Keratin lamination of eyelashes - an alternative to extension

Keratin lamination of eyelashes - an alternative to extension
Keratin lamination of eyelashes - an alternative to extension

Find out what keratin eyelash lamination is, about its advantages, disadvantages and contraindications. Get acquainted with the technique of this procedure. Long and fluffy eyelashes are the dream of many girls. To enhance the beauty of your eyes, you can apply mascara, comb, curl, or extend. However, now you can refuse such procedures if you make keratin lamination of eyelashes.

What is eyelash keratin lamination?

Eyelash lamination Before and After
Eyelash lamination Before and After

Photos Before and After the procedure Keratin lamination eyelashes is a procedure designed to make eyelashes alive, voluminous, shiny and thick. It involves the application of a special composition to the eyelashes, which protects against damage and restores their structure. The procedure gives not only a visual, but also a healing effect, which lasts up to 2-3 months.

The price of such a service in Russia varies within 2-4 thousand rubles and more. The duration of the procedure is up to 90 minutes.

Benefits of lash keratin lamination

The procedure has many advantages:

  • the color of the eyelashes will become more saturated, they will have shine;
  • each eyelash will become more voluminous and denser;
  • composition for lamination nourishes and accelerates the growth of eyelashes;
  • long-term effect;
  • no side effects.

Contraindications for keratin lamination of eyelashes

It was not without a fly in the ointment, since this procedure has contraindications:

  • eye diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the lamination product;
  • high sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The composition of the product for keratin lamination of eyelashes

Yumi Lashes Eyelash Lamination Kit
Yumi Lashes Eyelash Lamination Kit

The procedure is performed with the help of a special agent that covers each cilium, forming a protective microfilm on it, leveling the structure of the hairs. This film is very thin, weightless and breathable, so the lamination procedure does absolutely no harm to the lashes.

The composition of the product includes components that heal and nourish the cilia:

  • wheat protein hydrolyzate;
  • cosmetic oils;
  • keratin;
  • peptides;
  • vitamins.

One of the favorites in the field of eyelash keratin lamination is the Swiss brand Yumi Lashes. Salons also carry out the procedure using products from brands such as DP Lumi, Beautier, Paul Mitchell, LashRelax, etc.

How is the procedure for keratin lamination of eyelashes

Eyelash lamination procedure
Eyelash lamination procedure

In time, it takes about 1 hour. The procedure does not have a recovery period, that is, after keratin lamination of eyelashes, you can safely go about your usual business. The only limitation is not to wash your face during the day. The eyelash lamination procedure consists of several stages:

  1. The lashes are prepared for lamination. To do this, the beautician removes cosmetics and excess fat from the eyes with the help of a special tool.
  2. This is followed by combing the eyelashes and applying to the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes of a care product that has a smoothing, softening or moisturizing effect. Silicone tape is glued under the eyes to protect delicate skin from the aggressive effects of the lamination product.
  3. After that, special silicone rollers are put on the eyelashes. They lift them up and give them the desired shape.
  4. A fixing compound is applied to the eyelashes, which restores their structure, thickens and makes them longer. Then the cilia are gently combed onto the silicone rollers, and the excess product is removed with a cotton swab.
  5. To create a thermal effect, a film and a warm towel are applied to the eyes.
  6. The eyelashes are filled with a coloring pigment, which is selected taking into account the woman's color type. Currently, manufacturers offer 5 pigments: graphite, bluish black, light brown, black, dark brown. Excess paint is subsequently removed.
  7. A keratin-based product is applied to the eyelashes.
  8. The silicone rollers are removed, and the cilia are given the necessary curl with tweezers.

Where to laminate eyelashes: at home or in the salon

Long eyelashes
Long eyelashes

Keratin lamination of eyelashes can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. However, in the latter case, it will be difficult to do without outside help. Lamination kits are available at professional beauty stores. The procedure for the procedure is exactly the same as in the salon. However, be prepared for the result to fall short of expectations. Still, this issue requires a professional approach.

Take the utmost care when choosing a lamination product. Don't chase cheapness! Study the composition carefully. A cheap remedy can lead to an allergic reaction or simply not give the expected effect.

At home, a good alternative to a special tool, which is relatively expensive, can be the most common gelatin. It must be dissolved in hot water in a ratio of 1: 3, and after thickening, warm it up in a water bath until a homogeneous mass is formed. After that, you can add any balm to the gelatin and apply it to the eyelashes with a brush for half an hour.

Of course, gelatin will not give such a stunning effect as professional keratin lamination products. However, he will still transform the eyelashes.

Eyelash care after keratin lamination

Big eyelashes
Big eyelashes

The rules for leaving are extremely simple. With laminated eyelashes, you can safely swim, sunbathe, go to the sauna, wear contact lenses. It is not recommended to use mascara, but it is not prohibited. The application of a variety of masks and other care products is also not prohibited.

How long does keratin lamination of eyelashes last?

The effect of the procedure lasts about 2-3 months. It all depends on individual characteristics, in particular, on the rate of eyelash renewal. After 2 months, you can make a correction. With each subsequent keratin lamination procedure, your eyelashes will look even better.

Eyelash Keratin Lamination Videos - Complete Process:
