Hericium yellow

Hericium yellow
Hericium yellow

Hericium yellow is an undeservedly neglected product. Composition, calorie content and useful properties, contraindications to use. Mushroom recipes and interesting facts. If there is a lack of animal proteins in the diet, meals from a black man's mane will help restore the reserve of nutrients in the body, which are necessary for the contraction of muscle fibers. If there is an opportunity to collect and cook black sheep's men, you will not have to feel hunger during physical work.

Useful properties of yellow hedgehog

What does a yellow hedgehog look like
What does a yellow hedgehog look like

The benefits of yellow hedgehog for the body are not as pronounced as from medicinal plants, but its use helps to cope with many organic problems.

The beneficial effect of the pulp of a black man's man:

  • Pronounced antibacterial effect. Stops vital activity and destroys staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli. If you cut or scratch your hand while picking mushrooms, applying milky juice will prevent infection and the development of a purulent infection. Of course, after returning home, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic.
  • The work of the secretory glands is accelerated, hormones are more stable. Mushroom dishes help build muscle during active sports activities.
  • Increases the tone of the body, provides energy supply.
  • Eliminates depression, improves mood.
  • Promotes fast sleep.
  • Peristalsis accelerates, slags and possible toxins do not stagnate in the body.
  • Harmful cholesterol dissolves, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic, and their tone increases.
  • With prolonged use, the working volume of the lungs increases.
  • The condition of nails, hair and skin improves, regeneration is accelerated.
  • Promotes hematopoiesis, stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Chinese healers from the pulp of mushrooms make tinctures that stabilize the nervous system and lower blood pressure. Dried hydrolyzed pulp is added to the diet of weightlifting athletes to accelerate muscle gain.

To restore efficiency, it is enough to consume a full-fledged mushroom dish made from yellow hedgehogs 2-3 times a week.

Harm and contraindications to the use of yellow hedgehogs

Disease pancreatitis
Disease pancreatitis

Contraindications to the use of yellow barnacles are quite general.

These include:

  1. Pancreatitis and impaired bile secretion;
  2. Hypersensitivity of the digestive tract, gastritis with high acidity;
  3. Liver disease - cirrhosis, liver failure;
  4. Intolerance to mushroom dishes.

You should not introduce a dish into the diet of sick people when the temperature rises. The condition indicates intoxication of the body, mushrooms are too heavy food. After the operation, you need to wait 2-3 months before eating similar products again.

Even with the experience of collecting and the ability to cook, you should not introduce the yellow hedgehog into the menu for children under 5 years old and pregnant women. As already mentioned, there is a high probability of intoxication due to the absorption of harmful substances by the pulp.

Yellow hedgehog recipes

Dried Yellow Hercules
Dried Yellow Hercules

On the territory of the former USSR, the yellow hedgehog is treated with prejudice: it strains the bitter taste of the milky juice of mature mushrooms. But in France, recipes from the yellow hedgehog are in demand, it is an ingredient in haute cuisine. It is appreciated for the nutty aroma of young mushrooms and the slight sourness of mature ones.

Young mushrooms harvested in rainy September are suitable for preparing delicate dishes. They are the ones that have a nutty flavor. If there was not enough moisture, then the harvested crop is harvested by drying.

What can be done with a yellow hedgehog:

