Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which Is Better?

Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which Is Better?
Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which Is Better?

What kind of training should be preferred to make an attractive body without the use of anabolic steroids. When asked which is better - cardio or strength training, many people confidently answer that the optimal choice is aerobic exercise. Today, it is widely believed that cardio training is for burning fat, and strength training is solely for gaining mass. However, this is not entirely true, and you can get rid of fat deposits only through strength training, without resorting to cardio.

It should be said right away that the best option for a quick weight loss process is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic loads. However, let's deal with everything gradually.

Strength training versus cardio

People with dumbbells
People with dumbbells

The main difference between these two types of exercise is the fat burning process itself, and there are significant differences here. Strength training leads to the loss of fewer calories compared to cardio, but as a result, you will expend more energy.

This is due to the fact that almost immediately after the removal of cardio load, energy ceases to be spent, but after strength training, this process continues for about 36 hours. All this time, every hour the body burns ten calories and at the same time you do not need to do anything for this. Thus, you can put a plus in front of strength training.

If your cardio training was moderate, then an additional 40 to 80 calories will be burned. At the same time, depending on the duration and intensity of the cardio session, energy losses can range from 500 to 80 calories. This is a fairly high figure and cardio is very useful for burning fat.

At the same time, an average of 1,750 calories are needed to burn half a kilogram of fat. Even without making any calculations, it becomes clear that for this it is necessary to work for a very long time and practically no one has such endurance. It should also be remembered that the energy expended during the training should not be returned when eating.

Separately, it should be said about sprint running. This type of cardio has certain similarities to strength training in terms of its effects on metabolism and leg muscles. Thus, if you are serious about fighting fat, then you should consider sprint running.

Effects of strength training on metabolism

Dumbbell Workout
Dumbbell Workout

If you want to lose weight, then you should know how this type of load affects metabolism. We've already found that strength training can burn more energy. Let's take a closer look at this process.

Strength training primarily helps you gain muscle mass. Note that all metabolic processes in the body directly depend on the amount of dry mass. Thus, the more muscle mass, the higher the metabolism will be and, as a result, the body will have to spend more energy at rest to maintain them.

The process of gaining mass is quite long and this may mean that after the end of the workout, the body will consume energy for a long time. By the way, precisely because of the greater mass of muscles in the body of men, they consume more food in comparison with women and at the same time do not get fat.

Effects of strength training on body constitution

The girl performs the thrust of the front block
The girl performs the thrust of the front block

We continue to talk about which is better - cardio or strength training. And again about the advantage of strength training, which this time is associated with the possibility of changing the constitution of the body. When using cardio loads, not only fat is burned, but also muscles. All this leads to a decrease in total body weight, but the proportions remain unchanged. If you do strength training and at the same time use a low-calorie nutrition program, then you will be able not only to get rid of fat, but also to emphasize your shape.

In this regard, it should be noted that most girls avoid strength training, and if they use weights, then, as a rule, these are dumbbells weighing a couple of kilos. The main reason for this is the fear of gaining a lot of muscle, thereby turning into a man. This delusion has a long history and everything can never be dispelled. Girls, you have absolutely nothing to fear from strength training.

Since the female body has a very low concentration of testosterone, you will never be able to gain a large amount of muscle mass. Of course, if you do not intentionally use steroids for this. But what kind of normal girl would do that?

Let's summarize. We have found that strength training can speed up the metabolism and therefore the lipolysis process. In addition, you can make your body even more attractive. Today, scientists have proven that strength training is the best way to burn fat. It is also effective to combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise. However, in this case, you should carefully approach cardio training so as not to lose muscle mass.

To learn how to choose between strength training and cardio, see this video:
