Exercises to burn fat on the sides

Exercises to burn fat on the sides
Exercises to burn fat on the sides

Find out which exercises are most effective at burning side fat. At the same time, you need to devote no more than 15 minutes a day to training. The female body is very willing to store fat, but does not want to part with it. The most problematic areas in this regard are the hips, waist and hips. There are several methods for dealing with fatty deposits on the sides, which have both advantages and disadvantages. Today you will learn about exercises for burning fat on the sides and get acquainted with methods to achieve this goal.

In order to lose weight, you do not need to visit the gym and you can do it even at home. You will need to be patient and have sufficient self-motivation to do this. You can notice the results quickly enough if you have dumbbells or fitball.

What are the exercises for burning fat on the sides?

Side plank and leg raises
Side plank and leg raises

All the movements that will now be discussed can be performed not only by girls, but also by men. With their help, you can quickly get rid of body fat, and this does not require experience in sports or expensive sports equipment. You can train at any free time, which is very important in modern life.

Also, you should remember that the exercises should be regular, and you also need to adhere to a dietary nutrition program. You should do it three times during the week. Switch to fractional meals and eat small meals five or six times a day. It is also important that you expend more energy than you get from food. Now let's take a look at what exercises for burning fat on the sides can be useful for you:

  • Exercise # 1. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Squeeze a towel tightly between your knee joints and start lifting your torso at the same time. In the upper position of the trajectory, you should pause for a second, then return to the starting position. You need to do 10 repetitions.
  • Exercise number 2. Take a supine position, raise your legs bent at the knee joints at an angle of 60 degrees relative to the ground. Hands at this moment should be behind the head. Begin to slowly raise the body, pausing at the extreme upper position of the trajectory. The more time you can be in this position, the more effective the movement will be.
  • Exercise number 3. Now you should combine the first two movements. The starting position is the same as in the first exercise. At the time of lifting the body, you should also raise your legs to an angle of 60 degrees, lingering in the final position of the trajectory of movement. Also stretch your arms forward while lifting your shoulder blades off the ground.

What sports equipment to use for fat burning?

Athletes on a treadmill
Athletes on a treadmill

You will need sports equipment to perform these movements. Do them daily for forty minutes, and your waist will rapidly decrease in size:

  • Exercise # 1. The movement is performed to your favorite musical melodies with a hoop. Twist the sports equipment for ten minutes.
  • Exercise number 2. Fitball is a very effective tool for fighting fat. Lie sideways on the projectile and rest with one hand on the ground, while straightening your legs. Begin to stretch as much as possible to get a stable position. When you have taken the correct position, then the part of the body between the chest and thighs should be located on the sports equipment. After that, start lifting your upper leg as high as possible without bending the knee joint. In total, you need to perform from 3 to 4 sets of 10 repetitions each on both sides.
  • Exercise number 3. The legs are at the level of the shoulder joints, and dumbbells are clamped in the hands. Begin to tilt to the left while raising your right hand up. After returning to the starting position, tilt in the opposite direction. You need to do 10 repetitions in each direction.

Isolated exercises for burning fat on the sides

Girl doing lunges forward with dumbbells
Girl doing lunges forward with dumbbells

You can perform special movements by targeting specific areas of the body. Here are three effective exercises to burn fat on your sides:

  • Oblique twists.
  • Hanging leg raises.
  • Hanging leg rotations.

When your muscles are strong enough, you should start performing these movements with additional weights. Also, you should remember that fat deposits on the sides will be effectively burned while training the oblique muscles of the abdomen. With their help, you can not only remove fat, but also make your figure more attractive. An excellent result can be achieved by combining all the movements described today.

In addition, you should start to lead the most active lifestyle. Fats can be burned in any kind of activity. To do this, you can go cycling, swim, work with a rope, or just dance.

How to quickly remove fat on the stomach and sides, you will learn from this video:

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