TOP 5 recipes for chicken with oranges in the oven

TOP 5 recipes for chicken with oranges in the oven
TOP 5 recipes for chicken with oranges in the oven

Delicious and healthy dinner. TOP 5 recipes for baked chicken with oranges. How to cook it correctly and what to serve on the table with?

Chicken with oranges
Chicken with oranges

After 10-15 minutes, you can start your meal. If you are not on a diet, you can serve the dish with boiled potatoes, sprinkled with herbs and shavings of butter.

Baked chicken with oranges and soy sauce

Chicken with oranges and soy sauce
Chicken with oranges and soy sauce

Such a dish will undoubtedly take the main place on any festive table. It is especially good to cook a chicken according to this recipe for the New Year, when everyone has an excellent appetite and the whole family gathers at the table, because such a chicken will appeal to both adults and children.


  • Chicken - 1 pc. (about 1.7 kg)
  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 2 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Ground pepper mixture - 2 tsp
  • Dried marjoram - 2 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable (olive) oil - 1 tablespoon

Step by step preparation of baked chicken with oranges and soy sauce:

  1. Wash the chicken and dry it lightly with a paper towel.
  2. Then sprinkle it with salt on the outside and inside. Rub the salt thoroughly all over the carcass. It will soften the meat.
  3. Then peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater or use a special press.
  4. Rub the outside and inside of the chicken with garlic gruel.
  5. Then wash the orange and pour boiling water over it to soften and remove excess bitter notes.
  6. Slice the orange into thin circles. Send a few of them under the skin of the chicken, and push the rest inside the carcass and fasten this place with toothpicks so that the filling does not fall out back.
  7. Now take a deep bowl and combine the olive oil, honey and soy sauce in it.
  8. Next, grease the entire surface of the chicken with the resulting marinade. Do not ignore the wings on the inside and the legs in all the folds.
  9. Sprinkle the chicken on top with a mixture of ground peppers and dried marjoram.
  10. Now is the time to put the stove on. The oven temperature should be 220 degrees to begin with. Then it will need to be subtracted.
  11. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the chicken on top of it. If you want, then wrap the carcass in foil or place it in a sleeve, but you are unlikely to achieve a golden brown crust.
  12. So, now send the chicken to the oven.
  13. First, bake for 15 minutes at 220 degrees, then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and bake the chicken for another 50 minutes.
  14. If you notice that the wings are starting to burn, just wrap them in foil.
  15. When the finished dish is served, garnish with orange and herbs cut into rings.

Chicken baked with oranges in a protein coat

Chicken with oranges in a protein coat
Chicken with oranges in a protein coat

According to this recipe, the chicken turns out to be beautiful and very appetizing. An egg white coat gives it a light charm.


  • Chicken carcass - 1 pc. (1.5 kg)
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Greens - a small bunch

Step-by-step cooking of baked chicken under a protein coat:

  1. First, wash the chicken thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Loan wash the oranges diligently and cut them into circles or wedges. Do not remove the peel from the fruit.
  3. Put orange slices in the belly of the carcass and close the skin with toothpicks.
  4. Then rub the entire surface with salt, and then ground pepper.
  5. Place the chicken in a baking sleeve and secure it with a special paper clip. Can be wrapped in foil if no sleeve is available.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Send the chicken there to bake for 1 hour.
  7. While the chicken is cooking in the oven, handle the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks and combine the whites, salt and lemon juice in a separate deep bowl.
  8. Stir this protein mixture thoroughly until it turns into a foam.
  9. Remove the cooked chicken from the oven, remove it from the sleeve or foil and cover with the protein mixture.
  10. Send to bake again for 10 minutes at the same temperature.
  11. Garnish the chicken with herbs when serving. You can also prepare a vegetable salad for this dish. Bon Appetit!

Honey marinated baked chicken with oranges

Honey marinated chicken with oranges
Honey marinated chicken with oranges

The chicken according to this recipe turns out to be unusually fragrant and ruddy. The marinade, which consists of honey, coriander and turmeric, gives the dish a special tenderness.


  • Chicken - 1 pc. (1.5 kg)
  • Honey - 100 ml
  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1/2 fruit
  • Coriander and Turmeric Blend - 30 g
  • Olive oil - 30 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking of baked chicken in honey marinade:

  1. Rinse the chilled chicken under running water and dry with paper napkins.
  2. Take a small cup and combine the ground pepper and salt in it. Rub this mixture all over the chicken, both outside and inside.
  3. Then squeeze the juice out of the orange, after cutting the fruit in half.
  4. Add honey, coriander, olive oil and turmeric to the resulting orange juice. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Now thoroughly coat the chicken with this mixture. Don't miss a single section of the carcass.
  6. Then refrigerate the chicken for 2-3 hours. Let it be soaked in the marinade there.
  7. Cut the second orange into thin circles.
  8. When the chicken is marinated, remove it from the refrigerator and place it in the roasting sleeve.
  9. Throw the orange mugs there.
  10. You can also pour the marinade into the same sleeve, if you still have it.
  11. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send the chicken into it to bake on a baking sheet for 1 hour.
  12. When the dish is ready, you can transfer it to a wide festive plate and decorate with lemon mugs.

Baked chicken with oranges in sour cream

Chicken with oranges in sour cream
Chicken with oranges in sour cream

The sour cream in this recipe will give the chicken extraordinary tenderness, playing the role of a marinade.


  • Chicken or chicken - 1 pc. (1-1.5 kg)
  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 1 glass
  • Seasoning for roasting chicken meat - 1 pack
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking of baked chicken in sour cream:

  1. Gut the chicken and rinse thoroughly. Then dry the carcass slightly.
  2. Remove a clean deep bowl and combine the chicken roast mixture with salt and ground pepper in it.
  3. Rub the chicken well on each side with the resulting marinade and let it sit for 40 minutes so that the marinade is absorbed into the carcass.
  4. Wash the orange and cut into thin circles.
  5. Place the sliced orange under the skin of the chicken and in the belly.
  6. Fix the skin around the abdomen with toothpicks so as not to lose the filling.
  7. Now coat the carcass with sour cream, it can have any fat content.
  8. Transfer the chicken to a sleeve or baking bag and close it at the cut with a string or paper clip.
  9. Next, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the chicken in a sleeve or bag on a baking sheet and send it to the oven.
  10. Pierce the bag or sleeve in several places with a toothpick or sharp knife. This is necessary for the steam to escape.
  11. Bake the carcass with oranges for at least 1.5 hours.
  12. 15 minutes before cooking, free the carcass from the sleeve and send the oven again so that a beautiful and golden crust forms on the chicken.
  13. Transfer the cooked chicken to a wide platter and garnish with fresh vegetables and herbs of your choice.

How to serve baked chicken with oranges?

How is chicken served with oranges
How is chicken served with oranges

If you are baking a whole chicken, then it can be served on the table as an independent dish. You can also take chicken on the road just like that, without any side dish and bread. This dish is low-fat and low-calorie, but saturates the body for a long time.

If you wish, you can add a light vegetable salad to the chicken baked with oranges. It can be a composition of fresh cucumber, tomato and herbs. Salad can be drizzled with lemon juice and seasoned with olive oil. Chicken goes well with Peking cabbage salad with corn.

When you bake a fillet, you can immediately add vegetables to it in the form. For example, it can be eggplant or zucchini, broccoli, carrots, and so on. Trust your imagination and don't be afraid to experiment.

You can also bake chicken with potatoes, but in this case the dish will turn out to be too high in calories, and it will no longer work for a dietary table. If you are not threatened with extra pounds, then you can cook chicken in this way.

For baked chicken, you can serve a mixture of vegetables, fried separately in a skillet. You can make your own mix of your favorite vegetables or buy it at the store. On supermarket shelves you can find such frozen mixes as Hawaiian, Mexican and so on.

Video recipes for baked chicken with oranges

Let the chicken baked with oranges become a frequent and favorite guest on your table. Now you know how to cook it even in several ways. Bon Appetit!
