

Description of the azimine plant. Healing substances contained in its fruits. Properties useful for the human body and possible harmful manifestations. Azimine recipes.

Harm and contraindications of azimines

An attack of nausea in a girl
An attack of nausea in a girl

Azimine is considered a safe fruit by the American Health Association and is listed on the Food Registry. However, it can cause allergic reactions, so the relevant categories of people should be careful, in particular when using organic cosmetics. Powder extracts can be found in hair creams and shampoos.

Consequences of misuse of azimine:

  • Stomach upset … Azimina is a fairly low-calorie fruit that is taken without restrictions during the diet. However, overeating fruits can cause indigestion, up to bouts of nausea and vomiting. Given the range of different active ingredients, some people experience weakness or headaches when they abuse pau-pau.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract … Despite the benefits of pazimines for ulcer healing, some patients with gastrointestinal problems have experienced bouts of nausea after taking it. Be careful and use small amounts of the fruit.

Absolute contraindications to azimine:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding … At the moment, there is not enough reliable information about how it acts on the body of the fetus and newborn. Therefore, it is better to abstain from pau-pau fruits or consult a medical professional.
  2. Allergic reactions … The pawpaw contraindications are especially important for those who are already allergic to any member of the Annonaceae family. Itching, redness and rashes can be observed even after superficial contact with any part of the plant.
  3. Negative effects on medication intake … Powdery fruits can interact with some medications, especially those containing the "7-keto" formulas, as well as coenzyme Q10. If you are using other medicines, it is also helpful to consult a pharmacist.

Azimine recipes

Azimine fruit
Azimine fruit

Many people believe that the best way to enjoy the taste of pawpaw fruits is to eat them raw in the open air, personally picking them from the tree you like. But there are many other ways to use the fruit as well, expanding your own culinary experience.

Ripe fruit is easy to identify - in terms of density, it should be like a ripe peach. The discoloration of the peel is similar to that of a banana: if the fruit has small spots or browning, it is ripe and is still good for eating. Fully ripe pow-pows can be stored for only a few days at room temperature, and can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a couple of weeks. The cellulosic pulp of pazimines is easy to ferment to produce beer, wine, or brandy.

Azimine recipes:

  • Parfait from pazimine … For cooking, we need: half a glass of brown sugar, 1 packet of odorless gelatin, half a teaspoon of table salt, a slightly incomplete glass of milk, 3 eggs, 1 glass of mashed powder, a quarter of a glass of regular sugar. In a saucepan, mix brown sugar, gelatin, fruit and salt. Add milk and lightly beaten egg yolks. Heat to a boil, remove from heat, mix well. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. In a separate container, beat the whites until the "peaks" appear, gradually adding the main part of the sugar. We combine the two mixtures. The dessert is ready to eat, it can be used as a cream, filling, along with fruits or cookies.
  • Sweet appetizer with azimine … Take 1 cup 2% milk, 1 cup cream, 3 eggs, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 cup powdered pulp. Combine the ingredients and beat well with a mixer. Pour the mixture into the cupcake forw and bake at 200 ° C for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to about 150 ° C and keep in the oven for another 15 minutes, or until the toothpick comes out of the center dry.
  • Dessert with coconut pudding … Prepare 1 glass of pow-pow pulp, 60 g of grated coconut, a glass of cream, a teaspoon of vanilla, 3 eggs, a pinch of salt, 60 g of sugar. Mix the fruit mass with the coconut. In another saucepan, combine milk with vanilla, eggs and sugar, beat well. Add fruit, making the mixture homogeneous, pour it into the mold. We bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
  • Walnut Cookies … Take a glass of pow-pow pulp, a glass of flour, half a teaspoon of baking powder, a quarter of a pack of butter, half a glass of brown sugar, 1 egg, and half a glass of walnuts. We heat the oven to 180 ° С, grease the cookie sheet with oil. Process the fruit pulp in a blender until pasty. Combine butter and sugar, kneading them with a fork, add flour, baking powder, egg and half of the nuts. Spoon the dough onto a sheet, forming a free-form cookie. Put the remaining walnuts on top for decoration. Bake for about 12 minutes or until an even brown color is obtained.
  • Pow-pow ice cream … For the recipe with azimine, take: 1 liter of cold milk, 6 eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, 1 glass of pow-powder, juice of 1 lemon, 1 liter of heavy cream, a little vanilla. Beat eggs with half the milk, add salt, sugar and the rest of the milk. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly and not letting it boil. As soon as the cream starts to stick to the spoon, turn off the heat and leave the mixture to cool, first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator. In another container, combine the azimine puree with lemon juice and vanilla, add to the cream, stir well. Pour into an ice cream maker or distribute into molds that are suitable for freezing in the freezer
  • Canned Azimine … The fruit is easy to store and harvest until next season according to the following scheme: for 12 fruits we take 2 cups of water, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1 lemon, 1 orange. We clean the pow-pow, place in water without removing the seeds. Boil until soft, rub through a sieve. Add sugar, citrus juice. Heat it to a boil again, turn it off after 1-2 minutes and put it in the jars.
  • Azimine drink … For servings of 1 fruit, you will need: 600 ml of water, a slice of lime, a pinch of salt, sugar to taste. Remove the peel from the pawpaw fruit and squeeze the juice out of it well. Stir in water, add sugar and salt, lime to garnish. Add crushed ice if desired.

