

Description of the hygrophor. Features of this mushroom. What is in it and what calorie content it has. Healing properties of a hygrophor. Are there any contraindications to its use and harm from excessive use. Mushroom recipes. The composition of the hygrophor contains biologically active substances that have antifungal and bactericidal activity. Also, the mushroom contains lysine, fiber, cysteine and proteins of animal origin, characterized by a high percentage of iron and calcium. They strengthen blood vessels, prevent conjunctivitis, macular degeneration, have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and help with muscle building.

Useful properties of a hygrophor

Early Gigrofor
Early Gigrofor

The addition of a hygrophor to food will stabilize metabolic processes in the body, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and cleanse the stomach of toxins and radionuclides. Chemical compounds will have a positive effect on overall well-being and strengthen the immune system.

The benefits of the hygrophor and the products in which it is included are due to the presence of amino acids and minerals:

  • Acceleration of blood microcirculation … Inflammatory processes are neutralized, wounded skin areas are regenerated faster, tissue fluid metabolism occurs.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract … The absorption of food through the walls of the stomach improves, peristalsis is stabilized, thanks to the active elements of the hygrophor, the mucous membrane becomes more elastic and gets rid of abscesses.
  • Acid-base balance is controlled … The work of the lymphatic system improves, the aging process slows down, age spots disappear, wrinkles are smoothed, excess calories are burned, toxins are eliminated, and stool is stabilized.
  • Sedative property … The neurons of the central nervous system have a calming effect, nervousness decreases, sleep problems disappear, the body accumulates more vital energy.
  • Preventing Diabetes Mellitus … The mushroom contains natural sugar substitutes. Physical activity increases, appetite appears, insulin levels in the blood stabilize. In addition, we can talk about the disappearance of apathy.
  • Improving liver and kidney function … The conversion of carbohydrates into glycogen is normalized, glucose levels are controlled, fermentation is activated, fats are emulsified, hemoglobin is synthesized, the brain is supplied with a sufficient amount of blood, and urine excretion is stabilized.
  • The body is toned … The body's resistance to inflammatory processes increases, metabolism is stimulated, cholesterol and excess fluid are removed, the intestines are cleansed, the epithelium is rejuvenated.
  • Antioxidant properties … The walls of membranes are strengthened, oxygen is converted, free radicals are removed from the body.
  • Help in the fight against obesity … Gigrofor contains few calories, starts metabolic processes, removes toxic substances and toxins. It is also worth paying attention to the increased tone of the bladder.

In addition, the mushroom stimulates the activity of the musculoskeletal system, prevents kyphosis, myositis, periarthritis and sciatica.

Harm and contraindications to the use of hygrophor

Frequent urination
Frequent urination

Whatever the therapeutic properties of the hygrophor, if used excessively, it can negatively affect the state of health and even provoke the development of diseases. There is a great risk of disrupting metabolic processes and causing damage to the body.

What are the consequences if you abuse the hygrophor:

  1. Allergic reactions - the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, problems with stools appear, abscesses appear on the mucous membrane, excessive gas formation, swelling of the nasal cavity, heartburn, irritation, rash, redness, migraine, intercellular exchange failure.
  2. Hypervitaminosis - the mushroom contains complexes of vitamins, which in large quantities negatively affect the condition of the skin, lead to intoxication, as well as the decay of cartilage tissue.
  3. Frequent urination - the tone of the bladder increases, sleep is disturbed, calcium is washed out of the bones, muscle aches, apathy, headaches appear, heart palpitations occur.

It is not recommended to collect hygrophors near highways, as they, like a sponge, absorb all toxins and harmful substances from the environment. Good mushroom spots are under trees and near moss.

Absolute contraindications to hygrophor:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the fungus - the sclera of the eyes turn yellow, sweating and salivation, nausea and vomiting, stomach cramps, pathogenic microflora, worsening colitis, abscesses appear on the mucous membrane, fever, internal hemorrhage.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding - the components of the hygrophor may not be absorbed by the child, there is a risk of negative effects of toxins on the cardiovascular system.
  • Epilepsy - confusion of thoughts, stupor, headaches, nausea, uncontrolled muscle contractions, sudden changes in blood pressure, fever, change in complexion occur.

Before using the hygrophor, it is worth examining and making sure that there is no individual intolerance. Remember, mushrooms are among the top twenty most dangerous allergens.

Hygrophor recipes

Mushroom casserole
Mushroom casserole

Moderate addition of a hygrophor to the diet will predetermine the unique taste and aroma of dishes. The mushroom goes well with meat, eggs, sour cream, peppers, garlic, onions, cheese, baked goods, potatoes and cereals. It can be fried, boiled, baked and dried.

The following culinary recipes for the hygrophor are distinguished, which are distinguished by their piquancy, low calorie content and positive effects on the body:

  1. Mushroom gratin … A pound of hygrophors is washed, peeled, cut into small slices and fried in an oiled skillet with onions. A kilogram of potatoes is peeled, chopped into slices and laid on the bottom of a deep baking dish along with the filling. In a separate saucepan, combine 250 ml of heavy cream, 2 eggs, mayonnaise in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. Add salt and black pepper there, which are recommended to be used to taste. Then this mixture is poured over the ingredients and covered with foil. Send all this to the oven, keeping there for 1 hour. The required temperature is 175 °.
  2. Cabbage and mushroom pie … 300 grams of hygrophors are washed, cleaned and boiled in purified water for ten minutes. Chop 2 onions finely and fry until golden brown in a skillet. Then mushrooms, 400 grams of minced chicken, a teaspoon of salt and black pepper are poured onto them. Next, in another frying pan, 350 grams of chopped white cabbage is fried, the mushroom filling is placed on top and another 350 grams of cabbage is placed on top. The cake is turned over several times and brought to a state of readiness over low heat. The finished dish is garnished with chopped herbs.
  3. Mushroom casserole … 250 grams of hygrophors are washed from the remnants of dirt, chopped into cubes and thrown into a frying pan. Forks of cauliflower until half cooked are boiled in salted water, then cut into slices. Then they must be combined with 5 teaspoons of mayonnaise. Place the ingredients in a dish covered with baking paper, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and put in the oven for 15-25 minutes. The temperature is kept at 170 degrees. Decorate the finished casserole with mint petals.
  4. Lasagne with hygrophors and chicken … Peel, chop and fry 150 grams of onions in a skillet richly greased with vegetable oil. Then add 700 grams of diced chicken fillet and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then 350 grams of hygrophors are washed, cleaned and fried for 7 minutes. 400 grams of tomatoes, a few pinches of salt, basil and oregano are passed through a blender. Prepare the Bechamel sauce in a separate saucepan. Butter, which requires 50 grams, is melted in a water bath, combined with 2 tablespoons of wheat flour and fried a little. Then pour in 2 glasses of milk, boil until thick and remove from heat. When the mixture has cooled down a little, 2 chicken eggs are driven into it, a pinch of salt and whisk quickly. Lay the lasagna sheets on a tray, and on them half the filling. Then pour half of the Bechamel sauce. After that, the layers are repeated once more. Finally, cover the filling with the remaining lasagna sheets and tomato sauce. The dish is placed in the oven, leaving there for 20-25 minutes at 190 degrees. Then they take it out, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and put it again for 15 minutes.

Gigrofors are often added to sauces, marinades, pies, soups, side dishes, salads.

Interesting facts about the hygrophor

What does a hygrophor mushroom look like?
What does a hygrophor mushroom look like?

In China, the hygrophor is included in an alcoholic drink with milk. It improves blood microcirculation, stimulates metabolism and stabilizes digestion.

In ancient Greece, it was assumed that this mushroom allowed people to gain immortality, and also had a beneficial effect on the work of the brain.

Spore powder in ivory-colored hygrophors.

There are 40 varieties of hygrophors. Their shades range from olive to red. Most often they are located on calcareous soil.

This mushroom is sometimes used as a component in ecological paints.

Watch a video about the hygrophor mushroom:

The wide popularity of the hygrophor is due to its mass of medicinal properties, piquant aroma and rich taste.