How to make a lavender face mask

How to make a lavender face mask
How to make a lavender face mask

Useful properties of lavender masks, composition and components of a medicinal plant, main contraindications and rules for use, as well as effective recipes for face care products. A mask with lavender is a cosmetic product that provides good cleansing and care, as well as helps to fight inflammatory processes of the epidermis, acne and traces that remain after them. Lavender promotes wound healing and epidermal cell regeneration. Regular use of formulations based on a fragrant plant increases the tone of the dermis and eliminates shallow wrinkles. For masks, dry flowers or essential oil are used. During the preparation of such a product, it is important to follow certain rules so that its effectiveness does not decrease.

Useful properties of lavender masks

Lavender plant
Lavender plant

It is believed that lavender is a plant with sedative properties, therefore it is often recommended to add it to tea with nervous tension. It is also a good moth repellant due to its fragrance that insects cannot survive. And only a few know why the fragrant flowers of this herb are valued in cosmetology.

Lavender masks can solve a wide variety of problems: get rid of rashes and peeling, accelerate the healing process of abscesses, improve complexion, provide elasticity and much more, and all thanks to the beneficial properties of the fragrant herbaceous flower.

The beneficial properties of lavender-based masks include:

  • Wound healing … Due to its large volume of resins, lavender has a powerful healing property. Such masks accelerate the process of cell regeneration and quickly tighten not only fresh cuts, purulent rashes, but also gradually get rid of the scars remaining after adolescent acne.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory … The mask perfectly disinfects the dermis due to the presence of tannins. As a result, you can get comprehensive care - a lavender-based product will cleanse, accelerate healing and relieve inflammation. After the first use, red pimples become less noticeable, and blackheads are cleared.
  • Matt … Lavender contains a specific alcohol that normalizes the sebaceous glands, removes oily sheen, dries the dermis and gives it a matte texture.
  • Emollient … Lavender is rich in vitamins and oils that smooth, nourish and soften skin for a comprehensive care.
  • Rejuvenating … The vitamin composition in tandem with tannins and microelements improves blood circulation in tissues, and also promotes cell regeneration. This means that the skin after such masks becomes smooth and elastic, and superficial wrinkles are smoothed out.

Note! The effectiveness of a lavender mask also largely depends on the form in which this plant is used. So, lavender flowers are more suitable for cleansing the skin, relieving inflammation and renewing, and the oil is included in anti-aging and anti-acne products.

Contraindications to the use of lavender for the face

Dry skin of the face
Dry skin of the face

In some cases, this plant cannot be taken orally, but there are no prohibitions on the external use of lavender. So, infusions and decoctions of fragrant flowers can be used at least every day, but you should be careful with essential oil. If you do not follow the dosage, you can get a serious burn or swelling of the face. Cautionary rules while using lavender essential oil:

  • Beforehand, be sure to check for allergies - literally drop 1 ml on the elbow and rub. Wait for a negative reaction - redness, itching, rash. If all is well, you can use it on the face.
  • In any mask, add no more than 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil. This will be enough to get the desired result.
  • This oil should not be used by women with very dry skin, because the product will only tighten it even more.
  • In its pure form, lavender oil is recommended to be applied only pointwise to the place where a pimple has appeared, there is a scar, or it is necessary to remove the inflammation.

Composition and components of lavender

Lavender inflorescence
Lavender inflorescence

In cosmetology, not only essential oil is popular, but also plant inflorescences, which are also included in mask recipes. In fact, it is from the flowering elements that essential oil is made, which is then added to a wide variety of skin care products. The secret of the popularity of lavender face masks is not in the subtle scent, as some think, but in the strong composition, the components of which help to cope with serious shortcomings.

What is contained in lavender:

  1. Valeric or pentanoic acid … An organic acid that improves complexion and has a calming effect on inflammation.
  2. Ursolic acid … It is a substance that slows down aging at the cellular level and also regulates the moisture balance in the dermis.
  3. Caproic acid … It has a wound healing and hemostatic effect. Penetrates deeply into tissues, dissolving formed scars, scars and bruises.
  4. Cineol … One of the constituents of essential oil that gives the plant a camphor aroma. In addition, it has a powerful property that stimulates the growth of elastin fibers. This substance has a firming and rejuvenating effect.
  5. Tannin … It is a tanning agent that unclogs pores and visibly tightens them. Also, this component disinfects the surface of the epidermis well.
  6. Resins … They are responsible for cell regeneration, help get rid of acne, and have antibacterial properties.
  7. Citral … An aromatic component that also has a high antibacterial property and tones the dermis, triggering metabolic processes in cells.
  8. Linalool … It is an alcohol that is found in the composition of the plant and has the ability to regulate the work of the fatty glands, preventing them from over-functioning. As a result, there is no excessive oily sheen on the skin.

Recipes for masks with lavender for facial skin

The technology for making lavender masks differs depending on the form in which the main ingredient is used - dried flowers or in the form of oil. But in any case, to enhance the effectiveness of the product, additional components are present in each recipe. The main thing is not to get carried away by adding them, because you can hammer both the aroma and the beneficial properties of lavender. Therefore, in the case of these masks, it is important to follow all the recommendations and follow the recipe.

Masks with dry lavender flowers

Dried lavender flowers
Dried lavender flowers

The flowering part of the plant is rich in beneficial components and is capable of providing anti-inflammatory, cleansing and soothing effects. Dry lavender flowers are steamed to create cosmetic masks, ground into flour and insisted - all these methods reveal the beneficial properties of the plant. To enhance the effect and achieve the desired consistency, other components are added that have a beneficial effect on the dermis.

Mask recipes:

  • Against acne … The mask is great for women who have oily skin with an oily sheen and inflammatory rashes. For this recipe, you will need 1 tbsp. l. crushed lavender flowers, 2 tsp. kefir and 1 pinch of soda. This tool perfectly dries the dermis, cleanses the pores and relieves inflammation.
  • From marks after acne … Many people face the problem of teenage acne blemishes. You can cope with it using the following recipe: pour 200 ml of boiling water over a handful of lavender flowers. Cover the glass with a lid and let the flowers sit. An hour later, 3 tbsp. l. mix infusion with 1 tbsp. l. potato starch. Starch has a good nourishing effect, and lavender effectively heals damage and gets rid of age spots and acne marks.
  • Anti-irritation for sensitive skin … This mask soothes the skin, evens out the color, and relieves inflammation. For her, 2 tbsp. l. pour 2 tbsp of lavender flowers. l. boiled milk. Grind the substance with a blender, and then add 1 tbsp. l. rice flour. Milk nourishes and brightens the epidermis, while vitamin B9 and silicon in rice flour relieve inflammation and tighten the facial contour. Combined with the wonderful antibacterial and soothing properties of lavender, this mask gives very high results after the first treatments.
  • Protective against the effects of frost, wind, etc.… The weather often has a negative effect on the skin: freezing temperatures dries, and cold wind increases irritation and peeling of the dermis. A protective mask can be used to help the skin deal with these effects. For her, cook 1 tbsp. crushed lavender flowers, 1 tbsp. l. avocado pulp and? h. l. glycerin. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Avocado well nourishes and saturates cells with fat, lavender soothes, and glycerin creates a protective film on the surface of the face against aggressive external factors.

Masks with lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil
Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is considered universal in cosmetology: it nourishes, relieves inflammation, reduces oily sheen, and helps get rid of acne. This product, as part of any cosmetic mask based on natural ingredients, will have a beneficial effect. There are a number of recipes where lavender oil plays a major role and gives a very good effect, eliminating various shortcomings.

Recipes for masks with lavender oil:

  1. Rejuvenating … Whisk 1 protein, add 1 tsp to it. honey, 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt and 3 drops of lavender oil. The mask will have a good tightening effect, help to align the mesh of mimic wrinkles.
  2. Toning … Take half a medium green apple and bake it in the oven until soft. Prepare 2 tbsp. l. applesauce, add 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. olive oil and three drops of lavender essential oil. Such a product will very delicately cleanse the pores, the working components of honey help to tighten them, and applesauce and olive oil will moisturize the epidermis well. The skin after such a mask becomes soft, shiny and very fresh.
  3. Cleansing … For its preparation 2 tbsp. l. dilute black clay with water to the desired consistency, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and five drops of lavender oil. Black clay cleanses the skin well, removes toxins, increases tissue elasticity, and lemon dries out the problem dermis a little.
  4. Acne Express Mask … This remedy works very quickly, so it is often used to get results the very next day. To do this, you need to mix literally two drops of tea tree oil with lavender oil and apply the mixture to the pimple with a cotton swab. The very next day, acne will become less noticeable: the tea tree will accelerate cell regeneration, and lavender will have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. From rosacea … Couperosis is the approach of blood vessels to the surface of the epidermis, which manifests itself in the form of thin reddish vessels on the face. With age, it becomes impossible to disguise them with cosmetics. To lighten these marks, and with regular use to reduce their appearance, you can prepare the following mask: mix the yolk with five drops of jojoba oil, two drops of lavender oil and one drop of lemon oil. Lavender oil plays a major role here, because it removes the external manifestations of rosacea and soothes the dermis.

Rules for the use of masks with lavender for the face

Applying a lavender mask
Applying a lavender mask

Making a lavender mask is easy as it is an affordable ingredient that can be purchased at any pharmacy. In order for a product based on it to have an effective effect on the skin, it is necessary to adhere to the preparation technology and follow the rules for its application.

Important rules when using lavender for your face:

  • If the prescription requires dried flowers, you can purchase the appropriate fee at the pharmacy. Before using the contents of the package, carefully examine and select the lavender flowers, because they contain the maximum amount of useful elements. The remaining sticks and leaves can be used to prepare an infusion for rinsing hair.
  • If the recipe contains dry flowers, but you have fresh lavender, you can safely replace them. In freshly cut inflorescences, tannins and organic compounds will be even more beneficial for the dermis.
  • You can grind fresh flowers with a knife, and dry ones with a blender or coffee grinder. Dry inflorescences should be as small as possible.
  • The mask with lavender particles should be applied gently and removed from the face in the same way. Do not rub the mass into the skin or do massage movements when washing your face - you can scratch the sensitive dermis. Use your hands to simply remove the lavender residue and then wash.
  • A mask with lavender oil for the face involves the use of only a few drops of an oily concentrated substance for one procedure. Do not exceed the indicated dosage - this can dry out the skin and provoke a burn.
  • If the recipe contains an essential little lavender, you need to add it at the final stage, when the other ingredients have already been combined. So it will work better on the skin and penetrate the cells faster.
  • The working time of any mask with a fragrant plant is 15 minutes.
  • There are two ways to cleanse your face with lavender oil. Women with problem skin need to wash with warm water with a drop of a special substance for washing. And for girls with sensitive dermis, you can remove the mass with a napkin, and then do not wash for another 30 minutes in order to maximize the softening effect of the oil.
  • If you feel dry after the mask, be sure to lubricate your face with a nourishing cream.
  • Lavender gives a good brightening result, therefore, in order to fix it, it is not recommended to lubricate your face with sun cream the next day after using the mask.

How to make a lavender face mask - watch the video:

Lavender is a fragrant herbal flower with a range of beneficial properties that can help reduce acne, acne marks and age spots, as well as soften and soothe sensitive irritated skin and has a rejuvenating effect. To achieve this effect, masks with oil or plant inflorescences must be done 1-2 times a week for two months. Positive results will be noticeable after the first use of the product.