Interesting facts about azimine

Branch with azimine
Branch with azimine

The earliest documented mention of the azimine is found in the account of a Spanish expedition in 1541, which discovered Native Americans cultivating the tree for their needs in the territories east of the Mississippi River. Lewis and Clark's expedition also consumed pow-pow during their travels.

The chilled pazimine fruit was George Washington's favorite dessert, and President Thomas Jefferson planted a tree in Monticello, his home in Virginia.

Today azimina is successfully grown in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, due to which it has many "local" names, for example, pav-pav, wild banana, Indian banana, banango and others. Trees are easy to grow from seed if there is systematic watering (however, long storage is not good for the seeds).

Usually the plant is a large shrub, but it can grow up to 11-14 meters in height. Green leaves, when kneaded, give off a not very pleasant smell, similar to green peppers. The same is true for the large, reddish-purple flowers that give off a faint yeast aroma, and the resin that comes out of the damaged bark.

Pawpaw trees are gaining popularity among gardeners due to their fast growth and ease of maintenance. In moist soil, they have a strong tendency to form dense thickets, from which hedges can be formed by pruning. Sometimes the plant is included in ecological restoration plantings, because it is able to stop soil erosion caused by frequent floods and tidal currents.

The pawpaw fruit is actually classified as a berry. They ripen by September, but in tropical latitudes, you can harvest twice. Fallen fruits are eaten by various mammals - raccoons, foxes, squirrels, possums and even bears. Butterflies of the species Protographium marcellus are completely dependent on the pawpaw, as they feed on the young leaves of the tree of the same name.

Cross-pollination from different genetic tree species is recommended for harvest. Therefore, to attract insects, there is a practice of hanging pieces of meat on the branches of a pawpaw or spraying it with a product with a fishy smell.

Pow-pow fruits are not stored too well. By analogy with peaches, they are picked green, with subsequent ripening on the counter or during transportation.

Pow-pow is a popular tool in homeopathic practice. The juice of unripe fruits contains a high percentage of the special substance papain, named after the plant. The latter is useful for quick wound healing. The smoke from dried and burnt leaves of pawpaw has a positive effect on the healing of diseases associated with the respiratory system (asthma, bronchitis, etc.)

A clinical trial, the results of which are presented in the journal "Phytomedicine" for 2002, confirmed that the extract of azimine is highly effective in the fight against lice. At the moment, a number of shampoos with a similar additive are produced. A study of the pesticidal potential of the tree has shown that young, thin twigs, as well as fresh leaves, bark and green fruits, have the greatest effect.

For example, phlox infected with a fungus, when treated with azimine juice, showed a noticeable improvement after 10 days. Even the trunk of a fallen tree is not affected by insects due to its unique properties. The juice released when the paw bark is removed naturally drives away mosquitoes without being harmful to humans.

Watch the video about azimina:

Pazimine fruits are healthy and nutritious. They contain vitamin C, magnesium, iron, copper and manganese and are a good source of potassium and several essential amino acids. Thanks to this, fruits have a positive effect on memory and vision, strengthen the muscular and nervous systems, increase immunity and help fight diseases.
