Magic fruit

Table of contents:

Magic fruit
Magic fruit

Description of the fruit called magic fruit. Useful and unusual substances contained in berries. What properties does the plant have on the body, possible harmful manifestations after abuse. Recipes with sinsepalum.

Harm and contraindications to the use of magic fruit

Individual intolerance to synsepalum
Individual intolerance to synsepalum

Miracle berries are considered safe enough even for those people who have health problems. Contraindications of a magic fruit are extremely insignificant, but it is worth remembering that any unusual exotic product may have unusual and even unacceptable properties for the body. Therefore, pay special attention to the first use of the fruit.

Consequences of misuse of synsepalum:

  • Stomach upset … If you consume too much of the miracle berry, you may experience bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Unpleasant taste sensations … Despite the fact that the predominant amount of food after eating the magic fruit is felt as sweet, the unusual combination of some of the tastes may seem unpleasant at first.

Absolute contraindications to the magic fruit:

  1. Individual intolerance … The miracle berry is capable of causing an allergic reaction of various degrees of severity - from mild itching and rashes to the need for qualified medical care.
  2. Taking medication … Certain types of drugs should not be consumed with the magic fruit. To find out more precisely what restrictions apply to your case, consult with your doctor.

Magic Fruit Recipes

Margarita cocktail with magic fruit
Margarita cocktail with magic fruit

In the wake of the popularity of these fruits, special gastronomic parties began to be held in many countries of the world. Their participants eat a small amount of magic berries and enjoy the unusual taste of familiar dishes. However, this does not mean that wonderful fruits cannot be used to prepare more complex culinary delights. Famous chefs actively use the magic fruit to experiment with creating unusual food, making delicious cocktails and desserts.

Magic Fruit Recipes:

  • Puff fruit baked goods … Take: 2 cups of white flour, a slightly incomplete glass, and another 0.5 cups (separately) softened butter, 6-7 tablespoons of water, 2.5 cups of fruit filling. Sift the flour and place a slightly incomplete cup of softened butter in a separate container. Mix well with a fork, ensuring uniformity. Gradually add water to form a firm but soft dough. Roll it out on a slightly floured surface to a minimum thickness. Cut off small pieces of butter from an additional portion, evenly distributing them over the dough. We fold the latter in several layers, roll it out, repeat the procedure. We wrap with cling film and let stand for a while. Roll out and cut out the squares again, placing magic berries peeled and pitted in the center of each. We fold the pastry, giving it the shape of a pie (or more exotic - at your discretion), carefully pinch the edges. Place the cookies on baking sheets covered with parchment. We keep in the oven for about 15-20 minutes, at a temperature of 220 degrees. To make the dish even tastier, you can add a little ripe apples, cinnamon, raisins, nutmeg, strawberries, plums, pineapple to the filling if you wish.
  • Cocktail "Margarita" without sugar … Prepare 40 ml of tequila, 2 tablespoons of lime juice, 2 tablespoons of orange juice, 4 tablespoons of water, a handful of ice, a little salt, 1-2 miracle berries (without peel and pits). Mix all the ingredients in a blender, before serving, it is recommended to slightly moisten the glass with water and dip the glass rim in salt for a few millimeters. Serve immediately.
  • Cocktail "Mai Tai" with pineapple juice … For preparation you will need: 3 tablespoons of light rum, 1 tbsp. spoon of "Triple Sec" liqueur, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lime juice and the same amount of pineapple, 1 tbsp. spoon of Grenadine syrup, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dark rum, a cherry for decoration, 1 berry of a magic fruit. Shake all ingredients except berries and dark rum in a shaker. Place the ice cubes in a glass, top up the mixture, then add the remaining rum. Decorate with cherries and magic berry halves. If desired, it can be cut into small rings and placed in liquid.
  • Apple lasagna with wonder berry … To prepare this recipe with a magic fruit and get 12-15 servings, you will need: 8 sheets of lasagna, 2 glasses of grated Cheddar cheese, 1 glass of Ricotta cheese, 1 beaten egg, 2 glasses of fresh orange juice, a little almond extract, 2 glasses of apple jam, 6 tablespoons of flour, a quarter of a cup of instant oatmeal, half a dessert spoon of ground cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg, 3 tablespoons of butter, 1 glass of sour cream, 5-6 wonderful berries (without peel and pits). Before you start creating your dish, prepare the lasagna sheets according to the instructions on the package. Preheat oven to 180 ° C, oil a baking dish. Combine Cheddar cheese, ricotta, egg, orange juice and almond extract in a separate container. Mix well. Place the first leaf of lasagna in a baking dish, spread the apple jam and the wonder berries, cut into small pieces, over it. Place the second sheet on top and place the cheese mixture on top. Repeat with the remaining lasagna sheets and toppings. Then combine the flour, a glass of orange juice, cereal, cinnamon and nutmeg in a small bowl. Add oil, stir until smooth, pour on top of the casserole. Bake for 45 minutes, then let cool for 15 minutes. Season with a sauce made from a glass of sour cream and a third of a glass of brown sugar, if desired.
  • Multifruit compote … An easy way to enjoy the unusual taste of magic berries is to make a refreshing fruit compote from the available fruits. For this, take 4 glasses of fresh seasonal fruits of your choice (apples, peaches, pears, rhubarb, plums or dried fruits are suitable), add 5-6 magic berries to them. Place the pitted pulp in a medium saucepan, the skin can be left on or removed as desired. Add a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon to taste, add 1.5 liters of water. Heat the drink over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the fruit is tender. Serve warm or chilled.

