Description of the Jambolan fruit. Its composition and the use of organic components. Possible harm and contraindications for use. Jambolan recipes.
Jambolan recipes

A fruit with an unusual color and smell is included in many traditional Indian dishes, some of the recipes we will give below. Its taste is quite original and intense, and its benefits can hardly be overestimated. Therefore, if you get a chance to cook a delicious dish with jambolan, be sure to take this opportunity. Choose soft fruits that are deep purple-red in color and dense in texture, as they will be the sweetest and most ripe.
Jambolan recipes:
- Ginger lemonade with jambolan … The execution of this recipe with jambolan will take you no more than 10 minutes. For two servings of a soft drink, we need: 6 "Indian plum" berries, a tablespoon of grated ginger, half a cup of water, 4 teaspoons of sugar, a quarter of a spoonful of salt, 500 ml of soda or soda water, 1 lemon, 6-8 mint leaves. Remove the seeds from the fruit, squeeze out the juice, add the pulp and ginger, grind on a fine grater, pour in water. We filter. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and mix with the previous ingredients, adding sugar and salt. Stir well, pour half into glasses, fill the rest with soda and ice cubes. Decorate with mint leaves or lemon wedges.
- Jambolan jam … The easiest way to preserve fruit as a delicious dessert that goes with a variety of dishes is to make jam. For it, we need 500 g of jambolan berries, one apple, 1 glass of brown sugar, a little water. Wash the fruit and cut the apple into small pieces, add the berries and cook in a little water so that the liquid only covers the top of the fruit a little. Add sugar and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until the jam thickens and the fruit is tender. Wipe through a sieve if desired, or store in jars as they are.
- Jambolan ice cream … Prepare 4 tablespoons of jambolan berry pulp, 2.5 cups of skim milk, 2 tablespoons of cornmeal, 1 tablespoon of sugar or substitute. Combine the cornmeal and half a glass of milk in a saucepan and stir well. Bring the remaining 2 cups of milk to a boil and keep on the fire for another 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the flour mixture in small portions, stirring continuously. Cook for another 3 minutes, then let cool well. Add fruit mass and sugar. Pour the mixture into a freezer container. After a few hours, place the mixture in a mixer and process well until smooth. Transfer to a container and freeze again.
- Indian drink with jambolan - Kala Khatta … This traditional recipe is widespread where Jambolan is grown. Take for him 500 g of fruit, sugar to taste, 1 glass of orange juice, a pinch of salt, cumin powder, 6-7 green chili peppers, 3 tablespoons of lime juice, lots of ice cubes. Grind the peppers in a mortar or blender. Wash the berries well, sprinkle with sugar. Crush and leave for 3-4 hours. Use a fork or blender to puree the mixture, then add the orange juice. We pass the mixture through a sieve, carefully wiping the contents. Add lime juice, salt, cumin powder, green chili. Pour into a jug and let stand for an hour to absorb all the aromas.
- Almond pie with jambolan sauce … The cooking time for such a dessert is about 20 minutes. Take 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon of sugar, a third of a cup of nuts (grind in a blender to a flour state), 2.5 cups of fresh jambolan, 2 teaspoons of cornmeal, half a cup of cream, 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar, another half cup of jambolan berries for the sauce … Whisk the egg yolks and sugar until fluffy. Add almond flour. Whisk the egg whites until a thick cream is obtained. Combine the mixtures, stir well. Pour into a paper lined baking dish. Bake at 200 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Remove from the mold, let cool, then cut into small portions. To make the jambolan sauce, puree half a cup of berries. Dissolve the cornmeal in the cream, add the fruit puree there and keep on low heat until thickened. Stir in the powdered sugar and place on top of the pie.
- Chilled Jambolan smoothie … Prepare 3/4 cups of finely chopped berries, 2 cups of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of sugar substitute, 4 tablespoons of crushed ice. Combine all ingredients, except ice, beat in a mixer until foam is obtained. Now pours the cocktail into small glasses (for 4 servings), adding a tablespoon of crushed ice on top.
- Indian Wright … This dish is a dairy sauce with raw vegetables and fruits, served with a variety of ready-made snacks and toasts. To create it, take half a cup of finely chopped ripe jambolans, 1 cup of cottage cheese, salt to taste, half a teaspoon of roasted cumin seeds, 1 tablespoon of finely chopped coriander. We combine all the components in one container. You can add yogurt or cream to the recipe to make the garnish thinner. Chill food for at least 1 hour before serving.
Interesting facts about Jambolan

The unusual berry tree was brought to Florida in 1911 by a USDA decree. However, until now, jambolan is massively grown only in Suriname, Guyana, India, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, and Hawaii. Animals and birds are very fond of the purple fruit, therefore it can significantly harm the crop on plantations.
Jambolan is a slow-growing species, individual specimens of which reach a height of over 30 meters and an age of about 100 years. Its dense foliage of intense hue is attractive as an ornamental green space, and its rough and water-resistant timber can be used to make railroad ties in mines. Young Jambolan greens are harvested for livestock feed, as they have a high nutritional value.
Jambolan seeds and fruit paste are used to treat acne, remove dark spots, and lighten skin. The berries are crushed, mixed with fresh cow's milk and applied overnight. They are equally good at helping against anemia and jaundice due to their high iron content.
Jambolan is also mentioned in religious texts. It is known that Krishna has four symbols on his right leg, denoting this fruit, and in the Mahabharata, the color of the body of the god Vishnu is compared with the color of berries. The leaves of the tree are used to decorate the venues of the marriage ceremony; a separate folk song is dedicated to the fruit. In some traditions, planting a branch of a Jambolana tree is the beginning of the preparation of a marriage, and dark fruits in verse are synonymous with the bride's beautiful eyes. Watch a video about unusual fruits and jambolana:

Jambolan is small in size, but can work wonders with the human body. Its use in food has a positive effect on almost every physiological system, improving digestion and assimilation, normalizing the work of the heart and blood vessels, strengthening bones, protecting the liver, eyes and reproductive organs. That is why he is firmly embedded in Indian folklore and Asian homeopathic systems. Recipes verified over the years are used to this day, confirming the extraordinary value of the sweet purple fruit.