How to make a horseradish face mask

How to make a horseradish face mask
How to make a horseradish face mask

What is the use of horseradish masks, what contraindications to their use may be, the composition of the main component, recipes for different skin types, rules for the use of cosmetics. Horseradish face mask is a simple and effective skin care product. Horseradish has antiseptic properties, cleanses the epidermis, helps to renew cells. For the preparation of such remedies at home, both the root of the plant and its leaves are used.

Useful properties of horseradish face masks

Horseradish for making a mask
Horseradish for making a mask

Horseradish is not only a hot spice widely used in cooking, but also an effective remedy that can help solve many cosmetic problems. Masks based on horseradish root and leaves have a positive effect on problem skin prone to frequent acne, and also reduce pigmentation. Among the positive properties of horseradish-based cosmetics are the following:

  • Antiseptic … Horseradish contains substances that can destroy disease-causing bacteria, including those that cause acne. Therefore, horseradish masks are especially useful for people who often have acne, comedones, acne, inflammation and blackheads.
  • Drying … This quality is useful if your skin is oily, acne-prone. Horseradish effectively cleans it from acne, and then gently dries it, preventing the sebum from clogging the pores again.
  • Whitening … Horseradish helps to get rid of completely or significantly reduce pigmentation on the skin of the face. For this, masks based on this plant must be done regularly.
  • Tonic … Horseradish masks help to tighten saggy skin, make it firmer and more elastic. It is beneficial for tired dermis and for reducing the first signs of aging.
  • Rejuvenating … Horseradish-based masks are also recommended to reduce the number of wrinkles on the face. The plant acts on the deeper layers of the skin, improving blood circulation. The flow of blood brings a lot of nutrients and oxygen, which helps to restore the lost oval of the face, to make it smoother.

Contraindications to the use of horseradish masks

Sensitive facial skin
Sensitive facial skin

Despite its usefulness, horseradish can also negatively affect the skin if it is used incorrectly or certain contraindications are not taken into account. The latter include:

  1. Individual plant intolerance … If you are allergic to horseradish or the substances that make up it, then using it to prepare masks is strictly prohibited.
  2. Hypersensitivity of the skin … For hypersensitive skin, it is not recommended to apply preparations containing horseradish on it. The plant contains irritants such as mustard oil. Their impact on the epidermis can provoke a negative reaction in the form of redness, peeling.
  3. Close location of capillaries to the skin surface … Horseradish increases blood circulation, which will lead to severe facial flushing and irritation.
  4. Various unhealed facial injuries … Open lesions cannot be treated with horseradish masks, as this will cause burning and severe irritation.

You should not use pure horseradish root if your skin is prone to dryness. It is recommended to mix it with other ingredients that have a moisturizing effect.

Composition and components of horseradish face masks

Horseradish root for masks
Horseradish root for masks

Horseradish, like ginseng, is called the "root of beauty." It contains a huge amount of useful substances that are invaluable in home cosmetology. Consider all the components of the product that have a positive effect on the skin:

  • Vitamins of group B, C and PP … Vitamin C is a powerful antiseptic and antioxidant. It also stops the production of melanin, which is responsible for the appearance of freckles and pigmentation. It rejuvenates the skin and helps restore firmness. Horseradish contains this vitamin even more than lemon. Vitamins B5 and B6 also effectively fight wrinkles, tighten the skin and make it more elastic. Vitamin PP protects the epidermis from the negative external effects of frost, sunlight, strong wind, and so on.
  • Phytoncides … They stimulate the protective functions of the skin, create an active barrier for the growth of bacteria on its surface.
  • Mustard oil … It has a healing, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating effect on the skin. Helps eliminate acne, blackheads, herpes.
  • Minerals potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, sodium, phosphorus … Deeply moisturize the skin, help the cells of the epidermis retain water molecules. Nourish the face.

Such a rich composition allows horseradish to be used for any type of skin care. Additional ingredients can be added to the masks, which solve a number of problems - excessive dryness, tightness, flabbiness, etc. Most often, components such as sour cream, eggs, lemon, oil, vinegar and others are introduced into the composition of horseradish face masks for wrinkles. The selection of ingredients is based on skin type.

Horseradish face mask recipes

Horseradish masks can have completely different effects on the skin, depending on the additional components used. Let's take a look at various homemade cosmetics recipes.

Rejuvenating horseradish face masks


These horseradish-based products help restore the water-fat balance of the skin, tighten it, make it more elastic and elastic. Such masks will be useful for fading, aging and tired skin.

Recipes for anti-aging masks:

  1. Horseradish, yolk and cream mask … To prepare this product, we need components in equal proportions. Usually, one tablespoon of the ingredients is sufficient. They are mixed thoroughly and the mask is ready to use.
  2. Horseradish and sour milk mask … Such a preparation will restore a healthy glow and refresh the face. For cooking, take two tablespoons of chopped horseradish and fill them with the same amount of sour milk. Add a couple of tablespoons of potato starch to the mixture. If the composition is liquid, you can still add starch.
  3. Horseradish and oatmeal mask … Another excellent horseradish-based anti-aging product that works for all skin types. For preparation, mix one tablespoon of horseradish with the same amount of cream and oatmeal. If your skin is oily, you can add egg white to the mixture. If the epidermis is dry, inject the yolk.
  4. Horseradish and mayonnaise mask … This product is suitable for aging dry, flaky skin. Take half a teaspoon of grated horseradish root and mix with two tablespoons of fatty mayonnaise.
  5. Horseradish and vegetable oil mask … Suitable for eliminating fine wrinkles and tightening the oval of the face. Cooking like this: mix a teaspoon of chopped horseradish root with the same volume of warmed up vegetable oil (better than olive oil, but you can also use sunflower oil).
  6. Horseradish leaves and herbs mask … The preparation smoothes fine wrinkles well and prevents early skin aging. We cook according to this recipe: chop the leaves of horseradish, plantain and yarrow in equal proportions. Take three tablespoons of the herbal mixture and pour boiling water over it. We wait for the infusion to cool and filter it. The resulting herbal gruel can be used as a mask. Do not pour out the remaining liquid. It is recommended for daily rubbing of the skin.
  7. Horseradish and Vitamin Mask … This product is well suited for all skin types and has a pronounced anti-aging effect. We prepare it like this: add one egg to two tablespoons of chopped horseradish. Squeeze one or two capsules of vitamin E or Aevita into the mixture.
  8. Horseradish and Yeast Mask … It is recommended for use by women aged 40 and over. It restores natural glow and tones the skin. For cooking, we need one tablespoon of grated horseradish root and the same amount of yeast diluted with milk. The consistency of the finished mask should resemble thick sour cream.

Horseradish Whitening Face Mask Recipes

Apples for making a mask
Apples for making a mask

Horseradish helps to get rid of pigmentation of various etymologies. These can be freckles on young skin or age spots. Choose the components of horseradish masks for age spots, taking into account your skin type. Whitening mask recipes:

  • Horseradish and lemon mask … For cooking, we need a teaspoon of crushed plant root and the same amount of vinegar. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and three drops of essential rosemary oil to the mixture.
  • Horseradish and apple mask … Suitable for oily, pigmented skin. We grate the apple and horseradish root. We take the components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly.
  • Whitening tincture with horseradish and vinegar … This remedy can be applied to the skin as a lotion, or it can be wiped over your face daily. We prepare it like this: grind one hundred grams of horseradish and fill it with 0.5 liters of apple (wine) vinegar. Set the mixture to settle in a cool dark place in a transparent container with a tight lid for two weeks. After that, we filter it and mix a couple of tablespoons with half a glass of water before use.

Horseradish acne masks

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil

Horseradish is great for fighting acne. In addition, masks with this plant help to make the skin matte and smooth, eliminate pigmentation and small scars after healed acne. Acne mask recipes:

  1. Horseradish Tea Tree Oil Mask … To prepare it, we need a couple of tablespoons of freshly grated horseradish root and two drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin.
  2. Horseradish, oat flour and milk mask … We prepare the product like this: chop the horseradish root on a grater. For cooking, we need half a tablespoon of raw materials. We mix it with one hundred milliliters of milk and a tablespoon of oatmeal until a homogeneous gruel is obtained.
  3. Horseradish and carrot mask … This remedy not only fights acne, but also gives the skin an even tone, makes it smooth. We cook according to this recipe: take a small horseradish root and medium-sized carrots. Grind them on a fine grater or in a blender. Mix vegetables and add a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of corn flour and milk each. Drive one egg into the mixture and add a pinch of salt.

Rules for the use of masks with horseradish for the face

Horseradish face mask
Horseradish face mask

In order to prepare a quality mask, it is better to take a fresh root of the plant. Do not use canned or dried products for cosmetic purposes. It contains much less vitamin C. You should not store the finished mask for a long time, otherwise the plant will lose some of its beneficial qualities.

When applying the product to your face, consider the following recommendations:

  • Before dispensing the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed of impurities and cosmetics. Use a mild cleansing soap for this.
  • Do not treat the area around the eyes, eyelids, lips with horseradish-based cosmetic masks.
  • Use horseradish masks no more than once a week.
  • Do not use pure products with this plant if your skin is too dry.
  • To avoid allergic reactions or irritation, test the mask at the elbow beforehand. If after 15 minutes there is no negative reaction from the skin, then you can apply the product to the face.
  • The optimal exposure time of the mixture to the skin is 15-20 minutes.
  • If you have oily epidermis, then it is recommended to wash your face with cool water. For dry skin or with signs of aging, warm.
  • For washing, you can use herbal decoctions.
  • It is recommended to make masks based on horseradish in courses. The best option is 10-15 procedures.

How to make a horseradish face mask - watch the video:

Horseradish masks are a simple home remedy that helps to restore youthfulness, firmness, and smoothness to the skin. Horseradish has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-aging effect. Cosmetics based on it are ideal for oily, acne-prone skin with age spots.