Interesting facts about the magic fruit

How the magic fruit grows
How the magic fruit grows

Wonderful berries were known to Europeans at least in the 18th century - this is evidenced by the mention of the French traveler Chevalier de Marche, officially called the discoverer of the fruit. However, it is obvious that the indigenous people of the African continent knew about the miracle berries from time immemorial, using them in their daily diet.

Historically, in West Africa, synsepalum pulp has been used to sweeten palm wine and sometimes even improve the taste of spoiled cornbread.

At the moment, two more species unrelated to synsepalum have a similar effect to change taste sensations - Gymnema sylvestre and Thaumatococcus daniellii. The homeland of the first is India and Sri Lanka (later it was also brought to Australia), the second is distributed throughout Africa, in the territories from Sierra Leone to the Congo. Scientists are currently working on transgenic tomato species, whose fruits contain miraculin and act like magic fruits.

In the 1970s, an attempt was made in the United States to use fruit commercially to add to food everywhere, but it ended in failure. The United States Food and Drug Administration has classified the berry as a dietary supplement, not a food item, similar to stevia. A scandal erupted around the situation, caused by allegations of bribery against the "Office". Suspicion fell on the owners of large sugar companies, who allegedly feared the collapse of their own business. In 2009, oncologists at the Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Florida, filed a new application to review the attitude towards the product with the aim of its wider distribution among patients. Miracle Berry is also on the EU's New Food List and therefore requires a safety assessment before it can be sold disguised as food in brick-and-mortar stores.

In Japan, the miracle fruit is popular with diabetes patients and dietitian clients.

Fresh fruit has a shelf life of only 2-3 days, as miraculin decomposes quickly. The process is further accelerated if heat acts on the berry. Several dietary supplement companies offer miraculin tablets. Its shelf life is 10 to 18 months, but the effect is less pronounced compared to fresh fruits. From West Africa, the berries were brought to Taiwan, USA, Puerto Rico, where they are successfully cultivated to this day.

There are special restaurants whose menus are based on the use of the magic berry before tasting the dishes. For example, the popular representative of molecular gastronomy, Chef Homaro Cantu, owns a similar establishment in Chicago. All desserts are prepared without sugar, and the same dish undergoes a unique flavor transformation during the evening.

Some products change in unexpected ways. For example, apples are more like jam, and beer is more like chocolate milk. Whole grain bread resembles a cream cake, while red wines are a strong porter.

Watch the video about the magic fruit:

Eating miracle berries is not only good for your health, given the rich vitamin composition of the fruit. Eating a magic fruit is perhaps one of the most unusual taste experiences in your entire life, and you can experiment with it almost endlessly. Diabetics and cancer patients can significantly improve the quality of life due to unusual desserts, and healthy people can have a pleasant time without sacrificing their figure. Sinsepalum is a natural and safe sweetener that is effectively used in everyday life.