  • Drying … The cut mushrooms are carefully cleaned and laid out in an even layer so that they dry out. The needles are removed from the caps. When the hedgehogs dry up, the earth and parts of the plants crumble from them, they can be strung on a thread or laid out on metal baking sheets. If possible, the workpieces are placed in a ventilated dry place and dried until fully cooked. To speed up the process, preheat the oven to a temperature of 30-35 ° C and place baking trays there. Ready-made mushrooms are packaged in glass containers, corked and used as needed.
  • Zhareha … The dish is prepared in haste, from young fungi, immediately after harvest. The herd's men are washed, the legs are removed, boiled for 10 minutes in salted water and thrown back onto a sieve to drain the water. The pan is put on fire, heated well and sunflower oil is poured. Pieces of mushrooms are laid out in a pan and stirred constantly. When the remaining water has evaporated, add a generous serving of finely chopped onions. Salted to taste, add allspice and bay leaf. If desired, add sour cream, heavy cream, chopped herbs or dill seeds just before the end of cooking. There is no need to crush mushroom caps - they are already small in young hedgehogs, and after frying, when the water evaporates, they significantly decrease in size.
  • French mushroom sauce … The main ingredients for cooking: 15 g dried and 400 g fresh blackberries. Dried mushrooms, 15 g, washed, always under running water, transferred to an enamel bowl and poured with cold water so as to completely cover the surface. While the black man's men are soaking, they are preparing vegetables. The medium onion is chopped very finely, 2-3 garlic teeth are squeezed. Wash and remove the top shell from the celery stalk, remove the leaves, grind. Chopped celery should be 200 g. Ezhoviks are thrown first in a colander so that the glass has excess moisture, and then transferred to paper towels for 2-3 minutes. Then the mushrooms are finely chopped. A frying pan with high sides is put on fire, 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil are poured in, the chopped ingredients are heated and fried over low heat. Close the lid, make a small fire, stir occasionally - you need to make sure that a ruddy crust does not appear. While the mixture is fried, fresh hedgehogs are cut into thin slices. Grind the mixture in a blender, pouring in a glass of dry white wine, water in which the dried mushrooms were soaked - not all, about half a glass - and a piece of butter, about a tablespoon. Salted to taste. The resulting mixture is extinguished for another 3 minutes over low heat. To improve the delicate taste, instead of butter, you can use extra virgin olive oil. Fresh finely chopped mushrooms are fried for 10 minutes in a pan, then mixed with the vegetable mixture and brought to readiness for 4-5 minutes, stirring constantly. Serve sauce with meat and white fish.
  • Italian mushroom salad … In a deep enamel or ceramic bowl, mix: anchovy paste - a tablespoon, mayonnaise - one and a half tablespoons, grated parmesan and lemon juice - 2 tablespoons each, 2 teeth of squeezed garlic. Boil hedgehogs until cooked in salted water - about 10-15 minutes (dried mushrooms are soaked beforehand). Stir boiled and cooled mushrooms - 200 g, a finely chopped piece of boiled chicken breast, 10 cherry tomatoes chopped in half. Salt and pepper to taste, put the dressing on top, press the lid and put it in the refrigerator. Serve not earlier than after 4-5 hours, stirring thoroughly.

The culinary quality of the black man's people is to set off the taste of the ingredients of the dishes. Therefore, they are often boiled or fried with other mushrooms, with vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, peppers and pumpkin.

Fresh hedgehogs are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. In the freezer, the storage duration increases to 1.5 years, then the pulp loses its beneficial properties.

Interesting facts about yellow hedgehog

Yellow barnacle mushrooms
Yellow barnacle mushrooms

The fact that the yellow urchin is underestimated is underestimated by the behavior of squirrels - when harvesting for the winter, they prefer mushrooms of this particular type.

In France, Italy, Spain, Canada and Mexico, several tens of kilograms of black hairs are sold annually. The demand for them exceeds the supply.

Studies of official medicine have confirmed that it is not for nothing that Chinese healers actively use yellow barnacles in their recipes. Currently, the following have been isolated from the mycelium and pulp of the mushroom:

  1. Repandiol is an alkylating agent diepoxide, which is active against sarcoma 180, Ehrlich's carcinoma and stomach cancer, the most active is the fresh extract of fruit bodies;
  2. Chloroform extract - stops the activity of S. Epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter aerogenes;
  3. Protein polysaccharides - the name has not yet been picked up - reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

Watch a video about yellow hedgehog:

If you get lost in the forest, then the pulp of a raw young yellow hedgehog will satisfy your hunger - it is impossible to get poisoned.