How to make a viburnum face mask

How to make a viburnum face mask
How to make a viburnum face mask

Benefits, composition and contraindications for the use of viburnum masks. Cooking recipes and rules for using mixtures. Viburnum is a medicinal shrub that is widely used in folk medicine. Red berries with a tart taste are used to treat coughs and to increase hemoglobin levels. But, in addition, viburnum can be used to care for problem skin.

Useful properties of viburnum masks

Viburnum berries for the face
Viburnum berries for the face

Compositions for improving the face with viburnum berries are rich in vitamins and minerals. That is why, with their help, you can cure most ailments of the epidermis and tighten aging skin.

The benefits of viburnum face masks:

  • Reduce skin oiliness … The viburnum contains substances that regulate the production of sebum, so berries are often used to eliminate oily seborrhea.
  • Provides firmness and elasticity to aging skin … The substances in the viburnum juice stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Accordingly, the signs of aging diminish over time.
  • Kills pathogenic microorganisms … Viburnum juice has an antiseptic effect, so the number of acne decreases, the area of inflamed areas decreases.
  • Whiten age spots … The acids in the viburnum gently dissolve accumulations of melanin, evening out the tone of the face.
  • Exfoliate rough particles … Organic acids in viburnum juice dissolve dead particles of the epidermis. Accordingly, the skin becomes smoother.

Contraindications to the use of viburnum masks

Allergic spots on the face
Allergic spots on the face

Despite the benefits of this red berry, there are contraindications to its use. This is due to the large amount of coloring pigment.

List of contraindications:

  1. Allergy … Viburnum is a strong enough allergen, so you should not use it if you are prone to allergic rashes and hives.
  2. Thrombophlebitis … Kalina promotes blood clotting, so masks with this berry cannot be used for vascular diseases.
  3. Atopic dermatitis and eczema … If you have extensive ulcers and eczema on your face, you should not use masks with viburnum. Such procedures will only aggravate the situation and may lead to the addition of a bacterial infection.
  4. Pregnancy … During pregnancy, an inadequate reaction of the body to masks and cosmetics is possible. In addition, viburnum contributes to the contraction of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

The composition and components of viburnum berries

Viburnum for making a mask
Viburnum for making a mask

Viburnum is a vitamin berry that is often prescribed to improve immunity. A large amount of vitamins and minerals allows it to be used to treat skin problems.

Viburnum composition:

  • Tannins … This ingredient tightens enlarged pores and helps to eliminate excessive grease.
  • Organic acids … These substances not only help to remove a layer of dead particles from the skin, they stimulate the growth of elastin fibers, which improves the condition of the dermis and rejuvenates it.
  • Saponins and tar substances … They brighten the face by helping to reduce the number of freckles and age spots.
  • Zinc … This trace element helps to destroy pathogenic microflora and reduces inflammation, the number of acne.
  • Essential oils … They are distinguished by antiseptic and healing properties. Helps reduce irritation.
  • Vitamins … Improves metabolic processes in cells, contributing to rapid wound healing. Improves nutrition, which has a positive effect on the elasticity of the epidermis.

Viburnum face mask recipes

Kalina is combined with many components and products in the preparation of masks. It all depends on the type of skin. Organic acids can dry it out, so vegetable oils are used in the preparation of mixtures for sagging dermis.

Viburnum masks for acne

Viburnum mask preparation
Viburnum mask preparation

Due to the presence of zinc and tannins in viburnum berries, such masks help get rid of acne and acne. Bodyagu, clay and protein are often added to the mixtures. These ingredients help to tighten the pores.

Recipes for acne masks with viburnum:

  1. With a bodyag … Take a spoonful of dry powder from a freshwater sponge and mix with 50 ml of viburnum juice. You should have a viscous mass. Lubricate your face generously with it and leave it on for a third of an hour. Gently massage the epidermis and rinse off the remaining mixture. Choose cool water for rinsing.
  2. Classic mask … This is the easiest and most affordable option. You need to put the berries on a sieve and rub. Apply the resulting puree in a thick layer to the prepared skin. Leave it on for a quarter of an hour. After that, gently remove the red paste from the epidermis using a wet cotton swab.
  3. With calendula … Kalina helps not only whiten the epidermis and cure acne, with the help of this berry you can get rid of comedones and reduce oily sheen. Take 50 ml of puree from berries and mix it with 5 ml of calendula tincture with alcohol. Crush 2 aspirin tablets and add to the mixture. Average carefully. It is necessary for the pasta to stand for 10 minutes. After this, gently distribute the composition on the skin and leave to act for 5-7 minutes. Remove using a damp cloth or cotton pad.
  4. With protein … Separate the white from the yolk and mix with 50 ml of viburnum puree. Stir the paste thoroughly. Using a brush, apply a very thin layer to your face. Leave to dry completely. It will take approximately 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with cotton wool dipped in chamomile broth.
  5. With kelp … Dilute the algae powder with viburnum juice to make a viscous gruel. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Kelp removes redness and inflammation. Copes well with a large amount of sebum. After the time has elapsed, wipe off the remaining paste with a wet cloth.
  6. With aspirin … This mask dries the skin, so it is worth using for girls with oily epidermis. Crush an aspirin tablet and mix the resulting powder with 50 ml of viburnum puree. Stir well and spread over the face in a thick layer. Application time is one third of an hour. Then remove the paste with a wet cloth and apply a moisturizer.
  7. With peroxide … Hydrogen peroxide is known for its antibacterial properties and is great for treating acne. It is necessary to rub a handful of viburnum berries through a sieve and add 5 ml of a 3% peroxide solution to the puree. Stir and add a spoonful of crushed oatmeal. Apply to skin and massage for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off under running water.

Viburnum mask for wrinkles

Preparation of a mask from viburnum berries
Preparation of a mask from viburnum berries

Viburnum is a berry that helps rejuvenate and tighten aging skin. That is why the fruits are used to prepare anti-aging compositions for the aging epidermis.

Recipes for masks from viburnum from wrinkles:

  • With honey … Honey is known for its healing properties; it is often used as a component in the preparation of products for the aging epidermis. It is necessary to pour a handful of viburnum berries on a sieve and crush them with a crush. Grind the mass through a sieve. Combine the resulting puree with bee nectar in a one-to-one ratio. Lubricate the skin with the mixture and leave. The application should stay on the face for a third of an hour. Remove using a wet cotton pad.
  • With yolk … The yolk tightens loose skin and corrects the shape of the face. To prepare a healing composition, separate the white from the yolk. Rub the viburnum through a sieve and mix with the yolk. You need about 50 g of puree. Spread the medium mixture on the skin and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off with cotton wool soaked in cold water.
  • With butter … In a small bowl, mix 50 g of viburnum puree with 20 ml of olive oil. Inject a few drops of orange ether. Using a hammering motion, apply the paste to the skin. Leave for a third of an hour. Rinse off with massaging movements using a sponge or cotton pad.
  • With cream … This mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes aging skin. It is necessary to mix 70 g of viburnum puree with 20 ml of heavy cream. Whisk thoroughly. Use homemade cream. Apply a homogeneous paste to cleansed skin. Keep it for a third of an hour and wash off with cotton wool dipped in warm water.
  • With avocado … Peel one avocado and grind the pulp in a blender. Add 30 ml of viburnum puree to the resulting gruel. Mix well and add 30 ml of warm honey in a thin stream with constant stirring. Using a brush, evenly lubricate your face with the resulting product. Leave the application on for a third of an hour and remove with a wet cloth.

Viburnum mask for age spots

Mask with viburnum and strawberries on the face
Mask with viburnum and strawberries on the face

Viburnum contains organic acids and tannins, which help to regulate the production of melanin. With the help of viburnum masks, you can slightly lighten age spots and freckles.

Viburnum whitening mask recipes:

  1. With kefir … Put a handful of berries in a colander and mash with a spoon. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Mix the resulting liquid with 20 ml of sour cream. It is best to use a product with a fat content of 20%. Whisk the mixture thoroughly and apply to the skin, massage a little and leave for a third of an hour. Remove in a circular motion using a soft cloth or cotton wool.
  2. With parsley … Take 50 ml of viburnum puree and pour into a bowl. Chop a bunch of parsley finely and mix with viburnum. You can additionally puree the mixture in a blender. Apply the resulting porridge to the previously cleaned epidermis. The application period is one third of an hour. During this time, organic acids and components will gently exfoliate the dead layer and lighten age spots. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. With lemon … Take half a lemon and peel it. Grind the resulting pulp in a blender. Mix the lemon puree with the mass obtained by grinding the viburnum through a sieve. Apply the paste to the cleansed epidermis. Let it sit for a third of an hour and wash off with warm water.
  4. With cucumber … Wash one small cucumber and cut into slices. Grind the vegetable in a blender or meat grinder. Pour a handful of viburnum berries into a colander and crush with a spoon. Mix the resulting paste with cucumber puree. Lubricate freckles and age spots with the mask. Application time is a quarter of an hour. Next, rinse the paste off your face with warm water or chamomile broth.
  5. With tomato … Take one medium tomato and pour boiling water over it. Remove the skin and place the pulp on cheesecloth and squeeze. Introduce 30 ml of viburnum puree into the resulting thick juice and mix. Add a teaspoon of starch. Apply the dough in a thick layer to your face. It is enough to keep the paste on the skin for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cold water.
  6. With strawberry … Take a handful of strawberries and viburnum and place them in a blender. Chop the berries until smooth. It is necessary to grind the mass through a sieve or gauze, apply the resulting porridge to the cleaned epidermis. The mass can run off your face, so place a damp gauze on top. It is desirable to keep the paste for a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water and a little baking soda.

Rules for the use of masks from viburnum for the face

Applying a mask with viburnum on the face
Applying a mask with viburnum on the face

For homemade masks to really help deal with problem skin, they must be prepared and applied correctly.

Features of the use of masks from viburnum:

  • For the preparation of medicinal compositions, use only fresh berries. They can be pre-doused with boiling water. In this case, the skin is easily separated from the pulp, and it is easier to make a puree.
  • Do not take metal utensils for preparing masks. The acids in the viburnum can corrode the surface of aluminum, steel and cast iron, with the formation of oxide. This compound is detrimental to skin health.
  • If you are using a viburnum mask for the first time, do not be lazy and apply a little of the product on the elbow fold. This will help make sure there is no allergic reaction.
  • Do not apply the mixture to irritated skin. Viburnum is a strong allergen and contains substances that irritate sensitive and damaged epidermis.
  • You can use a mild baking soda solution or chamomile tea to rinse it off. These fluids neutralize organic acids and soften the skin.
  • If you have dry skin, make masks from viburnum no more than 1 time in 7 days. Fatty can be healed in this way 2 times a week.

How to make a viburnum face mask - watch the video:

Viburnum masks are a natural source of vitamins and nutrients that will help make your skin youthful and radiant.
