A simple but tasty and budgetary universal homemade dish from the category of cheap and cheerful - stewed cabbage with meat and tomatoes. It is always tasty, satisfying, and the necessary products can certainly be found in the kitchen. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Without false modesty, we can say that crispy cabbage stew is a universal dish that absolutely everyone likes. It is consumed in its own form, used for stews and roasts, omelets are prepared with it, pies and pies are baked, pancakes are stuffed, etc. And if it is supplemented with meat, then the dish becomes especially tasty, satisfying and nutritious. It should be noted that the undoubted advantage of the dish is its low calorie content in combination with satiety. One serving of stewed cabbage with tomatoes will remove hunger, which means no extra calories and overeating! With such a dish, you don't have to worry about your figure.
The peculiarity of this recipe is that not water or broth is used for stewing, but tomato puree from fresh tomatoes. You can use the meat you like the most for the recipe. For a fatty and satisfying meal, use pork; for a dietary and low-calorie meal, use chicken or turkey. Another important point is the dishes. Cabbage should be stewed only in a pan with thick walls and a bottom, ideally cast iron. Well, of course, the result of the finished dish largely depends on the cabbage itself and its variety. The juicy one is young, but after 15 minutes it will turn into porridge. Winter can be dry, so you can't do without additional tricks. You can also stew several types of cabbage at once: sauerkraut, pickled, fresh (winter and young new harvest).
- Caloric content per 100 g - 195 kcal.
- Servings - 4
- Cooking time - 1 hour

- White cabbage - 0.5 heads of cabbage (about 500-700 g)
- Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
- Meat (any variety) - 700 g (this recipe uses pork)
- Allspice peas - 4 pcs.
- Tomatoes - 5-7 pcs.
- Ground black pepper - a pinch
- Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
- Vegetable oil - for frying
Step by step cooking stewed cabbage with meat and tomatoes, recipe with photo:

1. Wash the meat, dry with a paper towel and cut into medium-sized pieces. If there is fat on the meat, cut it off as desired.

2. Wash the white cabbage and dry it with a paper towel. Cut it into thin strips.

3. Wash the tomatoes and place them on a cotton towel to dry.

4. Cut the tomatoes into wedges.

5. Place them in a food processor with a cutter attachment and chop them to a puree consistency.

6. In a skillet, heat the oil and add the meat. Turn the heat on more than medium and brown the meat until golden brown.

7. Put the cabbage in another pan with heated vegetable oil.

8. Saute the cabbage over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

9. Add chopped tomatoes to the cabbage.

10. Next, place the fried meat in the pan.

11. Season food with salt and black pepper, put bay leaves and allspice peas. Stir, boil the food, close the lid and cook the stewed cabbage with meat and tomatoes for half an hour. Do not extinguish it for a long time, otherwise it will become soft and not crispy.
See also a video recipe on how to cook stewed cabbage with tomatoes.