Lateral muscle exercises

Lateral muscle exercises
Lateral muscle exercises

Learn what exercises to do to emphasize the muscles of the corset and shape a truly athletic body. All women, regardless of their age, want to have a thin and slender waist. For this, very strict dietary programs are often used or grueling workouts are carried out in the gym. Unfortunately, these methods do not always pay off. To achieve your goal, you need to properly organize your food and conduct special training. By doing lateral exercises, you can create the waist of your dreams.

Common mistakes when training lateral muscles

Side bends with weights
Side bends with weights

Today, you can find a large number of training programs on the Internet, the creators of which promise an ideal figure. However, they are often not effective, or even harm your figure. We will now list all the methods that definitely will not help you thin your waist:

  • Side bending with weights leads to the development of oblique muscles of the abdomen and an increase in waist size. This exercise will be effective for men, but girls should not use them.
  • The use of a hoop is completely useless, although at one time it was considered very effective. Moreover, doctors recommend abandoning the twisting of the hoop, since a constant shock load is not desirable for the internal organs.
  • Weighted turns on the shoulders negatively affect the spinal column and can lead to injury. The vertebral table resists axial loading well, but is vulnerable to torsion.
  • Active use of strength training with a small amount of cardio loads and vice versa will not lead to a positive result. Your training program should be as balanced as possible.

Experts advise to train three or four times during the week. After completing the warm-up, you can start a special set of exercises for the lateral muscles. Then, after a short pause, it is necessary to conduct an aerobic exercise.

It is not necessary to use simulators without fail. Excellent results can be achieved by running, dancing or jumping rope. This will allow you to increase the elasticity of the lateral muscle fibers and make your waist thinner. Warm up well before starting your main workout. We will not dwell on this in detail now. We will only inform you that during the warm-up, you should use light cardio and perform several exercises to stretch the abdominal muscles.

A set of exercises for the lateral muscles

The athlete performs side crunches
The athlete performs side crunches

The most effective abdominal movements are the various crunches.

  • Exercise 1. Take a prone position with your hands behind your head and your elbows pointing out to the sides. You also need to make sure that the distance between the chin and the chest is maintained at a distance of about a fist throughout the exercise. Begin to lift your torso without lifting your lower back from the ground and without bringing your elbow joints together. At the same time, twist the body, trying to reach the right knee with the left elbow joint. Smoothly lower the body to the ground and repeat on the other side.
  • Exercise 2. The starting position is similar to the previous one with bent knee joints and cancers behind the head. Raise the body, but with the right elbow joint, stretch to the right heel and turn around.
  • Exercise 3. Sit on the ground and bend your knees, placing the spots on the ground. Tilt your torso back 45 degrees. It is also necessary to slightly round the lower back, bend the elbow joints. Begin to turn the body to the sides.
  • Exercise 4. Take a lying position, spreading your arms to the side, palms down. Make sure that the shoulder joints are firmly pressed to the ground, lift your legs up, bending the knee joints at a right angle (90 degrees). You can hold a tennis ball between the knee joints. Begin to lower your legs to the sides as close to the ground as possible, without touching it. The pelvis at the time of the exercise on the lateral muscles should be tightly pressed. Return to the starting position and perform the movement in the opposite direction.
  • Exercise 5. Lie on your side. The legs are slightly bent at the knee joints and are placed one on top of the other. The upper arm should be behind the head, and the lower arm should be on the ground or stomach. Lift the body up and start twisting it as if you were doing a classic crunch. Since your pelvis is on your side, the oblique muscles will participate in the work.
  • Exercise 6. Lie on your side, straightening your torso and legs, placing them one on top of the other. Lean on the elbow joint of the lower arm, and put the upper one on the thigh. Move your head away from the shoulder joint, while the neck should form a straight line with the body. Hold this position for as long as you can.

Check out the best lateral exercises in the following video: