

Description of the serushka. Features of its growth and distribution. What chemicals are included in the composition of the mushroom, its calorie content. Medicinal properties. Is there a risk of harm to the body through excessive use. Contraindications to the use of serushki.

Useful properties of a serush

What do serushki look like?
What do serushki look like?

The components of the serush affect vital processes and strengthen the human immune system. With moderate consumption of the mushroom, you can increase the work capacity and stabilize the digestive tract.

The benefits of the grill and the products in which it is included are due to the unique composition and harmonious combination of substances:

  1. Nourishes the brain … Oxygen supply is controlled, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic, thought processes are improved, nerve sheaths are strengthened, and electrical energy is generated.
  2. Protein and collagen synthesis is activated … Microcirculation of blood is stabilized, cells are restored, the condition of the epithelium improves, it becomes more tender and elastic, the healing process of wounded skin areas is accelerated.
  3. The work of the digestive tract is supported … Among the components of serushka there are biologically active substances that remove toxins from the body, cleanse the walls of the duodenum.
  4. Respiratory tract care … The secretion of the glands is enhanced, the stimulation of the villi of the respiratory tract is activated, the production of surfactant by the lungs is stabilized, and the secretion of sputum decreases.
  5. Burning extra calories … Serushka accelerates metabolism and has a positive effect on the digestion process, the intestinal microflora normalizes, peristalsis stabilizes, and the tone of the bladder increases.
  6. The protective function of the body is stimulated … The immune system is strengthened, antibodies are produced, viral, infectious and fungal agents are destroyed, physiological reactions are normalized, the blood is purified, thanks to the polysaccharides included in the fungus, the affected cells are restored.
  7. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened … The activity of the cardiovascular system is stabilized, plaques are knocked out, stress resistance develops, thrombosis, strokes, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, short fainting spells, drops in blood pressure, frequent dizziness and fatigue are prevented.
  8. Antiparasitic property … The components of the serushka have a strong anthelmintic effect, improves appetite, increases efficiency, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes body temperature.
  9. Relief of emotional stress … The body is sedated, irritability decreases, sleep improves, energy reserves are replenished, apathy and unmotivated aggression disappear.
  10. Fighting Diabetes Mellitus … The mushroom contains natural sugar substitutes, stabilizes insulin levels, improves blood microcirculation, prevents vaginal infections in women, and speeds up the healing process.

Also, serushka has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The mucous membrane gets rid of abscesses, the regeneration of damaged cells is faster, the circulation of fluids in the body is regulated, the activity of the reproductive system is normalized. In addition, after physical exertion, the muscles recover faster, the supply of anabolic hormones is stabilized, amino acids and enzymes are synthesized, and cell repair occurs.

Harm and contraindications to the use of serushki

Food poisoning
Food poisoning

Despite the fact that serushka has a voluminous list of medicinal properties, if consumed excessively, even it can damage the body. Frequent inclusion of the mushroom in the diet will cause painful symptoms and ailments. Consequences of abuse of a serushka:

  • Food poisoning - due to the excessive amount of chitin contained in the mushroom, watery stools, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of suffocation, chills, flatulence, fever, severe salivation, pain in the liver and kidneys, migraine, dizziness, weakening of the immune system, swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • An allergic reaction is a failure of digestive processes, constipation, abscesses on the gastric mucosa, a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood, a violation of intercellular metabolism and blood circulation.
  • Inflammation of the duodenum - general weakness, aches, pain in the lower abdomen, melena, drops in blood pressure, loss of appetite.
  • Frequent urination - the tone of the bladder increases and, as a result, calcium and phosphorus are washed out of the bones.

In addition, the walls of the stomach can begin to erode under the influence of the biologically active components of the serushka.

Absolute contraindications for serushka:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation - mushrooms are among the top twenty allergens, so there is a high probability that they will negatively affect the baby and cause complications during childbirth.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis - the favorable microflora of the vagina is disturbed, dysbiosis occurs, it is characterized by pain, yellow discharge and burning sensation when urinating.
  3. Dropsy - the temperature rises, the skin swells, there are changes in the composition of the lymph, a feeling of heaviness.

Before using it for food, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a qualified specialist and find out if there is any allergy to certain components of the fungus.

Serushka recipes

Potato and mushroom casserole
Potato and mushroom casserole

The addition of serushka to dishes determines their delicate aroma, unusual taste and useful properties. The mushroom goes well with nuts, meat, beans, cabbage, potatoes, gherkins, tomatoes, corn, onions and garlic. It is recommended to soak it in water for 3 days before adding it to the dishes. This will eliminate excessive bitterness and pungent odor.

There are the following recipes for serushki, which are distinguished by a rich taste and low calorie content:

  • Pickled Serushki … A kilogram of mushrooms is boiled from the moment of boiling for about 20 minutes. It is necessary to constantly remove the foam. When the grains settle at the bottom and the liquid becomes clear, you can remove the brine from the fire. After it cools down, they begin to pour into sterile clean jars. Serushki are marinated for about two months in a cool and dark place.
  • Pike perch with grains and cheese sauce … A whole pike perch is cleaned, removed from the entrails, the head and fins are cut off, and then the ridge and large bones are removed. Then the fillet is salted, seasoned with spices, sprinkled with lemon juice, coriander is added and placed in the refrigerator. Peel 2 large onions, cut into thin rings and throw into a skillet richly greased with vegetable oil. Serushki are washed with water and are not subjected to any heat treatment. In a separate container, combine 3 tablespoons of cream, 60 grams of grated hard cheese and mushroom broth. The baking dish is covered with foil, and pike perch, covered with mushrooms and onions, is placed on top. Then the fish is poured with cheese sauce, covered with foil and placed in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 190 degrees. Season the finished dish with chopped herbs and cut into portions.
  • Potato and mushroom casserole … Peel 2 onions, cut into thin rings and throw into a preheated and oiled frying pan. 3 potatoes, peeled and cut into slices. 250 grams of grains are thoroughly washed and cut into cubes. The baking dish is covered with foil, then the potatoes are laid out, sprinkled with spices and coriander, and salted. The next layer is spread with mushrooms and fried onions. Then potatoes again. After that, the dish is poured with 200 ml of cream and placed in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.
  • Mushroom caviar … Dried salmon are soaked in filtered water for several hours. Meanwhile, 1-2 onions are peeled, chopped into slices and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Garlic passed through a press, a sprig of thyme, black pepper and coriander are added to it. When the ingredients have cooled, they are passed through a meat grinder along with the mushrooms. Decorate the finished dish with parsley leaves.
  • Meat with grains with creamy sauce … One onion is peeled, chopped and fried in sunflower oil until golden brown. Then it is removed and 300 grams of chicken fillet chopped into slices is added. Fry until half cooked. Then all the ingredients are combined and stewed over low heat. Then add a tablespoon of flour and 100 grams of chopped serushki, keep for another 2 minutes. After that, pour in a glass of milk, chopped parsley with dill, salt and pepper to taste. Turn off the heat, add 60 grams of butter, cover and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  • Serushka salad … 5 large tomatoes are washed and cut into wedges. 100 grams of grains are thoroughly washed to remove dirt residues and chopped into cubes. Peel one medium onion, cut into thin rings and add to the rest of the ingredients. 3 cloves of garlic, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise are passed to them through a press and kneaded thoroughly. Then salt, pepper and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Most often, serushki are salted and pickled, but they can also be used as an independent snack. In terms of taste and useful properties, they resemble a porcini mushroom.

Interesting facts about serushka

The nest box is gray
The nest box is gray

Serushki are not subjected to heat treatment. These mushrooms should not be boiled or fried, as the taste disappears.

With prolonged soaking, they do not lose their rich color. The pulp, unlike other mushrooms, does not darken when cut and remains the same creamy shade.

Serushki are able to withstand temperatures up to minus 7 degrees. This mushroom is practically not affected by insect larvae.

Watch a video about the mushroom serushka:

The widespread distribution of gray-haired grains is due to their piquant taste, delicate aroma and ease of transportation.