

Harmful and useful substances in the bighead. The action that the mushroom has, contraindications to its use and side effects. Culinary recipes and all the fun about the bighead. The listed contraindications for bigheads apply not only to fried mushrooms, but also to pickled, salted, canned, boiled, etc.

Golovach recipes

How to fry a bighead
How to fry a bighead

Young specimens with white flesh are suitable for culinary use, and those that are overripe can lead to intoxication of the body. You should always choose only fresh mushrooms, and they should not lie in the refrigerator for more than 3-5 days. If the shelf life needs to be increased, then they can be dried, salted or frozen. It should also be borne in mind that the flesh of the bighead contains a lot of water, so it does not require a lot of oil to fry it.

Of all the recipes, you should pay special attention to the following:

  • Fried golovach … It (1 kg) must be washed well, dried, cut into strips and sautéed in a large amount of vegetable oil. The first 5-10 minutes the fire should be strong, after which it should be reduced and the pan covered with a lid. Before that, add chopped white onions (1-2 heads), garlic (no more than 5 cloves), salt and pepper to taste, sour cream (2 tablespoons). At the end, if you want, you can add grated hard cheese (50-100 g).
  • Schnitzel … Wash and soak mushrooms for 1-2 hours. While they are in the water, prepare the batter. To do this, combine milk (3 tbsp. L.), An egg (2 pcs.), Salt to taste and flour, which needs so much so that the mass turns out to be similar in consistency to sour cream. Next, without cutting the bighead, dip it in the batter, put it on a hot and watered pan with vegetable oil, leaving it on low heat for 10-15 minutes. When one side is golden brown, flip the mushroom over to the other.
  • Cabbage rolls … First of all, deal with cabbage (white cabbage). One head should be boiled in salted water for 2-3 minutes, and then carefully disassembled into leaves so as not to break them. Next, you need to cut off all available hard areas and prepare the filling. To do this, wash, chop and fry mushrooms (800 g), carrots and onions (1 pc.). Then boil the rice (150 g) and combine all the ingredients, remembering to salt and pepper the mixture. Now slowly lay them in the middle of the sheet and wrap it like a pancake. Then adjust the tips inward and put everything in a deep enamel pot. After that, make a fry of onions and carrots, pour stuffed cabbage rolls with it, which need to be poured with tomato, diluted 50% with water, salt, pepper and put to stew on low heat. The cooking time for this dish is about 20 minutes.
  • Soup-puree … Peel and boil potatoes (1-2 pieces for 2 liters of water). Then fry one carrot and one onion, mushrooms (350 g), washed and dried in advance. Pour all this into a saucepan and add 3 tbsp. l. pitted olives. Boil the broth, and then sprinkle it with grated processed cheese (1 pc.), Season with salt, pepper, beat until smooth and dill. Before serving the soup, you can season it with homemade cream.
  • Pilaf … It is prepared very simply - you only need to boil rice (no more than 200 g), which must first be washed, fry peeled carrots and onions (1 pc.), Mushrooms (250 g). All this should be combined, pour a glass of vegetable oil, preferably refined, which does not smell strongly, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat until tender. If necessary, you can add some water.

Interesting facts about the bighead

How the bighead grows
How the bighead grows

There are over 20 varieties of the mushroom. The most delicious is considered the baggy bighead, which grows singly or in small groups in gardens, in fields and pastures, in young mixed-deciduous forests. The period of its collection falls on May-September. It is best to go after him immediately after rain, as he is very fond of moisture. The height of the leg of this representative of the genus "bighead" is more than 10 cm, and the width is about 2 cm. Its cap is round, with a slightly rough surface.

Another, no less useful type of these mushrooms is oblong. Most often, unlike its fellow raincoat, it can be found on the edges of forests and glades, and even in October. The fruit body reaches a height of over 7 cm and has a creamy clay color. The cap is almost smooth here and stretched slightly upward. Its pulp is very tender and soft.

Langermania (giant bighead) is also widespread. It has an egg-shaped or spherical fruiting body, consisting of a head up to 50 cm in diameter. Its flesh is very dense, but not hard, white in color. During development, its color changes to olive brown.

Due to the presence of small "thorns" on the surface, this mushroom is sometimes mistaken for a raincoat. This is not harmful to health, since both are edible.

Golovach is very popular among representatives of traditional medicine. It is widely used as a remedy to eliminate inflammation of internal organs and stop bleeding. To achieve this, a mushroom cap cut in half is applied to the problem area. If it is not available, then a spore powder dusting will do.

For ENT diseases (angina, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, etc.), extracts from the pulp of caps are used. They are proven to treat urticaria and chickenpox, relieve pain and lower body temperature. These are very unpretentious mushrooms, ideal for cultivation.

The Guinness Book of World Records contains the largest giant gingerbread found in 2010 in the UK. This honor was given to him because of the enormous height (1.7 m).

Bighead spores have a good effect in the prevention of tumors. They have excellent antiblastic properties, confirmed in studies with sick animals.

Watch the video about the head mushroom:

Unlike other mushrooms, bighead recipes do not require pre-boiling. This allows you to save time on cooking and experiment as much as you like. Given this, it will be very difficult to find an ingredient that is ideal for soups, salads, and various side dishes.