Motley umbrella

Motley umbrella
Motley umbrella

Description and different types of mushroom. Useful properties and contraindications to the use of an umbrella. Features of cooking and its place in cooking. The motley umbrella enriches the body with potassium by 15%, vitamin B2 by 18% and PP by 55%.

Useful properties of a variegated umbrella

Mushroom umbrella variegated
Mushroom umbrella variegated

This type of mushroom has practically no poisonous analogues, despite its suspicious appearance. In its chemical composition, it contains many useful substances, which determines its level of importance in our diet and the benefits of the variegated umbrella in general.

The beneficial effects of an umbrella are as follows:

  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system … If you use this mushroom, you will improve the functioning of the hematopoietic organs, and you will also be able to strengthen the blood vessels. And if you have any problems with the work of the heart, then it will help you avoid feeling of heaviness in the body.
  • Anti-cellulite effect … Thanks to the decent amount of potassium in the umbrella mushroom, the body is freed from excess fluid and the likelihood of orange peel on the skin. In addition, copper contributes to its elasticity.
  • Increasing resistance to infectious diseases … When a person consumes pestles, a number of different vitamins enter his body, most of them B.
  • Confronting cancerous tumors … Different types of glucans in these mushrooms have a positive effect on the entire body in general and the immune system in particular. They stimulate its work and stabilize the metabolic process. This support is a reliable barrier against cancer.
  • Immunostimulating action … The motley umbrella contains vitamins of group C, which support human health, which normalize redox reactions and accelerate the absorption of iron. It is a good prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • Supports mental performance … A large amount of riboflavin (vitamin B2) in these mushrooms speeds up brain function, relieves headaches, weakness, drowsiness and fatigue. And the main thing is that their use helps to strengthen memory.
  • Resisting stress … If you regularly eat pestles, then they will positively affect the work of the brain and help to avoid mental exhaustion and anxiety.
  • Normalization of metabolism … The acceleration of metabolic processes is facilitated by such a trace element as PP.
  • Eliminating unnecessary cholesterol … Lecithin - a substance contained in this mushroom, helps to rid the body of excess cholesterol and balance its levels.
  • Normalization of the thyroid gland … The umbrella contains riboflavin (vitamin B2), which has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, and it also protects the human integumentary system (hair, skin and nails).
  • Fighting excess weight … For people who are not interested in extra pounds, this mushroom is ideal, since it is low in calories, contributes to the rapid saturation of the body and satisfies hunger.

The surprisingly rich chemical composition of the pestle contains healing substances, helps the body cope with high cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also removes toxins from it and minimizes the activity of bacteria, improves the condition of the integumentary system, revitalizes nerve cells and even helps you lose weight and saturate the body with useful protein.

Interesting! The variegated umbrella can be eaten fresh, and this helps to preserve useful trace elements in the body.

Harm and contraindications to the use of a variegated umbrella

Bloating from the abuse of umbrellas
Bloating from the abuse of umbrellas

The specific chemical composition of mushrooms requires careful attention when using this category of products, and the variegated umbrella is no exception. The fact that children are allowed it only from the age of five, and adults should limit themselves in portions, should not be forgotten. Nutritionists do not advise pregnant women to use it either.

Here is a list of certain contraindications for a variegated umbrella so that you can avoid health problems:

  1. Diseases of the stomach, intestines and pancreas … If you overdo it with the use of speckles in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then you are threatened with bloating, which can provoke cramps and even pancreatitis. They have the property of being poorly absorbed by the body, although they contain a lot of healing substances. This is due to the large amount of chitin. That is, we can conclude that they make the stomach heavier and slow down.
  2. Liver problems … It is not for nothing that they say: "Mushrooms increase immunity, but they drain the liver." Due to the fact that it is difficult for the body to quickly digest umbrellas, the liver spends a lot of energy and takes a blow, thereby impairing its work.
  3. Individual intolerance to the body … People who are prone to allergic diseases and digestive disorders, and with individual intolerance to the body of certain substances, are not recommended to eat speckles, because this can lead to disastrous consequences.
  4. Strengthening the work of the bladder … Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. This leads to additional problems.

The umbrella is considered a relatively safe type, but this small list of contraindications, doctors advise you to know how your 5 fingers are. After breaking them, you can cause irreparable harm to the body. And most importantly, you need to remember that a wall like chitin sometimes interferes with the intake and assimilation of nutrients.

Recipes with colorful umbrellas

Fried umbrellas
Fried umbrellas

These unusually tasty and beautiful mushrooms will help your recipes open up a "second wind" and make your dishes original. In addition to aesthetic features and richness of taste, it will fill your body with healing substances, which will have a beneficial effect on it.

Here are the most interesting and simple recipes for a variegated umbrella:

  • Baked pestles … To prepare this original dish, you need to clean and rinse the umbrellas and get rid of the leg. Next, beat 2 eggs with salt and garlic. Place the umbrella caps in this mixture and roll in breadcrumbs. You have a choice: fry them in a skillet until golden brown or bake them in the oven. Bon appetite!
  • Fresh mushroom soup … The proposed first course turns out to be quite satisfying with these beauties, so if you have umbrellas at your fingertips, make sure to cook soup. Initially soak them for 15 minutes, then rinse and grind them. Next, grate the carrots and chop the onion. Fry the prepared vegetables in a skillet and cook the pestles for 20 minutes and add the potatoes there. After the soup has boiled, pepper and let it brew for 15 minutes. Serve this yummy with wheat bread and sour cream.
  • Colored chops … For this dish, a pestle without a leg is used, rub each hat with spices and let it soak in, then dip it in flour and put it in a preheated pan. We fry our chops and can serve. Don't forget the potato side dish, which works great here. Enjoy the taste!
  • Sauce under the umbrella … First you need to wash, finely chop the umbrellas and stew them in your own marinade, add spices, salt (to taste) and finely chopped bacon there. Put the bell pepper in this mix (remove the seeds in advance). While the excess liquid begins to evaporate, add ketchup, cream and flour diluted with water to the mushrooms. We cook all this for 10 minutes. The cooked sauce will be decorated with well-pickled cucumbers. Real jam!
  • Fried mushrooms with eggs … For this dish, we first need to prepare a batter: you need to mix chicken eggs and crackers (salt to taste). Next, place the caps (fold the legs) into boiling water for a few seconds. And we dip them into the prepared batter and send them to the frying pan, preheating it. After 10 minutes, the dish can be served to the table. And the proposed method was presented to us by the Vikings, this recipe is popular in Scandinavia even now.
  • Braised hats … You can prepare this delicious and original dish in half an hour. Let's start cooking: remove the legs from the speckles and cut the cap into 2 parts. Prepare lysone and salt to taste. Send umbrellas there and fry them in a pan. This must be done until fully prepared. Top with pickled onions and hard cheese. As soon as it melts, it will be a sign of the readiness of the dish.

An umbrella may seem unprofitable from the point of view of the buyer, because a hat is mainly used in cooking. But its beneficial and tasteful properties will force you to acquire it at every opportunity, or start looking in the forest.

Interesting facts about the motley umbrella

How the motley umbrella grows
How the motley umbrella grows

As a rule, people rarely meet speckles, and if they do, they pass by. From ignorance, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful mushroom, and also do not suspect about some of its features.

The motley umbrella belongs to the fourth category. It is customary to collect it when the hat is egg-shaped (a sign of young age). It can be eaten fresh as well as dried.

Umbrellas love to live in coniferous forests, near bushes, along the roads they also feel good and can create "witch circles". By the time of year and habitat, this mushroom is picky. It grows well from mid-summer to late autumn. If the mottles grow in a favorable environment, their height can reach 40 cm.

There are different types of this mushroom: variegated, white and red. An orange blush on the cut will be a sign that you are dealing with a species such as a blushing umbrella.

A hat is mainly used for cooking, a leg is not needed.

It is rarely found in stores, since it is not convenient to transport, and people rarely buy it, because they have little information about it. The only way to pamper yourself with umbrellas is to gather your family and go to collect them.

Watch a video about the variegated umbrella mushroom:

Fans of "quiet hunting" rarely dare to stop their eyes on this handsome man. Its suspicious appearance (strange scales on the cap and skirt) isolates it from the rest of the edible mushroom world. But whoever encountered him at least once in cooking will not refuse to eat more. After all, umbrellas are tasty, distinctive and healthy.