Calorie content, composition of Santol and main components. The benefits of this fruit from the southern latitudes and contraindications to its use. Traditional and unusual dishes with a decoding of their preparation. Interesting information about the fetus. The benefits of Santol lie in its rich composition, as well as the ability to improve your health and improve your appearance. At first glance, it may seem that such a product is impossible to get. However, modern supermarkets are expanding their sales market and provide their customers with a wide variety of goods.
Harm and contraindications to the use of Santol

In addition to inedible seeds, the following restrictions should be taken into account when taking Santol:
- Personal intolerance … This usually manifests itself in an allergic reaction to a previously unknown product. If you want to diversify your diet with exotic fruit, you must carefully study its composition and consult with a specialist in this field.
- Avoiding unripe fruits … If you eat an unripe apple, the maximum you can get is an upset stomach. In the case of taking Santol, which is not yet suitable for food, it is really possible to feel on yourself a very noticeable sticking of the lips, which is then quite difficult to get rid of.
Contraindications to Santol are many times less than their beneficial properties. Therefore, adhering to these two caveats, you can safely afford to feast on fruit from distant countries.
Santol recipes

It is advisable to use the ripe fruit raw, but sometimes you really want to diversify your menu with unusual dishes. You can please yourself and surprise guests with the following santol recipes:
- "Salty wedges" … The fruit itself has a sweet taste, which some may even find somewhat sugary. To add zest to the proposed dish, you need to cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds from it and lightly salt both halves. By the way, many people compare this unusual combination with the taste of ordinary bacon.
- "Exotic" salad … Having freed 4-5 santols from seeds and skins, you need to grind them into small pieces, where you should add kiwi, pineapple (you can replace fresh with canned), to add sourness - juice of half a small lime. Such beauty can be seasoned with soy sauce, which is an individual desire.
- Jam (canned food) with santol … It takes 5 days to prepare it, but it's worth the time. You need to take fruits, peel them and place them in cold water. Then you should cut the santols into quarters, while removing the seeds. It is recommended to change the water every morning for three days. After this period, the fruit should be blanched for 5 minutes and placed in cold water again. After straining, the santols are boiled for 20-25 minutes in water-sugar syrup. After insisting a similar mixture overnight, it is boiled again for 15 minutes and placed in sterilized jars.
- Viscous Santola Juice … To prepare it, you should take several sounded fruits, peel them and cut them into large slices, removing seeds in the process. The larger they are in size, the sweeter the resulting product will be. In parallel, it is necessary to cook non-viscous sugar syrup (1 tsp per liter of water), which is then cooled. Add the juice of 1 lemon to the resulting liquid and cool the mixture again. After it has cooled completely, large slices of santol are added to the resulting product from water, sugar and lemon juice.
- Santola jam … It is prepared quite simply and is not much different from the sweet and familiar preservation of raspberries or strawberries. Take 200 g of sugar (an experienced housewife determines the dosage by eye) and bring it to a boil with a little water. In this case, the mixture must be constantly stirred until it turns into a clear syrup. Then the pre-cleaned santol is thrown into the sweet mass. Do not be afraid that initially the smell will go like a simple apple jam. It takes 40 minutes for a tasty, slightly reddish dish to be ready. Do not rush to try a new dish, you need to let it brew a little.
- Tofu with Santol … Fruit (4-5 pieces) must be peeled, cut into small pieces and placed in a food processor. After processing all the ingredients in it, a small carrot should be added to the resulting thick mass. In a separate saucepan, ginger, oil (any of your choice) and garlic are placed in parallel. The resulting mass is heated with the addition of tofu (a product from soybeans) and directly the soy sauce itself. After mixing both ingredients of the dish, add coconut milk to them. Everything is cooked for about an hour on low heat and is usually served with rice (you can choose cereals as you wish).
- Catfish tam … One of the popular Thai dishes involves the presence of santola in it. It is necessary to remove the top layer of green papaya and grate it on a fine grater (preferably for Korean carrots). Then it is soaked for 15 minutes and wrung out thoroughly. You can optionally use chili peppers (2 pcs.), Which is ground with garlic (3-4 cloves), dried shrimp (1 tablespoon), santol (1 pc.), Bean pods (75 g), cherry tomatoes (7 pcs.) And roasted peanuts (2 tbsp. L.). In a separate saucepan, melt palm sugar (1 tablespoon) in a little water. After removing the sauce from the heat, the juice of one lime and fish sauce are added to it. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.
Interesting facts about Santol

The local population even uses harmful seeds of the fruit to their advantage. The small pits of this fruit are a powerful insecticide that helps control a large number of insects in southern latitudes. Local gourmets did not ignore their favorite fruit when making alcoholic beverages. Cocktails are especially good from it, because santol goes well with more sour fruits.
From the wood of santola, magnificent furniture is obtained, which is in demand both among the local population and among tourists. It is highly polished and has an attractive appearance after such processing.
The seeds of this fruit have not always caused only indigestion in the careless lover of exotic fruits. There are real cases when people died from them. This was due to the fact that such seeds have very sharp edges. Therefore, there is a risk of injury to the walls of the stomach. Without urgent surgical intervention, people can be seriously injured, up to and including death.
Watch a video about santol:

Santol is a little-known plant in Europe, but, nevertheless, its popularity is growing at the moment. The pulp of the fruit is so specific that it can satisfy the demanding taste of any gourmet. A careful study of its composition, rules of use will help you to safely include it in your diet.