Burmese grapes or mafai

Burmese grapes or mafai
Burmese grapes or mafai

Mafai and the calorie content of this product. Useful properties of Burmese grapes and contraindications for its use. Recipes for dishes with this fruit while voicing the most interesting facts about it.

Benefits of Burmese Grapes

Mafai fruit
Mafai fruit

This fruit is able to solve many human problems when it comes to his health. The benefits of mafai are as follows:

  • Treating anemia … Burmese grapes are high in iron. Therefore, in case of low hemoglobin, the use of this product is recommended.
  • Strengthening immunity … The rich content of vitamin C in mafai contributes to the restoration of functions lost by the body due to overwork or an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Women's problems … With heavy periods, women are advised to consume Burmese grapes in order to alleviate the symptoms of the existing problem.
  • Elimination of the consequences of alcoholism … People who like to drink often have a lack of magnesium in their bodies. With the use of mafai, the hangover syndrome is reduced while the desire to miss another glass of intoxicating drink decreases.
  • Cystitis treatment … Mafai has a fairly strong diuretic effect. This means that when using it, the desire to visit the restroom once again without the necessary reason for this decreases.
  • Weightloss remedy … Despite the fact that Burmese grapes have a fairly large amount of easily digestible sugar, they are considered a dietary product.
  • Elimination of toxins … The mafai contains substances that have a cleansing effect and remove toxins from the body.
  • Cure for insomnia … People who suffer from this problem notice improvements in this regard after consuming Burmese grapes. Sleep becomes deeper without any disturbing visions.

You should not be afraid of an iron overdose when using mafai. It enters the human body as a non-toxic compound. Consequently, excess of this substance is removed without any problems without harm to human health.

Harm and contraindications to the use of mafai

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Even healthy foods are able to cause the most negative reaction of the body in a person. Contraindications to mafai usually relate to the following aspects of its use:

  1. Personal intolerance … Not every person is able to adequately respond to the intake of an exotic fruit. At best, he will get off with hives, but there is a possibility of Quincke's edema.
  2. Increased acidity of the stomach … By itself, even the ripe mafai fruit has a viscous taste. This specific acidity is good for relieving nausea, but not for pronounced gastroduodenitis.
  3. Pregnancy … During the period of bearing a child, it is better to replace mafai with an apple or pear. The reason for this warning from doctors is that Burmese grapes can cause fermentation in the stomach, which is undesirable for a woman in a position.
  4. Breastfeeding … Many babies suffer from stomach cramps after birth, which can be provoked by their mother eating this product.

There are few contraindications for taking mafai. However, even with such a small restriction, you should carefully use Burmese grapes in your menu.

Mafai food and drink recipes

Oriental okroshka with mafai fruit
Oriental okroshka with mafai fruit

Such a gift from the southern latitudes must be used effectively in order to diversify your diet to the maximum. Mafai recipes are distinguished by their uniqueness, because it can be quite difficult to get the fruit itself.

The most common foods and drinks:

  • Paradise cocktail … When preparing it, you must remember that the bone of this fruit is very bitter and difficult to separate from the pulp. After cutting off the juicy part of the mafai from its core, you need to process it in a blender along with two kiwis, one lime and pineapple pulp. It is advisable to cool such an invigorating drink before use or throw a couple of ice cubes into it.
  • Malaysian ice cream … The ice cream familiar to everyone can be interestingly supplemented with Burmese grapes. To do this, place three balls of ice cream in vases and fill them with mafai syrup. You can prepare it by mixing 4 tablespoons of sugar with the pulp of a bunch of sounded grapes and mashing these ingredients in a water bath until a sweet mass is formed.
  • Fruit stew … To prepare it, you need to stew 1 kg of mafai with the addition of seasonings in the form of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and lemon juice. You can add pomegranate to the resulting dish, which will make the garnish for rice or buckwheat especially delicious.
  • Mafai jelly … Having squeezed out the juice from the pulp of this fruit, it is necessary to heat it over low heat and boil for 40-45 minutes. In this case, one should proceed from the proportions of 1 liter of liquid per 150 g of flour, which should then be added to the main product. Another 10 minutes of such cooking is enough for the dish to be ready. The resulting mass must be cooled and, if desired, then add whipped cream to it.
  • Burmese grape jam … For those who like to prepare in advance for the winter period, this recipe is suitable. Such a fruit spoils rather quickly, so it should be used for its intended purpose on time. It is better to leave overripe fruits for jam, and take dense berries for jam. After removing the seeds from them, it is necessary to pour the mafai with sugar syrup. It is necessary to cook such a sweet product until it is not fully cooked. Too thick jam then sugar quickly and is completely unsuitable for impregnating pastry cakes.
  • Provencal cabbage … This dish involves the addition of lingonberries (150 g), mafai (150 g) and chopped cabbage (0.5 kg) to a peeled apple. All of these ingredients are stewed in vegetable oil, followed by the addition of 15 g of sugar and 15 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  • Gourmet dessert … To prepare it, add additional products such as cane sugar, cocoa powder, and vanillin to the mafai. All of the listed ingredients must be mixed by adding premium flour and blended mafai pulp. The result is a delicate dessert that should be baked for half an hour.
  • Okroshka in oriental … Cold soups are especially good in summer. To prepare this dish, it is necessary to separate the mafai pulp from the bone. The resulting sweet and sour product should be finely chopped. The basis of this dish is two boiled potatoes, one carrot, canned green peas (optional), three eggs, a small piece of chicken and kvass (whey). The listed ingredients must be mixed and added to them zest in the form of crushed pulp of Burmese grapes.
  • Interesting casserole … When creating this culinary masterpiece, you need to take three mafai fruits and peel them. The resulting pulp should be fried with mushrooms (champignons or milk mushrooms) in soy or olive oil. Then the resulting mass must be poured with 5-6 eggs, pre-salt and pepper the casserole.
  • Pork in the juice itself … To try this delicacy, you need to marinate it according to a specific recipe. The pulp of Burmese grapes should be mixed with a spoonful of vinegar and three tablespoons of sour cream. Such a marinade must be kept for a day, in order to then process finely chopped pork with it. Soaked in such an infusion, the meat will be ready for use after a couple of hours of such processing. Then it will become a decoration of the festive table with a side dish in the form of mashed potatoes or rice.

Interesting facts about Burmese grapes

How Burmese grapes grow
How Burmese grapes grow

The very name of the fruit can be confusing to some people. Mafai has the same relationship to grapes as horseradish to radish. This product should be classified as a completely different plant subspecies.

Gourmets believe that its main drawback is the difficulty of separating the pulp from rather large seeds. As a result, most of the expensive product is scrapped because of this problem.

The wine from this product is simply amazing, because it acquires a sweet and sour taste. At the same time, enotherapy (treatment with a similar drink) can work wonders for cardiovascular diseases, prostate and breast cancer. In this case, we are talking about moderate consumption of wine, a single dose of which should not exceed two glasses a day.

Recently, the grape boom has become an interesting topic in cosmetology. The pulp of the Burmese fruit is ideal for creating hair masks, as well as creams to narrow the enlarged pores on the face, which provoke the appearance of comedones.

Watch the video about the mafai:

Mafai is an interesting topic of conversation when it comes to gastronomic matters. Being a rather rare fruit, it is able to satisfy hunger with minimal harm to human health. It is especially valuable for those who suffer from anemia and general loss of strength.
