Sesame oil for hair: features of application and recipes for masks

Sesame oil for hair: features of application and recipes for masks
Sesame oil for hair: features of application and recipes for masks

Sesame oil is a popular salad dressing product. But, besides this, the product is used in cosmetology for hair restoration. Content:

  • Sesame oil properties
  • Benefits for hair
  • Contraindications
  • Selection and storage of oil
  • Sesame oil masks

Sesame seeds are delicious seeds commonly used to season buns or cookies. In addition to cooking, sesame is used in cosmetology. The oil from it is used to restore hair and smooth the skin.

Properties of sesame oil for hair

Black sesame
Black sesame

Sesame oil rejuvenates the scalp and prevents it from drying out. Effective in the treatment of seborrhea. The substance is often used to eliminate oily sheen. Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, it regulates the amount of fat produced by the sebaceous glands.

Beneficial features:

  • Nourishes and moisturizes the scalp;
  • Makes curls strong and elastic;
  • Protects curls from damage;
  • Activates regeneration processes;
  • Cleans the skin;
  • Stimulates blood flow;
  • Differs in bactericidal properties;
  • Prevents skin aging.

Sesame oil is versatile, so it can be used for dry and oily scalp. If your curls dry out during the summer heat, feel free to use sesame oil. It "glues" split ends, giving them shine and strength.

The most interesting thing is that this tool not only has a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair, but also restores eyebrows and eyelashes. This is especially true after removing eyelash extensions. To do this, apply the oil to the hairs using an mascara brush.

The benefits of sesame oil for hair

Applying sesame oil to hair
Applying sesame oil to hair

Sesame oil (sesame) is a vegetable oil, it is obtained by repeatedly pressing the grains. As a result, all useful substances remain in the product.

Sesame oil chemical composition:

  1. Vitamins of group A, B and C … These vitamins stimulate the production of collagen, which makes the curls elastic and silky. They also reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet rays on the hair. The substances have an anti-inflammatory effect, they eliminate itching and dandruff. In addition, the oil contains a little vitamin D.
  2. Antioxidants … They bind free radicals, so the curls remain well-groomed and healthy for a long time. In addition, antioxidants restore the color of curls, despite their coloration.
  3. Phytosterols … A kind of protective components in the composition of the oil. They protect curls from drying out and from exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  4. Phospholipids … These substances help deliver all the nutritional components of the oil deep into the hair and scalp.
  5. Fatty polyunsaturated acids … There are more than 10 of them in sesame oil. Acids restore small capillaries and strengthen their walls. Accordingly, the supply of blood and oxygen to the hair follicles is enhanced. That is why the curls are restored, and the hair becomes thicker.
  6. Mineral elements … They enhance metabolic processes, thereby speeding up the restoration of curls.

Contraindications to the use of sesame oil for hair

Black sesame oil
Black sesame oil

Natural sesame oil is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients that will restore your hair. With regular use, the product strengthens curls, fights dryness and brittleness. It is advisable to apply it in the summer, it will preserve the beauty and shine of the hair.

But despite the benefits of sesame oil, it must be used with caution. Before applying the mask to your curls, check if you have any allergies.

Sensitivity Test Instructions:

  • Prepare the mask according to the recipe;
  • Dip a cotton swab into the medicinal composition;
  • Apply the product to the inside of the elbow;
  • Wait 20 minutes;
  • Rinse off the product and assess the condition of the skin.

If you develop redness, itching, or a rash, never use a mask.

You should not use masks based on sesame oil for people with varicose veins and increased skin coagulation. If you are taking estrogen-based hormones, postpone hair restoration. Only after the abolition of estrogen can a sesame mask be applied.

Selecting and storing sesame oil

Sesame oil in a glass container
Sesame oil in a glass container

The product used for the preparation of masks must be made by cold pressing. This substance has a delicate and pleasant sesame scent. If the butter smells like nuts or fried, don't buy it. Such a substance is produced after roasting the grains, this significantly reduces its benefits.

The color of the oil is important. The cold-pressed product has a wheat or beige hue. If the beans have been fried, the oil is dark brown in color. It is undesirable to use such a tool.

If you purchased a bottle of oil, it can be stored for only 6 months after opening. In this case, it is not necessary to put the container with the product in the refrigerator. The oil keeps well at room temperature. A suitable container for containing the substance is dark glass.

If the container is hermetically closed, then the oil can be stored in a dark place for more than 5 years. Such a long shelf life is due to the presence of sesamol, a natural preservative, in the product.

Sesame oil hair masks

Applying a mask with sesame oil to your hair
Applying a mask with sesame oil to your hair

The easiest way to use the product is to rub it into the scalp. But, as a rule, sesame oil is used in masks in combination with other ingredients. It can be egg yolk, kefir, vitamin A and extracts from medicinal plants. Such substances restore curls and make them shiny. Sometimes girls just add a few drops to ready-made masks and balms, but masks made from natural ingredients with the addition of sesame oil are considered the most effective.

Consider the popular recipes for sesame oil hair masks:

  1. Sesame honey mask … To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to mix 2 yolks and a tablespoon of liquid honey in a metal bowl. Heat sesame oil in a water bath and pour into the egg-honey mixture. Stir the gruel with a brush and rub it into the hair roots. Spread the remaining mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair. You need to keep it for 30 minutes. Rinse off the greasy mass from your hair with shampoo. It is necessary to repeat the procedure before each shampooing. This mask perfectly restores dry hair. Use the composition after a vacation at sea, when the hair is burnt out and a little weakened.
  2. Oily mask with sesame seeds … To prepare the mixture, you will need a vitamin A capsule, a vitamin E capsule, 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 tablespoons of sesame oil. Pour all the ingredients into a plastic bowl and stir. Apply to dry curls. You need to keep it for 40 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week, as it contains essential oils and is very concentrated.
  3. Honey mask … Used to "glue" split ends. To prepare the composition, you need to take 15 g of sesame oil, honey and burdock oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply them to the curls. Put a bag on top and warm with a towel. Keep the product for 1 hour. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before each shampooing. Do not use a hair dryer to dry your hair.
  4. Mask for oily hair … This mixture is used to normalize the amount of sebum. To prepare the composition, pour 50 g of sesame oil into a saucepan. Heat it and add 15 drops of bergamot oil and 10 drops each of rosemary and pine oils. Divide the hair into strands and apply the mixture. Cover your head with a towel and hold for 40 minutes. Use the product 5 times a month.
  5. Refreshing mask … It will help get rid of oily shine on the hair. To prepare the mixture, pour 50 ml of sesame oil and 10 drops of pine essential oil into a bowl. Pour 50 ml of curdled milk into this mixture. Stir well and apply to hair roots. Keep the mask for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo, and then rinse with cool chamomile broth.
  6. Moisturizing mask … You will need a ripe banana. Peel it and crush with a fork. It is necessary for the fruit to turn into a puree. Mix a tablespoon of banana gruel with 50 g of warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of warmed sesame oil. Apply the mixture to curls and spread evenly. Place a plastic bag over your head and wrap it with a towel. Keep it on for 40 minutes. This remedy is used to restore very dry hair. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a week.
  7. Firming mask … The mixture is used to strengthen hair, it prevents hair loss. Heat 50 ml of sesame oil and pour a tablespoon of chamomile oil into it. Dip your fingertips in the greasy mixture and rub into your scalp. You need to do a massage with oil for 10 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.
  8. Garlic mask … Peel the head of garlic. Grate the cloves and pour 2 tablespoons of sesame oil into the spicy gruel. Fold the cheesecloth several times, and put the greasy mixture on top of it. Tie the gauze with a knot, you get a kind of tampon. Rub the oily contents that come out of the pouch into your scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  9. Curly hair mask … The product restores curls and makes them obedient. You need to peel the avocado and turn it into a puree. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to this gruel. In a separate bowl, beat 2 yolks and gently add to the mixture. Apply to dry curls. Wash off after 30 minutes. This mask makes hair manageable and speeds up the styling process.
  10. Anti-gray hair mask … To prepare the healing mixture, grate 3 cloves of garlic. Use a crush to crush 3 black peppercorns. Pour a tablespoon of sesame oil into the spice. Rub the product into the roots. The procedure should be carried out 3 times a week.
  11. Dandruff remedy with sesame seeds … Cover the marshmallow seeds with sesame oil. Simmer this mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth and rub the liquid into the scalp. For 1 tablespoon of seeds, you need 100 ml of sesame oil. Perfectly removes flaking and itching.
  12. Mask for silky hair … To prepare the product, you need 50 ml of oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, 50 ml of linden broth and 30 ml of milk. Mix the ingredients and spread the product over the entire length of your hair. Apply to wet curls and keep for 1.5 hours. Repeat the procedure once a week. To prepare the broth, pour 20 g of flowers with 250 ml of boiling water and cover the container with a saucer. After 30 minutes, strain the tea and take out the amount required for the mask.
  13. Ginger mask … It is worth using this remedy in the summer as it reduces the damage from the sun's rays. To prepare the composition, wash one ginger root and peel it. Grate the ginger and add 50 ml of oil to it. Mix thoroughly and apply to damp hair. Rinse off after 30 minutes under warm running water.
  14. Purifying mask … Heat 30 ml of sesame seed extract in a water bath. Add freshly ground coffee to the liquid. It is necessary to get a liquid gruel. Using a brush, apply the substance to dry curls. Keep the mask for 40 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo and rinse your hair with the apple cider vinegar solution.
  15. Glycerin mask … To prepare the mixture, you need 50 ml of sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 15 g of vinegar and yolk. Warm up liquid ingredients to + 40 ° C. Add the egg yolk to the mixture. Beat the mixture and distribute evenly over the entire length of the hair. Keep it on for 60 minutes. The mask is used to restore shine-free curls.

To prepare masks, the agent is heated to a temperature of + 50 ° C. If the mask contains yolks or honey, then you should not overheat the mixture. A temperature of + 35 ° C is sufficient. How to make a mask with sesame oil for hair - watch the video:

As you can see, in order to become the owner of beautiful and healthy hair, it is not necessary to purchase expensive cosmetics. Sesame oil is an inexpensive but effective remedy for hair restoration.
