Push-ups on chairs

Push-ups on chairs
Push-ups on chairs

Find out which muscles are actively working with this style of push-up and why you need to include this style of training on an ongoing basis. All men want beautiful, muscular breasts. This is quite possible to achieve, you just need to train regularly. Moreover, this can be desired not only in the hall, but also at home. First, you need to master the technique of all the exercises that you plan to perform, because only in this case you can achieve the desired result.

Many people believe that it is impossible to achieve a positive result in bodybuilding without expensive sports equipment. However, there is a fairly large number of bodyweight exercises that will also be very effective when performed correctly. Today we are planning to talk about one of them, namely, about push-ups on chairs.

Of course, you can progress faster if you have at least dumbbells. If in addition to them there is also a barbell, then you can train perfectly at home. It should be noted that push-ups on chairs can in any case be included in your training program, even if you have the above sports equipment.

How to do push-ups on chairs

Push-ups on chairs
Push-ups on chairs

We warn you right away that to perform this movement, you must already have a certain level of physical fitness. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to lower the chest as low as possible. As equipment for training, you only need two chairs, as well as any height, such as a sofa, on which you need to place your legs. Place the chairs at such a distance from each other so that you can lower your ribcage as low as possible.

By performing push-ups on chairs, you can increase the range of motion, which will allow you to stretch the muscles qualitatively and, as a result, to pump them efficiently. Also, in the lowest position of the trajectory, you should maintain a short pause, after which you can return to the starting position. This will increase the intensity of the training, which is important for the quality development of the targeting muscles. Instead of chairs, you can use other objects, it is only important that you have the opportunity to lower your chest as low as possible. The very process of doing push-ups on chairs does not differ from the classic type of exercise.

Other effective push-ups

Push ups on books
Push ups on books

Push-ups are one of the most popular strength training exercises. Today there are many different variations of this movement, but today we will consider only the most effective ones. We already talked about one thing at the beginning of the article and it was push-ups on chairs. When performing any kind of this movement, you should adhere to a few general rules:

  • The back, neck and legs should be in a straight line.
  • The muscles of the abs and legs must always be kept in tension.
  • In the lowest position of the trajectory, your ribcage should be practically touching the ground.
  • Do not fully extend the elbow joint in the upper end position of the trajectory to reduce stress on it.

Consider the most effective types of push-ups:

  • Knee push-ups. This movement can be advised to perform for novice athletes. It is significantly lighter in comparison with the classic version of the movement, and also eliminates the risk of injury to the lumbar spine. The only difference from the classic exercise is that you need to lean on the knee joints. Everything else remains the same.
  • Triceps push-ups. Already by the name of the movement, it becomes clear that it emphasizes the load on the triceps. Take the same position as for the classic, but with your palms at waist level and your feet at hips. Inhaling air, bend your elbow joints to a 90-degree angle, pulling them back. It is very important that the elbow joints do not spread apart during the exercise. They must move strictly backward. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Circular push-ups. Designed for active loading of the muscles of the press, back, deltas, triceps and chest. In this case, the greatest load falls on the share of the first two groups of muscles. The starting position corresponds to the classic version of the exercise. Inhaling air, begin to shift your body weight to one arm and continue to go down. Then shift the body towards the other hand, transferring body weight to it, and as you exhale, rise to the starting position. As a result, your body should make a circle. Perform alternately in different directions.
  • Push-ups with wide arms. When performing the movement, the load is focused on the muscles of the chest. The starting position is similar to the classic version, but the arms are located approximately twice as wide as the level of the shoulder joints. Inhaling, begin to go down, and as you exhale, lift the body to the starting position.

Check out the chair push-up technique in this video: