How to make a calendula face mask

How to make a calendula face mask
How to make a calendula face mask

Benefits, composition and contraindications for the use of face masks with calendula. Recipes for acne, freckles and wrinkles. Calendula for face is a great remedy to help eliminate oily sheen and acne. In addition, this plant is able to even out the complexion by eliminating age spots and freckles. It is widely used in cosmetology, mainly for the treatment of acne and inflammation.

The benefits of calendula face masks

Smooth facial skin after calendula mask
Smooth facial skin after calendula mask

In summer, fresh flowers can be used to prepare masks, but this is not very convenient, therefore, most often they take a tincture of the plant. Marigolds with regular use will help get rid of many skin problems.

Useful properties of calendula face masks:

  • Evens out the tone of the face … Calendula masks, with regular use, will help lighten age spots and remove minor freckles. The complexion is improved.
  • Removes inflammation and acne … Calendula is known for its antibacterial properties. It inhibits the growth of opportunistic microorganisms that cause acne.
  • Shrink pores … The substances in the composition of calendula gently cleanse the pores, pushing sebum and dirt to the surface. In addition, marigolds tighten pores and prevent debris from accumulating in them.
  • Rejuvenate the face … In addition to antiseptic properties, calendula is able to improve the contour of the face and tighten the skin. When mixed with nourishing ingredients, it can be used in anti-aging masks.
  • Promotes scar healing … This plant can be safely applied to those who want to get rid of post-acne. Calendula masks are an alternative to mechanical peeling and will help remove small scars.

Contraindications to the use of masks with calendula for the face

Allergy as a contraindication to masks with calendula
Allergy as a contraindication to masks with calendula

Despite the naturalness of the product, calendula is not useful for everyone. This is due to the possibility of an allergic reaction. List of contraindications:

  1. Hypotension … When using calendula tincture to prepare masks, a small amount of it can enter the bloodstream. It should be borne in mind that this plant lowers blood pressure, so do not use the remedy for hypotension.
  2. Allergy … Marigold contains a large amount of pigments and essential oils. Accordingly, the plant is an allergen, therefore, if you are allergic to any plant component, conduct a sensitivity test. This way you can make sure that after applying the mask, you will not experience rashes and flaking.
  3. Very dry skin … When preparing masks for dry skin, do not use alcoholic infusions. Prepare a decoction of dried calendula flowers and apply a moisturizer after the procedure. The tincture can dry out the face, causing flaking and redness.
  4. Atopic dermatitis … This ailment is systemic, many dermatologists associate the disease with allergies. That is why you should not apply masks with calendula on a face with dermatitis or eczema.

Composition and components of calendula

Calendula as a storehouse of nutrients
Calendula as a storehouse of nutrients

The flowers, leaves and stems of the plant contain a huge amount of biologically active substances. That is why marigolds are used in the treatment of many ailments of internal organs. Essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids and coumarin have a positive effect on skin health.

Chemical composition of calendula:

  • Carotenoids … These are terpene compounds that stimulate the production of vitamin A. Accordingly, these substances can improve the elasticity of the epidermis and saturate it with vitamins.
  • Triterpenoids … These are strong antibacterial ingredients. Thanks to them, calendula is actively used for acne and acne.
  • Flavonoids … These substances contribute to the disappearance of edema and activate the regenerating functions of the skin. Thanks to them, the epidermis is rejuvenated. This is due to the activation of the production of elastin fibers.
  • Essential oils … The oils found in calendula have antibacterial properties. Scientists in Hungary have successfully used the tincture to treat bacterial skin infections.
  • Coumarins … These substances are strong antiseptics and stop the growth of streptococci and staphylococci, which cause rashes.
  • Liopid … This organic compound has an antiviral effect and inhibits the growth of tumors. That is why calendula tincture can be used in the treatment of herpetic eruptions on the face.
  • Micro and macro elements … Calendula contains a huge amount of minerals that prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the epidermis. In addition, the plant's flowers contain zinc, which is great for treating inflammation and acne.

Calendula mask recipes

For the preparation of masks, you can use both flowers and a tincture of the plant. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, the cost is cheap. In addition to calendula, eggs, yeast, dairy products and fruits are used for this. For aging skin, essential and vegetable oils are introduced into the composition of masks with marigolds.

Acne calendula mask

Clay as a component of a calendula mask
Clay as a component of a calendula mask

The composition of masks with calendula for acne includes antibacterial components. Tincture of the plant is often mixed with chloramphenicol, aspirin, hydrogen peroxide. Talkers are considered especially effective, which are prepared by mixing several components. They are used pointwise, that is, they are applied directly to acne.

Recipes for acne calendula masks:

  1. With onion … Grind the onion in a blender and add 5 ml of calendula tincture into it. Average the substance and pour in 20 ml of bee nectar in a thin stream. Add 5 ml lemon juice and shake well. Spread on face in a thin layer. The mask usually does not drain from it, so it does not need to be covered with gauze. It is enough to keep the substance on the skin for 10-12 minutes. After rinsing, apply acne lotion to your face.
  2. With aspirin … This is a mask that is used to wipe problem and oily skin. It is necessary to add a powder prepared from three tablets of aspirin and chloramphenicol in a separate bottle with 50 ml of tincture. Close the bottle and shake it until the powder dissolves. The product is applied pointwise or by wiping oily areas. You do not need to rinse off the mixture. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.
  3. With protein … Pour 10 ml of calendula tincture and juice obtained from three aloe leaves into a jar. Add a pinch of baking soda and egg white. Close the container with a lid and shake it until you get a cloudy homogeneous liquid. Soak a gauze bandage in the mixture and apply on your face. Leave the compress to work for a third of an hour. Rinse off with chamomile broth, having previously cooled it to room temperature.
  4. With boric alcohol … This remedy is used pointwise, that is, it is applied directly to acne. Take a 200 ml bottle. Pour 50 ml of calendula tincture, boric and salicylic alcohol into it. Shake the bottle and pour the powder of three tablets of chloramphenicol into it. Add half a teaspoon of medical sulfur. Shake the bottle and use morning and evening.
  5. With flour … Pour 20 g of wheat flour into a bowl and pour in 100 ml of warm boiled water. Inject 15 ml of calendula tincture and juice obtained from two aloe leaves. You should have a thick mass that resembles pancake dough. Lubricate the epidermis with a paste and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  6. With clay … Pour 10 g of blue or white clay into a bowl. Add a little water and pour in 5 ml of calendula tincture. Shake the mixture and use a brush to apply to the epidermis. A third of an hour is enough for the mask to work. Remove it with plenty of running water.

Masks with calendula for age spots

Lemon and calendula for age spots
Lemon and calendula for age spots

Calendula does an excellent job with minor freckles. In addition, it is able to lighten large age spots. It is often combined with parsley, kefir and lemon juice. These ingredients help to even out the complexion.

Recipes for brightening calendula masks:

  • With lemon juice … Pour 10 ml of calendula tincture into a bowl and add 50 ml of sour cream. Take a product with a fat content of 15-20%. Thoroughly mix the mixture and pour in 5 ml of lemon juice. Using a whisk, beat the mass, it is necessary that the paste is homogeneous, without grains and inclusions. Use your fingertips to spread the substance over the surface. A third of an hour is enough for the mask to work. Wash off with a warm decoction of chamomile flowers.
  • With almond oil … Add 5 ml each of almond oil and lemon juice to a bowl. Stir the liquid and pour in 10 ml of calendula tincture. Saturate a cotton pad with the mixture and apply to your face. Application time is one third of an hour. Rinse the solution off your face with melt water.
  • With parsley … Toss a bunch of parsley into a blender and turn it into gruel. Enter 10 ml of kefir and calendula tincture. You will end up with a substance with a strange odor and color. It must be applied to age spots and freckles. Soak the paste on the skin for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With cucumber … You will need a small cucumber with small seeds. It is best to use ground vegetables rather than greenhouse vegetables. Peel the cucumber and chop it in a meat grinder. Inject 5 ml of calendula tincture and 20 ml of serum into the paste. You will get a fairly liquid paste. Lubricate a napkin or gauze with it and apply to the epidermis. Application time is one third of an hour. Remove the substance with a damp cloth or cotton wool.

Anti-wrinkle calendula masks

Vitamin B5 for a calendula mask
Vitamin B5 for a calendula mask

Marigolds do an excellent job with excessive dry skin and restore aging and fading epidermis. Calendula is often mixed with yeast, vegetable oils and cream. These ingredients trap moisture and help rejuvenate the skin.

Recipes for anti-wrinkle calendula face masks:

  1. With yeast … Take a third of a pack of pressed yeast and crush into a bowl. Pour 50 ml of warm milk into a bowl and let stand for 25 minutes. A foam should appear on the surface of the liquid. Add 10 ml of calendula tincture and 20 g of potato starch into the liquid. Medium the paste, you end up with a doughy mass. Lubricate the skin and leave for a third of an hour. Wash off in a circular motion while your hands are wet.
  2. With a bodyag … Pour 25 g of bodyagi into a bowl and cover with warm green tea. Let the algae swell. Introduce an ampoule of retinol and 5 ml of calendula tincture into a viscous paste. Use a spatula to smooth out the mixture. Apply the resulting substance to your face using a spatula or plastic spatula. During application, try to tighten the oval of the face, directing the spatula from the bottom up, that is, from the chin to the temples. Leave the paste on the skin for a third of an hour. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  3. With vitamin B5 … Add 10 ml of calendula and olive oil tincture to a bowl. Add an ampoule of pantothenic acid (this is vitamin B5). Shake the liquid thoroughly and saturate the cotton wool. Lubricate the epidermis with a greasy mask along the massage lines. Enough 15 minutes for the mixture to be absorbed into the skin. Wash off with warm water without soap.
  4. With avocado … This mask perfectly moisturizes dry epidermis and helps to rejuvenate aging skin. Pour 10 ml of calendula tincture into a small bowl. Peel a ripe avocado and chop with a fork or grater. Add a teaspoon of potato flour. Turn the pasta into a smooth dough. Using the back of a teaspoon, apply the substance to the epidermis. The exposure time is 10-12 minutes.

Rules for the preparation and use of masks with calendula

Making a calendula mask
Making a calendula mask

These funds are perfectly perceived by the skin and almost do not cause allergic reactions. After the first use of the mask, you can see the result. Features of the preparation and use of masks with calendula for the face:

  • To prepare the mixture, you can use both a purchased tincture and homemade ones.
  • If the skin is very dry, then it is recommended to introduce an oil tincture or a decoction of flowers into the funds. Alcohol tincture dries the epidermis.
  • Perform a sensitivity test before using any mask. This will make sure there are no allergies.
  • Apply the product only to the cleansed epidermis, you can pre-steam your face.
  • It is necessary to wash off the mask without strong massaging and stretching the skin. It is best to do this with a cotton pad.

How to make a mask with calendula tincture - watch the video:

Calendula face masks are a great way to get rid of acne and comedones. Marigold tincture will help rejuvenate the aging epidermis.
