Lapazheria or Lapageria: rules for care and reproduction

Lapazheria or Lapageria: rules for care and reproduction
Lapazheria or Lapageria: rules for care and reproduction

Descriptive characteristics of lapagheria and its distinctive features, rules for cultivation, breeding lapageria, pests and diseases, interesting facts. Lapageria (Lapageria) also bears the name of the Chilean bell, or Copihue. The name Lapagheria is considered by many to be incorrect, but it has become firmly established by flower growers. The plant is a monotypic genus, which includes only one monocotyledonous representative of the green world of the planet, that is, there is only one cotyledon in its embryo. Scientists include Lapazheria in the Philesiaceae family and it is endemic to the territory of Chile, that is, the plant does not occur anywhere else under natural conditions.

For the first time, this specimen of flora was collected near the city of Concepcion, and it received its description only in 1802. And the name of the plant was given in honor of the wife of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine, a great lover of exotic plants and who has collected a decent collection of flora in her botanical garden. However, gardeners got to know the Lapazheria better in Europe when their colleague from England, Lobb, brought the plant in 1854, but there is another version that European gardeners have known this Chilean exotic almost from the beginning of the 19th century, when it was discovered. Already in 1866, this flowering representative of the flora began to grow in the greenhouses of the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden. You can often hear how Lapazheria is called "Chilean bell", because of the outlines of its flowers, and because of the fruits - "Chilean cucumber".

The only species included in this genus is Lapageria posea, which is an evergreen perennial vine. In nature, the plant likes to settle in the dense forests that cover the western slopes of the Andes, located between 35 and 40 degrees south latitude. And although exotic grows in natural conditions on lands dominated by a subtropical climate, one should not forget about the frequent and heavy rains in that area, and the temperature may drop to -5 degrees below zero. Despite these weather changes, the Lapazheria tolerates them perfectly.

The plant has a herbaceous liana-like shape and its shoots can reach a maximum of 10 meters in length, but in indoor conditions they do not exceed 2-3 m. The branches resemble a wire with their outlines, have a bluish-green color and very strong branching. With shoots, this liana usually braids nearby growing trees and shrubs, and is, in fact, an epiphyte (that is, it parasitizes on other plants). If the shoots lie down and touch the surface of the substrate, then root shoots will form on them in the internodes after a while. When growing, it is necessary to organize a support for young branches, and subsequently the vine will begin to cling to it and grow on its own.

The leaf plates of the lapazheria are solid, with oval outlines, the ends of the tops are pointed, the surface is leathery, shiny, it is decorated with a small number of veins running along the leaf. The leaves are located on the branches very densely. The color is a rich green color, which in itself is an ornament and an excellent background for flowers. The dimensions of the leaf plate in length vary between 7-15 cm.

The advantage of Lapazheria is naturally its flowers. They are located in the leaf sinuses. The length of the bud, which resembles a large bell, reaches 8–10 cm. The perianth is composed of six segments, the petals (segments) grow freely, placing themselves in two circles. The surface of these petals is so dense that it seems that they are made of wax. The color of the petals includes all shades and transitions from bright crimson to pinkish, there is even a variety with flowers that cast a snow-white color scheme.

The surface of the petals-segments is covered with patterning in the form of a thin mesh of light shimmer. During the flowering process, it is necessary that the hummingbirds carry out pollination. They collect nectar, which is secreted by pitted nectaries located at the base of the perianth petals. The pollen grains are devoid of supports (without aperture) and are covered with large thorns. The flowering process stretches from late summer to December.

After pollination, fruits ripen, which have the shape of berries, characterized by juiciness and strong aroma. Their color is greenish, they are edible, have a pleasant taste, especially if they are not yet fully ripe. When the fruit is fully ripe, the surface and the inside become quite tough. On the territory of natural growth, Lapazheria are sold, calling them "Chilean cucumbers". Inside the berry fruit there are seeds that are carried by birds and thus help the vines spread over long distances.

The most popular cultivar is Superrba, whose flowers have pinkish-red petals of a rather intense tone. If a decision is made to grow lapazheria, then you need to remember that this plant is not for novice florists.

