingling sensation may appear, if a strong burning sensation begins to bother, you must urgently wash your hair.
  7. To obtain a uniform effect, after applying the mask, you need to comb your hair, dividing it into strands.
  8. It is worth considering the fact that there will not be an immediate effect, therefore, for a stable result, you will need to carry out several hair lightening procedures for 2-3 weeks.
  9. To prevent the appearance of an allergic reaction, you must first conduct a sensitivity test - a small amount of the mixture is applied to the area near the ear or to the elbow, if after 30 minutes there is no discomfort or rash, you can use a mask.
  10. After the specified time of action of the mask, the brightening composition is washed off with a large amount of warm water with shampoo. Cinnamon particles may remain in your hair, and to completely remove them, you should use a conditioner or balm.

Taking into account the original hair color, using cinnamon masks to lighten, you can get the following results:

  • red-haired girls will have a slight brown or reddish tint;
  • brunettes and brown-haired women will get a golden brown or reddish color;
  • blonde hair becomes reddish or reddish.

You need to be very careful when choosing cinnamon for the preparation of the brightening composition. In some cases, instead of cinnamon, its analogue, cassia, is sold (the main difference is a darker color with a red tint, it has a tart, bitter aftertaste). Cassia is poorly crushed, while it contains a large amount of a substance such as coumarin. In the event that it is taken regularly, the body has a toxic effect.

If the cinnamon is to be ground with a coffee grinder, the sticks must first be broken into smaller pieces.

Cinnamon mask recipes for lightening hair

Cinnamon, honey, lemon and aloe
Cinnamon, honey, lemon and aloe

Cinnamon, which is part of the brightening masks, provides the saturation of the hair with valuable substances, helping to strengthen and restore volume. In the event that the seasoning is combined with other ingredients, you can lighten your hair by 1-2 tones yourself at home.

To lighten hair, it is recommended to combine cinnamon with honey, you can also add lemon with honey. Thanks to the addition of honey to the mask, the hair is perfectly moisturized and soft lightening, while the lemon refreshes the strands and creates a slight effect of burnt curls in the sun.

Before using such a brightening composition, it must be remembered that the action will be strictly individual - as a rule, the effect is manifested on hair that has not previously been dyed with chemicals. It is best to use cinnamon masks to lightly lighten light blond and light brown hair. To obtain the desired effect, you need to complete a full course.

Cinnamon with honey

Cinnamon and honey
Cinnamon and honey

To carry out hair lightening at home, you will need to take the following components:

  • ground cinnamon - it is advisable to make it yourself, chopping spice sticks in a coffee grinder;
  • liquid natural honey - of course, you can use the product that has slightly thickened, but first it must be melted in a water bath, however, it cannot be brought to a boil;
  • any conditioner or hair balm - it is recommended to stop choosing a product that does not contain silicone.

To make a bleaching mixture, you must use a non-metallic container and spoon. Do not use metal dishes, as oxidation of the dye composition may occur, which will negatively affect the condition of the hair and the strands may acquire an ugly greenish tint.

Honey and cinnamon powder are mixed (the components are taken in equal amounts and may vary depending on the length and thickness of the hair). For example, to process strands up to shoulder length, you need to take about 3-4 tbsp. l. cinnamon and honey.

All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Then a conditioner or balm is introduced and everything is mixed well again. The result should be a mask similar in consistency to thick sour cream.

Before applying the composition, the hair is thoroughly combed, after which the mask is evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands. However, it is worth remembering that the mixture should not be applied to the root zone and scalp, so as not to provoke irritation. The hair should be completely saturated with the mask.

After the mask is applied to the hair, you need to wrap your head with cling film on top or put on a rubber shower cap and a terry towel for insulation.

After 40–45 minutes, the towel and film are removed, but the mask remains on the hair for another 2–3 hours. After the specified time, the remnants of the composition are washed off with warm water and shampoo. It is recommended to use a conditioner or chamomile tea to rinse the strands.

Cinnamon with lemon

Cinnamon and lemon
Cinnamon and lemon

A mixture of cinnamon and lemon is recommended for lightening blonde hair. Lemon gives the strands a beautiful light shade. To prepare a natural bleaching mixture in a non-metallic container, fresh juice of one lemon is mixed with 3-4 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon.

All components are well mixed, after which about 5 tbsp is introduced. l. any hair balm. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands. The mask is left for several hours, but first, the hair must be wrapped in a layer of cling film and insulated with a towel.

After 4–5 hours, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo. After this procedure, it is helpful to rinse your hair with conditioner.

Girls who have experienced the effects of cinnamon brightening masks have different results. The most striking effect will be noticeable on light blond and blond hair.

Such compositions can also be used by brunettes, because masks with cinnamon contribute not only to lightening the hair, but also significantly improve the structure of the strands. The effect of light toning is created with obtaining lighter brown shades with a soft golden overflow.

Before using any natural brightening product, remember that after the first treatment, the desired result will not be obtained. But at the same time, such formulations have a useful and stable effect in the case of systematic use.

How to lighten hair two tones with cinnamon, see here:
