Description of the amazing species of mushrooms, properties and useful qualities of petsitsa. When you can not eat ascomycetes, what dishes are prepared from them. Types of marsupial saucers. Thanks to the action of nutrients, petsitsa will not only help to diversify the diet, but also cope with organic problems and improve the body's health.
Useful properties of pecitsa

Culinary experts use petsitsa more for decorative purposes, decorating haute cuisine dishes with bright fruit pulp. But the significance of the mushroom for humans is not limited to this.
Action on the body:
- Improving visual function, restoring the optic nerve, eliminating eye fatigue and preventing the development of hyperopia.
- Thinning blood, prevents the development of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
- Helps get rid of kinetosis - transport sickness, motion sickness, or seasickness. If you have a difficult road, sea voyage or flight, you should start taking Pecica tincture 7-10 days before the trip.
- Acceleration of metabolic processes, improvement of oxygen saturation of organic tissues.
- Elimination of toxins from the body, including those that viruses produce during life.
- Acceleration of body cleansing during chemotherapy, environmental protection for those who live in areas with an unfavorable environmental situation.
- Anti-inflammatory action.
The greatest value of the petsica pulp is the high content of ascorbic acid. This quality helps the body to increase the immune defense during the season of epidemics, to prevent the appearance of viral diseases, and if already ill, to avoid secondary infection.
Since petsitsa is rarely subjected to intense heat treatment, after cooking, the nutrients in the composition are almost completely preserved. When you introduce a rare product into your diet, you can not only enjoy a gourmet dish, but also improve your health.
For losing weight, petsitsa is a useful product, but since it requires the introduction of seasonings, it is not rational to use it. However, if, in order to lose weight, they agree to endure an inexpressive dish in the diet, then you will not have to feel hunger.
Harm and contraindications to the use of pecitsa

For growth, petsitsa chooses rather problematic places: areas with rotting remains, along busy paths and roads, burial grounds. Like other mushrooms, the saucer accumulates toxins, salts of heavy metals, organic pollution from the soil and air. If the crop is harvested in contaminated areas, you can get intoxicated.
Contraindications to the use of pets are as follows:
- Pregnancy and lactation … The fungus grows in the wild, and at present, even over an ecologically clean protected area, a cloud with harmful compounds can fall out, which will then be absorbed by the mycelium. Intoxication in "special" conditions is dangerous.
- Childhood … In preschool children, fermentation and intestinal flora are not established, mushrooms are heavy food for them. It is not known how the acquaintance with the new product will end for the child's body.
- Diseases of the digestive tract and pancreas … Mushrooms are heavy food.
There is a high risk of poisoning when collecting petsitsa. Brown peppercorns can get into the baskets of the mushroom picker, which, although not as poisonous as the pale toadstool, but causes reversible digestive disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as general symptoms of intoxication - headache, temporary lack of coordination and tremors of the limbs.
To protect yourself, you should collect only young fruiting bodies with curved caps, resembling a bowl, bright orange in color, until the thin skin is darkened and covered with bloom.
Pecica recipes

In gourmet dishes, petsitsa is used marinated, as an additive to presentation sauces, to improve their appearance, as a natural coloring agent.
To add it to the sauce, the mushrooms are dried and then ground into powder. Saucers are dried in the same way as all mushrooms:
- In the oven or in the oven … Pecitsa is cleaned, laid out on a paper towel and waited for excess moisture to drain. Then the oven (oven) is heated to a temperature of 40-60 ° C and the mushrooms are spread upside down. Fruit bodies can be strung on thin stainless steel needles and placed on the edge of a baking sheet or on a wire shelf. The pallets are lined with parchment anyway. This drying takes 2-3 days.
- In the sun … Mushrooms are strung on thick threads so that the fruiting bodies do not touch each other, hang these lows in the sun, cover them with gauze so that flies do not sit down. If the weather worsens, the lows are removed to a dry, ventilated room, and then returned back. If you are lucky with the weather, the saucers dry out in a week.
In the city, you can dry mushrooms over a heater or a battery, placing them on threads or stringing them onto knitting needles. If there is a modern rotary mushroom dryer at home, then 5-6 hours are enough for the drying process. First, the dryer is heated to 40-50 ° C, and they wither, giving off excess moisture. Then the temperature is raised to 60-80 ° C and left to dry.
For pickling pecica, the following recipes are offered:
- Eastern way … Seasonings for the marinade are designed for 1 kg of washed mushrooms: a glass of water, 2 tablespoons of ordinary vinegar 9%, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and rice wine (can be replaced with rice vinegar), a tablespoon of fish sauce, a tablespoon of sugar and coarse salt, a teaspoon of black pepper and 2-3 bay leaves. Since debris and small insects can get stuck in the folds of the pecitsa, after rinsing in running water, it is advisable to fill the food with cold water for 15-20 minutes so that all the debris floats. Then, the peeled mushrooms are put to boil and boiled for about 20 minutes, the water is drained and washed again. Bring to a boil again, pouring water so that it only covers the surface. All the components of the marinade are added to a container with mushrooms and boiled again for 20-25 minutes. Place in jars with revolving lids and let stand for 1-2 days.
- Winter harvesting … Calculation of spices for 1 kg of pepper. Mushrooms are prepared in advance by soaking for 30-40 minutes and rinsing in running water. Then it is poured with water, brought to a boil, washed again and boiled again, adding salt, for 15 minutes. Then the mushrooms are poured again with water, the ingredients for the marinade are added to the pan: salt - a teaspoon, 6 bay leaves, 30 black peppercorns, a handful of cloves, a pinch of cinnamon, a third of a teaspoon of citric acid, vinegar - 3 tablespoons, diluted to 6%. After boiling in the marinade for 30 minutes, the mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars and poured over them so as to completely cover the surface. Close with sterilized lids, cool under a towel.
- Marinade with sugar … The washed ash is boiled for 10 minutes, the first liquid is drained, again poured with cold water, salt is added. Proportions: 1 kg of fruit bodies - 1 tablespoon of salt - 1 liter of water. Cook for 25 minutes and drain the water again. Pour saucers again, add half a teaspoon of peppercorns - black and allspice, the upper part of the dill umbrellas, 3 bay leaves, boil for 10 minutes and just before turning off add half a tablespoon of vinegar and sugar. Roll up in sterilized jars.
To prepare an ash for weight loss, the peeled fruit bodies are boiled for 10 minutes, the water is drained, and again put to boil for 20 minutes. When serving, the mushrooms are seasoned with lemon juice and soy sauce; seasonings are chosen to taste.
Petsitsa are fried like this: boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes, fry in a pan in butter for another 10-15 minutes, adding the onion already fried in sunflower oil. Combine with onions before serving. Fried pecitsa cannot be called a dietary dish, but since they do not lose color, they look attractive. If you add "decoration" to other types of mushrooms, potatoes or buckwheat, the presentation will look attractive.
Interesting facts about petsice

There are many types of pecitsa, except for the orange one with the most delicate pulp. Among them are edible and inedible:
- Pecitsa changeable … It has the shape of a hemisphere in youth, with age it turns into a bowl with torn edges of a brown or grayish color, is not edible.
- Basement or wax pecitsa … First spherical, then disc-shaped, with brownish flesh that smells of dampness. Aurelia waxy does not even look like a mushroom - it resembles a cone with a dotted base, it is not edible.
- Pecica bladder … It looks more like coral with winding edges, in youth the fruit body is bubbly, grows on rotten trunks in aspen, birch forests and on dung heaps, is edible.
- Brown pecica … In shape and qualities, it resembles orange petsitsa, conditionally edible, but preference is given to boiled mushrooms.
- Sarcoscifa bright red, cinnabar red, Austrian, scarlet elf bowl … Found all over the world, prefers Africa. It is an ecological indicator: it does not grow in contaminated areas. Conditionally edible, but since the pulp is tough, it is not popular even among African tribes.
- Scutellinia thyroid … It has a leg, a bristle appears along the edges of a small cap when growing up, the color is orange or brown, the mushroom is not edible.
There are also purple petsitsa, fence and dung. It is better not to pick these mushrooms - you will not get poisoned, but because of the tough pulp, the dish will turn out to be inedible.
All pecits are united by the location of the spores - the spore carriers are on the surface of the cap.
Watch a video about petsice:

It is irrational to waste time collecting pecitsa without being the owner of the restaurant. Pickled mushrooms in themselves are not valuable, but you can please guests with salads with bright notes if you come across a colony of orange fruit bodies while harvesting a mushroom harvest.