Indoor cultivation recommendations, care

Hanging Lapazheria Flower
Hanging Lapazheria Flower
  1. Lighting and location selection. Since in conditions of natural growth the plant "lives" in dense forests, then in indoor conditions it will not tolerate the direct rays of the sun, since it will be impossible to organize a constant circulation of fresh air in the room. It is better to place a pot with a vine on the east, west southeast or southwest windowsill with bright, but diffused lighting. On the window of the southern location you need a shadow, on the northern one - additional lighting.
  2. The temperature of the Lapazheria content in the spring-summer period should be in the range of 18–20 degrees, but as soon as the plant fades and begins to plunge into the rest mode, then the heat indicators should be gradually reduced. So in the winter months, the thermometer should not go beyond 6-8 units. For a short time, the "Chilean bell" can withstand a drop and up to 5 degrees below zero. In the summer, you can move the pot with the plant to the open air - a place in the garden under the diffused shade of trees, on a terrace or balcony is suitable. But it should be remembered that protection from the action of a draft will be required.
  3. Air humidity when growing "Chilean cucumber" should not fall below 50%. The plant reacts very poorly to dry indoor air, and the edge of the foliage may begin to dry out. Therefore, you should spray the deciduous mass once a week with warm and soft water. A finely dispersed atomizer is used for this. Drops of moisture should fall not only on the leaves, but it is recommended to simply spray the mist next to the lagoon. Only if moisture gets on the flowers will damage their appearance, dark spots may appear on the petals. Also, to increase the humidity of the air, you can put humidifiers or just vessels filled with water next to the pot.
  4. Watering. From spring until the end of flowering, it is recommended to water the lapazheria abundantly, so that the soil is constantly moistened. Overdrying of the earthen coma should not be allowed, but despite the fact that under natural conditions the plant can withstand prolonged downpours, stagnant water in the stand under the pot will lead to rotting of the root system. It is recommended to water the vine every 4 days in the spring and summer. With the arrival of autumn, moisture decreases. Only well-settled and warm water is used. River or rainwater can be used, but there is no guarantee that it will be sufficiently clean in urban conditions. Therefore, you should take a distilled one or pass it through a tap water filter, then boil it and stand for several days.
  5. Fertilizers for lapazheria are introduced from the beginning of its growth and throughout the entire flowering period. The regularity is once every 2-3 weeks. In top dressing, it is necessary that the content of potassium and phosphorus exceeds the amount of nitrogen. Since the latter will contribute to the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering. After the flowers on the liana wither and it goes into rest mode, the feeding stops.
  6. Transplantation and selection of a substrate. Due to the fact that the root system is distinguished by powerful parameters, then when carrying out a transplant, you need to select larger pots. Also, in this operation, life should be very careful so that the roots are not damaged, since the Lapazheria is sensitive enough to this. It is recommended to use the transshipment method when the earth lump is not destroyed. The transplant is carried out annually in the spring. In a new container, it is required to make holes in the bottom for the outflow of excess moisture and, before pouring in the substrate, lay a small layer (2-3 cm) of drainage material. The soil is used with an acidity of about pH 5, 5, which has nutritional properties and sufficient looseness. You can use garden soil, coarse-grain sand (it is replaced with perlite), wet peat or humus (you can replace foliage soil) for the soil mixture - all parts are equal in volume.
  7. General care. Since the shoots of the plant have a peculiarity to droop to the soil, then when transplanting, it is required to arrange a support for them. On this support, the branches will gradually rise upward, braiding it. It is recommended to remove flowers as they wilt. In the spring, pruning of branches is carried out. If you regularly pinch the tops of the branches, this will help stimulate their branching, so that later you can form a beautiful bush.

How to multiply lapagheria with your own hands?

Young Stem of Lapazheria
Young Stem of Lapazheria

In order to obtain a new plant of "Chilean cucumber", cuttings, propagation by layering and sowing of seed should be carried out.

If you decide to sow seeds, then before planting you need to soak them for several days in warm water - this will speed up their germination. It is recommended to change the water 3-5 times a day. After that, the stratification of the seed material is carried out (imitation of natural wintering) - the seeds are placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 degrees and kept there for 1-3 months. Then they are placed in an acidic substrate (peat-sandy) rich in humus, poured into a bowl. It is recommended to plant 2-3 seeds in one pot. The container is covered with a piece of glass or wrapped in plastic wrap, heat values of 22 degrees are maintained. Seeds germinate within one month (or up to 3). It is important not to forget to ventilate them daily to remove condensation and, if necessary, to moisten the soil. After the shoots appear, the shelter is removed and the plants are accustomed to indoor conditions.

When the seedlings get stronger and they have a pair of true leaves, then you can dive into individual pots. The following type of substrate is used for planting - leaf soil, peat and river sand are mixed in equal parts. A little light turf soil is also added there. In the first year, growth is very intense, but then the rate will decrease. In the first two years, young Lapazherias grow very slowly, and the first flowering can be expected 3-4 years from the moment of planting.

If propagated with the help of layering, then the shoot is chosen strong, rather young and strong. It needs to be bent to the ground until it touches it and laid in a spiral shape, then it is fixed with a wire or a regular hairpin. Then the branch is sprinkled with a small amount of soil, you can use sand or perlite. After that, you need to wait until the shoot takes root, and new leaves and buds begin to form on it. As a rule, this process takes up to several months - 4–6, and sometimes even longer. But it is not recommended to separate the layers even after the signs of rooting have appeared, you need to wait for new young foliage on it - this period approximately begins after 4–8 months after the layer has taken root.

When grafting, blanks are cut in the summer. It is recommended to choose young and semi-lignified twigs for cuttings. The handle should have up to 6 leaves. Every second must be cut in half - this will reduce the area from which moisture will evaporate. The workpieces are planted in pots filled with a sand and peat mixture. The cuttings are deepened only by 2.5 cm and covered with plastic wrap or a glass container, the pot is placed in a place with diffused lighting. The rooting temperature is maintained between 16-18 degrees. Regular airing and moistening of the soil is carried out if it is dry. Only next spring can cuttings be planted in their permanent place of growth.

Diseases and pests when caring for a laparium

Diseased Lapazheria Flower
Diseased Lapazheria Flower

The main pest that annoys the plant is aphid. Most often it strikes and is well seen on young branches. This harmful insect manifests itself in the form of bugs (22 mm in length) of green, gray or grayish-brown colors. They live in colonies, covering the leaves from the back. In this case, the plant begins to wither and wither, the leaf plates twist, and the buds fly around at the same time, but if they are formed, then the shape becomes deformed. Aphids also release a sticky, sugary liquid - honeydew, which ants feed on in nature, but it can cause a sooty fungus to appear. Both folk and chemical remedies are good against aphids (the latter are best used outside the home). If the plant is indoor, then it is recommended to clean the leaves with garlic tincture applied to a cotton pad. Otherwise, insecticidal preparations can be used.

If there are signs of a spider mite or mealybug lesion, then a thin cobweb forms on the plant, which covers the leaves on the back side and internodes, or formations similar to pieces of white cotton wool accumulate in similar places. In this case, you can also apply different methods of struggle:

  • folk - wiping foliage and shoots with soap, oil or alcohol solution;
  • chemical - the use of insecticidal preparations - Aktara, Aktellik or Fitover.

When growing a lapazheria in the garden, snails and slugs become its enemies. Naturally, you will have to remove the pests manually or use drugs like "Thunderstorm".

Interesting facts about Lapazheria

5 lapazheria flowers
5 lapazheria flowers

The story of the emergence of today's flower name is quite romantic. If you believe the historical facts, then the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine was a big fan of flowers. In her estate Malmaison (which was considered the private residence of Napoleon and Josephine), located 20 km from Paris, a botanical garden was laid out by her order. In it, at the request of Josephine, at the beginning of the 19th century, a collection of the rarest representatives of the flora, which mainly came from Central and South America, was collected. In 1802, the "Chilean bell" was presented as a gift to the French empress by the Spaniards, and thus the Lapageria ended up in Josephine's collection under the name given to her in honor of this great woman. Since Bonaparte's nee wife bore the name Marie Rose of Joseph Tachet de la Pagerie, the flowering vine began to be called Lapazerie.

Not only can this plant boast the beauty of its flowers, but the fruits of the "Chilean cucumber" are also edible.

Also, the national flower of the Republic of Chile is the same Lapageria.
