
Table of contents:


What is the composition and calorie content of the weight. What are the useful properties, possible harm and contraindications to the product. What dishes can be cooked with mushrooms.

Harm and contraindications to the use of milk mushrooms

Pregnancy as a contraindication to milk mushrooms
Pregnancy as a contraindication to milk mushrooms

For all its benefits, milk mushrooms are a "difficult" food that is not recommended for everyone to consume because of the alleged harm to health. Who is undesirable to eat milk mushrooms:

  • Patients suffering from peptic ulcer disease, gastritis and intestinal disorders … Mushrooms are very difficult to digest. This heavy food causes exacerbation of the above diseases, therefore, milk mushrooms are not recommended for such health problems.
  • Children and pregnant women … Mushrooms are not food, but a delicacy, moreover, difficult for the child's body, so they do not need to be included in the diet of a child and women who are expecting the birth of children.
  • People with individual intolerance … Allergic reactions happen to any product, to mushrooms too, so people suffering from such problems, i.e. allergies, milk mushrooms should be eaten in small quantities.

Taking into account the contraindications to milk mushrooms, one should not forget that mushrooms, cooked incorrectly or collected in the wrong place, can cause severe food poisoning, since they absorb toxic substances and radiation. Doctors recommend eating milk mushrooms once every 3 days in small portions, approximately 250 g of the product.

Recipes for dishes with milk mushrooms

Salted milk mushrooms on a plate
Salted milk mushrooms on a plate

These representatives of the mushroom kingdom are not only used for medicinal purposes, they have found their application in cooking. But when preparing dishes with milk mushrooms, you need to know where to collect them better and how to properly prepare them for salting, pickling or for use in various second dishes, soups and salads. It has already been mentioned about the ability of these mushrooms to absorb various toxic substances, which means that they should be collected away from roads, factories and settlements.

Before preparing dishes with milk mushrooms, they are advised to pour cold water for 3 hours, this will remove toxic compounds from the product and bitterness in mushrooms due to milky juice. Then it is recommended to drain the liquid, and boil the mushrooms in brackish water for 30 minutes. We pour out the water, and the milk mushrooms can now be used in cooking.

Recipes for dishes with milk mushrooms:

  1. Cold salting of milk mushrooms … According to this recipe, it is better to salt the mushrooms in glass or ceramic dishes. We take the products in the proportion: 1 kg of milk mushrooms and 40 g of salt. In addition to these components, we need cherry and currant leaves, dill umbrellas, garlic cloves and roots or horseradish leaves. We wash the mushrooms, foliage and greens and put them in layers in a bowl: salt, mushrooms with their caps down, then leaves, horseradish and garlic, again salt, milk mushrooms, etc. The last layer is horseradish leaves, and then oppression. Our pickles can be eaten in a month. If you salt the pre-blanched mushrooms, we will get the finished product earlier.
  2. Hot salting of milk mushrooms … First of all, boil the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes. And then we will salt the boiled milk mushrooms. We take 10 kg of mushrooms, 0.5 kg of salt, 2 bags of allspice and bay leaves. We lay the product in layers: mushrooms with caps up, salt with spices, we put oppression on top. You can eat milk mushrooms in 2-3 weeks.
  3. Pickled milk mushrooms … The components of this recipe with milk mushrooms: mushrooms - 3 kg, salt - 6 teaspoons, vinegar - 100 ml, cloves - 2 pieces, allspice - 10 peas. First, we cut large prepared soaked milk mushrooms into 2-4 parts, and take small ones whole, cook for 20 minutes in a large amount of water. Then, after draining the liquid and pouring in 2 liters of fresh water, we continue to cook the milk mushrooms for 20 minutes, while adding salt, pepper and cloves. Then we put the milk mushrooms in sterilized jars, put the garlic and pour in the vinegar and brine in which the mushrooms were cooked. Well, and then the process of rolling cans is already familiar to us.
  4. Salted milk mushrooms … Cut the washed salted milk mushrooms (500 g) into strips, and cut the potatoes (600 g), of course, peeled, into cubes. Cook them in 2 liters of water for 10-15 minutes. And cut the onion and send it to vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) in a frying pan to get a golden color. We put it in a saucepan with potatoes and milk mushrooms and cook for another 10 minutes. Beat an egg with salt and pour this mixture into our milk jug. Pepper and season. We put sour cream. We insist 5 minutes. This will make 10 servings.
  5. Pickled mushroom soup … First, pour 3-4 tablespoons of millet into boiling water (rice or other cereals are suitable), put the chopped onion and lightly boil it. Then add chopped 3-4 potatoes, salt, put 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and cook until tender. Before the end of cooking, add 6 chopped pickled milk mushrooms and cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Vinaigrette with salted milk mushrooms … So, we cook 1 beet, 3 potatoes, 1 carrot. Peel the vegetables and cut into cubes. Put in a salad bowl, add 3 chopped pickled cucumbers, 0.5 cans of canned green peas. Chop half an onion and 200 g of salted milk mushrooms. We mix all the products, salt, pepper and season with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Salted mushrooms will add an unusual taste to this usual salad for us.
  7. Buckwheat with vegetables and milk mushrooms in a slow cooker … Components: 3 glasses (multicooker) buckwheat, 2 carrots, the same amount of onions, 1 sweet pepper, 5 glasses (multicooker) water, as well as salt, vegetable oil and milk mushrooms to taste. First, fry the grated carrots and onions in cubes in vegetable oil in the "Baking" mode for 10 minutes. Then add the fried mushrooms and continue frying for another 10 minutes. Now you need to do the cereals: we wash them, put them to the vegetables, fill them with water and salt. We cook porridge in the "Buckwheat" mode. We give the dish to brew, and you can serve it to the table.
  8. Salted milk mushroom sauce with horseradish and sour cream … This dish will suit both first and second courses. Ingredients: 300 g of salted milk mushrooms, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 1 glass of sour cream and 50 g of horseradish. Do not think that this is all. We still need to take a handful of flour, the same amount of bread crumbs, a little green onions and parsley, salt to taste, butter for frying the milk mushrooms. First, wash the mushrooms, finely chop the milk mushrooms and onions. Then fry them in oil for 5 minutes. Prepare the sauce in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Now we put the roast in it, add the rest of the products and boil for 3 minutes, no more. Sauce with flour for the first courses, and with breadcrumbs for the second. We infuse the dish for 10 minutes and serve hot.
  9. Solyanka with milk mushrooms … Ingredients: 1 liter of mushroom broth, 400 g fresh mushrooms, 1 pickled cucumber, 4 slices of lemon, 2 tomatoes, the same amount of onions, 2 tablespoons of olives. In addition, we take a bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, the same amount of butter, pepper, salt and bay leaf to taste. Boil the chopped pickled cucumber in the broth for 10 minutes. But we send mushrooms and onions to a skillet in oil for 20 minutes. Then we put them in broth and cook for 10 minutes. Then we continue the cooking process with chopped tomatoes and olives for 5-7 minutes. Salt, pepper, add herbs and sour cream, lemon slices. Let the dish brew before serving.
  10. "Gnezdyshko" salad with milk mushrooms … Components: 300 g of pickled or pickled mushrooms, the same amount of boiled low-fat pork, 3 boiled eggs, 2 onions. And this salad will not work without sour cream (200 g), garlic (2 cloves), mustard (1 tablespoon) and salt to taste. First, we prepare all the ingredients for the salad. Cut the milk mushrooms, meat and egg whites washed from brine into strips. Fry the onion cut into half rings in oil. Then we take up the salad dressing. To do this, mix sour cream, mustard and garlic, crushed with garlic. Then mix the mushrooms, pork, onions and eggs, season with the prepared sauce. We spread the salad in the shape of a nest, and put the yolks in the middle in it. Decorate with herbs. Bon Appetit!
  11. Salted milk mushrooms salad … First, we cut the components for the salad: 1 fresh cucumber - in large pieces, half an onion and salted milk mushrooms (250 g) - in small pieces. It is better to rinse the mushrooms before slicing. Then we mix all the products, salt to taste and season with sour cream or vegetable oil, if the salad is lean. Sprinkle with herbs. The dish is ready, you can eat.

In addition, for pies and dumplings, milk mushrooms are an excellent filling.

Interesting facts about milk mushrooms

Milk like a mushroom king
Milk like a mushroom king

These mushrooms were named differently in different regions of Russia and other countries: in the Volga region and the Urals - white milk mushroom, raw milk mushroom, in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan - wet milk mushroom, in other parts of Siberia - Pravsky milk mushroom.

These mushrooms are also called "pigs" due to the fact that they hide under the layers of leaves. This complicates the process of picking up the mushrooms.

A long time ago, the lump was called the "king" of mushrooms. In the Kargopol district, in the Arkhangelsk region, every year they returned from mushroom hunting with a 150 thousandth harvest of milk mushrooms and mushrooms, then they made salting and sent to St. Petersburg. This custom of salting milk mushrooms with other mushrooms has survived to this day in Siberia. If you read the church scriptures, you can find out that the main dish during the fast was milk mushrooms. On March 17, 1699, there was a dinner party at Patriarch Andrian's, at which they ate “two pies with milk mushrooms”, “cold milk mushrooms with butter”, “warmed milk mushrooms with juice and butter”.

Milk mushrooms, similar to milk mushrooms, should not be eaten, because they cause indigestion. Watch a video about mushrooms with milk mushrooms:

So, milk mushrooms are mushrooms that have many useful substances, which you still need to eat in small portions, being sure of their correct processing. In addition, it is recommended to go out on mushroom hunting in ecologically clean areas. Therefore, you should use a product that you have collected with your own hands and processed yourself in order to avoid health problems.