Description of the common oak tree. Healing substances contained in mushrooms. Useful and harmful properties, side effects. Recipes for the first and second courses. The fungus has a positive effect on digestion, pancreas, stool, and mental activity. It is very useful for increased brain stress, prolonged sitting at the computer, stress and fatigue. All these effects are provided by various amino acids that make up the product.
Note! Dubovik is almost as useful as its more prestigious "cousin" boletus, although it costs much less.
Harm and contraindications to the use of common oak tree

Since the mushroom is conditionally edible due to the presence of toxic substances, it should never be eaten raw. It requires prolonged heat treatment (boiling in salt water for 1-2 hours). Failure to do this increases the risk of serious poisoning. Its first symptoms are nausea, headache, abdominal discomfort, severe diarrhea. When they appear, you should immediately call an ambulance, and before her arrival, rinse the stomach with activated charcoal or clean water, which you need to drink at least 1 liter.
It is not recommended to use oak wood for the following problems:
- Indigestion … The product can aggravate the situation, as it contains biologically active components that irritate the intestinal and stomach walls. Therefore, it cannot be eaten with flatulence and bloating.
- Duodenal ulcer and stomach … It is important to exclude Dubovik from the menu both during an exacerbation of the situation and during the period of remission. It has been proven that due to the presence of fiber and essential oils, it "scratches" the mucous membrane of these organs. In this case, severe abdominal pain and nausea may occur.
- Kidney disease … We are talking about the prolapse and inflammation of this organ, the presence of large stones and microliths in it. Dubovik contains a lot of water, which only worsens the situation with such problems.
Poddubnik is absolutely incompatible with alcoholic beverages, which can intensify the effects of intoxication. Do not use it at night, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. In the morning, it is also not recommended to serve them on the table, since they are too heavy food for an still empty stomach.
As part of the poddubnik there is an active enzyme - chitin. It is tolerated quite easily by adults, but children react to it in completely different ways. This is due to the fact that their pancreas does not produce it yet and the body, accordingly, is not used to such a substance. Therefore, eating the mushroom can lead to intestinal upset or even intoxication of the body.
Poddubnik should not be collected by inexperienced mushroom pickers, since it is very similar to a poisonous satanic mushroom, for which it is enough to eat 1-2 pieces for poisoning, even if they have been cooked for a long time.
Recipes for dishes with ordinary oak tree

Dubovik is considered very tasty and is quite popular among culinary specialists and simply gourmets. It has a mild aroma and pleasant pulp. This mushroom is an ideal candidate for pickling, pickling, canning, roasting, stewing, frying. It makes both first courses and additional dishes equally well - side dishes, salads, various sandwiches and pastries. It is very important not to forget that it requires preliminary heat treatment (boiling for 2-3 hours, and during all this time the water should be changed 2-3 times).
There are the following ways to use oak wood in cooking:
- With sour cream … Peel and wash the oak trees (600 g), remove the legs and fill the caps with water for an hour. After this time, put them to cook, salting in advance. Heat treatment should last at least 30 minutes, the longer, the safer the mushrooms will be for health. It is advisable to change the water at least once during this time. When the oak woods are ready, drain the broth and fry them until golden brown in vegetable oil over low heat. Salt and pepper the mixture right in the pan, combine with chopped carrots and onions (1 pc.), Fill with water (100 ml) and simmer for 40 minutes under the lid. 10 minutes before turning off, add grated hard cheese (60 g) and sour cream (3 tablespoons), stir the mixture and season with garlic. This hot dish is suitable for both lunch and no late dinner. It is obtained for 3-4 people, the approximate calorie content of each portion is 350 kcal. Mushrooms in this form can be eaten with potatoes, pasta, cereals.
- With potato … First of all, deal with mushrooms (400 g) - peel them, cut off the legs and chop the caps. Then boil them for about an hour in salted water, chop, then fry along with grated carrots and chopped onions. At this time, there should be a lot of oil in the pan. After that, put all the ingredients in a saucepan with boiling water, peel and chop the potatoes (2 pcs.), Which should also be added here. Keep the soup on low heat for 20-30 minutes, add sour cream (2 tablespoons), grated processed cheese (1 pc.), Dill and salt with pepper to taste. It is served for lunch; it turns out 5-6 servings.
- Pickling … First of all, you need to combine black peppercorns (6 pieces), citric acid (2 tsp), boiled water (200 ml), sugar (60 g), sea salt (1 tsp) and chopped garlic cloves (3 pcs.). Now all this should be poured with boiling water (2 l), to which you need to add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Then stir the mixture and leave in a warm place for an hour. At this time, wash, peel and boil 1.5 kg of mushrooms. Then discard them in a colander and let the liquid drain completely. Next, wash and sterilize a large jar, put all the prepared mixture into it first, and on top of it - mushrooms. Leave them for 3-5 days, after which the dish can be used as a side dish. Especially by the way, such recipes for common oak tree will come in winter.
- Cabbage rolls … Cook a small head of white cabbage in salted water for 2-3 minutes. Then carefully separate the large sheets from it and cut off any hard areas from them. Next, prepare the filling by washing, peeling and boiling oak woods (800 g), which should then be combined with long rice (150 g), salt and pepper. Now this mass falls on the cabbage leaves, which are already neatly rolled into cabbage rolls. Then prepare the frying: peel, chop and fry 1 carrot, 1 onion and 2 tomatoes. Fill all this with water and extinguish. After that, all that remains is to put the cabbage rolls in a saucepan (they need to be put), add frying to them and stew over low heat for half an hour.
Important! These mushrooms tolerate freezing and drying well, this is how they can be prepared for the winter.
Interesting facts about ordinary oak tree

Poddubovik is widely used in official medicine - various medicines are obtained from it, the most famous of which is the antibiotic Boletol. This drug is used to treat inflammation of the throat, hepatitis, and many other conditions.
When collecting, you should be extremely careful - the oak tree has a false "brother". Their main difference lies in the fact that when the latter is cut, the cap first turns red and only then turns blue. In the case of the original, this never happens.
Cultivated mushrooms are very rare. This is due to the fact that their cultivation requires a site with acidic soil, which must be protected from direct sunlight. In the loosened soil, the mycelium of the oak tree is sown in the form of a powder. He loves peat, leaves, sawdust and horse manure. For the period of cold weather, the site is insulated with moss. All this is difficult and expensive to do.
Most often, this mushroom is found in Western Europe, in the south of the Far East and in the Caucasus. It can be seen under fir, spruce, beech, but a larger percentage grows under young oak trees, which is why it got its name.
The harvesting season is from May to October. Mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days, after which they become even more toxic. To extend this period, they can be frozen, peeled, boiled and folded in bags.
Watch a video about ordinary Dubovik:

Despite the fact that there are some contraindications for common oak tree for use, it is very popular among gourmets. It is a great alternative to the more expensive boletus mushroom and can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.