The basics of a competent home pedicure

The basics of a competent home pedicure
The basics of a competent home pedicure

In this article, you will learn how to properly do a pedicure at home. Our step-by-step guide will allow you to have beautiful legs without going to the salon. You will also learn recipes for foot baths and masks. Many women do not attach much importance to pedicure. Meanwhile, this procedure plays an important role in the issue of leg health. Our feet are replete with nerve endings, the stimulation of which has a healing effect on the entire body.

Home pedicure is easy

Pedicure at home is not such a difficult task. The procedure does not require the purchase of expensive equipment and care products. So, for a trimmed pedicure, a standard manicure set will be quite enough. Hardware pedicure involves the purchase of a special machine.

Hardware pedicure - beauty salon at home

Choosing a machine and tools

Cutters for manicure and pedicure
Cutters for manicure and pedicure

In the photo on the left is a professional Saeyang milling cutter Marathon-3 Champion 35 thousand rpm, the price is 9800 rubles, on the right Nail Drill is 30 thousand rpm, the price is 4900 rubles. Special home pedicure machines (cutters) can be purchased at a pharmacy or beauty store. It is important that the device has good rpm - at least 25 thousand per minute (preferably 30 thousand or more). As a rule, it is sold in a set, which also includes special cutters (nozzles). The higher the cost of a set, the more functions it has. As a rule, the price of a good cutter for manicure and pedicure is from 5000 rubles or more.

Also for a hardware pedicure you will need:

  • disinfectant;
  • softening cream or gel;
  • moisturizer.


The main advantage of the hardware pedicure is that it does not require preliminary steaming of the legs. Long-term baths are replaced by special creams that have a softening effect.

Long-lasting effect is another advantage of hardware pedicure over edging. With proper execution, the frequency of the procedure can be once a month.

Hardware pedicure at home: a step-by-step guide

Hardware pedicure
Hardware pedicure

First, disinfect your feet to prevent infection from entering the tissues. Pay attention to the area between the fingers that many people forget about.

Apply a softening cream or gel to your skin. Wait 15–20 minutes. For the best effect, the softener can be first applied to a napkin and then applied to the keratinized areas of the foot. In this case, choose a lint-free wipe.

Work your heels using the roughest router bits and then the skin of your feet. Pay special attention to the ball of your feet, on which calluses form, and the area between the fourth and fifth toes, where calluses also often appear. Remember to walk along the outside of your thumb. After a coarse tip, use a softer one. At the end of the procedure, take the smoothest accessory, the surface of which resembles fine-grained sandpaper.

Treat your nails with the smaller tips. Give them an even shape, while not allowing rounding of the nail plate. Otherwise, nails can grow into the skin. Raise the cuticle using the round nozzle. Trim the protruding burrs with scissors. With a silicone tip, you can polish your nails. It is better to correct the length of the nail not with scissors, but with special nippers.

Now it's time for the masks. The ideal option is a paraffin-based mask. It perfectly moisturizes the skin of the feet. If you don't have time for a mask, you can apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream to your feet. You can also use any nourishing oil.

At the end of the procedure, cover the treated nails with hygienic or colored varnish. First, they should be degreased so that the varnish fits better.

How to do a trim pedicure at home

Required tools

Edging pedicure tools
Edging pedicure tools

You will need:

  • a basin for a bath;
  • nailfile;
  • file-buff;
  • wooden stick;
  • nutritious cream;
  • separator plates;
  • manicure set.

Foot baths

Foot baths - fruit and herbal
Foot baths - fruit and herbal

A trim pedicure involves steaming the feet in a bath. This procedure is aimed at softening the skin of the legs, in particular the feet. The base of the bath can be completely different ingredients. Herbs, essential oils and sea salt are very popular.

1. Toning bath

Mix sea salt and peppermint essential oil. If not, use dried mint. This will not affect the bath effect. The proportions of the ingredients can be varied at your discretion.

2. Antibacterial bath

Just add some regular baking soda to the water. As a rule, 4-5 tbsp is enough for a bowl of water. l. soda. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to this bath. Such a bath will be useful for those who have a fungal infection. It is suitable not only for treatment, but also for prevention. In addition, a soda bath will remove unpleasant odors from your feet.

3. Relaxing bath

Add infusion of calendula or chamomile to the water. To prepare the infusion, pour a spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30-40 minutes. This bath has a strong moisturizing and disinfecting effect.

4. Softening foot bath

Add 4 tablespoons to a bowl of warm water. l. table vinegar. Attention: do not confuse vinegar with acetic acid! Instead of table vinegar, you can safely use apple cider vinegar. Also keep in mind that the duration of the procedure should be no more than 15 minutes.

It is not necessary to do any bath for too long. Watch how your skin is steaming and what condition your legs are in. As a rule, 20-25 minutes is sufficient. Use only warm water for the bath. Hot water will cause discomfort and dry out your feet. After the bath, you need to wipe your feet dry with a towel.

Peeling feet

Pumice heel peeling
Pumice heel peeling

Now you need to work out the hardened areas of the skin with a pumice stone. Better to use a fine-grained pumice stone. It is necessary to process the heels with a pumice stone first down to the feet, and then in the other direction, so that there are no roughness. In places that are hard to reach for pumice, you can use a scrub with coarse abrasive particles. If you don't have such a product at hand, you can safely mix the body cream with a handful of coarse sea salt - the effect will be no worse. After peeling, rinse your feet in warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Cuticle treatment on legs

Cuticle treatment on the legs with a wooden stick
Cuticle treatment on the legs with a wooden stick

At this stage of the pedicure, the cuticle of the nails is quite well softened, so it can be easily moved without any traumatic consequences. Use a wooden stick for this procedure. Cutting the cuticle is not recommended, it should only be pushed back.

Nail treatment

Polishing the nail plate on the feet
Polishing the nail plate on the feet

For nail polishing, it is better to take a glass file. Unlike metal, it grinds nails extremely quickly and smoothly, without damaging them. It is necessary to file the toenails strictly in one direction so that they do not delaminate, and to give them an exceptionally even shape. Experiments with the shape of toenails are completely inappropriate as they can lead to ingrowths.

Don't forget about polishing. Nails need it just as much as skin needs scrubbing. Use a special buff file for polishing. Its smooth side will give your nails a glossy shine. Do not use metal files to polish the nail plate!

Massage and nutrition

Foot massage
Foot massage

Now the legs can be pampered with a massage. Massage each toe first, then the heel and feet. After that, apply any nourishing cream. You can use cosmetic oil instead. Experts agree that it is even better as it penetrates deeper into the skin, absorbs faster and does not leave a sticky feeling. Even ordinary sunflower oil, which, for sure, can be found in any home, will do.

Varnish application

Nail polish
Nail polish

The last stage of a trim pedicure is the application of decorative varnish to the surface of the nail. Before this, the nails should be degreased with a product that does not contain acetone. The varnish is usually applied in two layers. To facilitate the process of applying varnish, it is worth using a separator plate, which spreads the fingers apart, not allowing them to touch each other.

Video about the pedicure technique:
