How to cook bulgur in a bag?

How to cook bulgur in a bag?
How to cook bulgur in a bag?

Table of contents:


Bulgur … How to cook it? How to cook in a bag? How high in calories are cereals and what are the contraindications? Read all this and much more interesting in this review.

Bulgur ready-made in package
Bulgur ready-made in package

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Bulgur - dried crushed wheat grains. First, they are heat treated, then dried, cleaned of bran and crushed to the required volume. The smell of cereals is nutty. A distinctive feature - bulgur does not need rinsing before cooking, because it's already steamed. When buying, choose cereals in transparent packaging so that you can see its color and quality. Keep in mind that bulgur is not produced in our country, so if the packaging indicates that the product is made in our area, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

The use of bulgur lies in its chemical composition. Croup improves the functioning of the nervous system and cardiovascular system, lowers blood sugar levels and helps to overcome insomnia, cope with stress and irritation. In addition, cereals break down fats, and due to the content of iron and potassium, it is very useful for blood vessels and the heart. It contains complex carbohydrates, which makes cereals excellent for dietary nutrition.

Bulgur is contraindicated for people with allergies, due to the gluten content. You should not abuse cereals if you are overweight, because she has a high calorie content. Also give up bulgur for gastritis, increased acidity and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 342 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Bulgur groats - 1 package
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp or to taste
  • Drinking water - 1 l

Cooking bulgur in a package:

Bulgur in package
Bulgur in package

1. Bulgur, which is sold packaged in bags with small holes, occupies 1 / 4-1 / 5 of the contents of the package. When cooking, it should be borne in mind that after cooking, the entire volume of the bag will be filled with ready-made cereals.

Bulgur bag placed in a saucepan
Bulgur bag placed in a saucepan

2. Since bulgur does not need rinsing, take a convenient wide saucepan and place the bag in it. It should be placed in an even layer, without bends.

Bulgur is flooded with water
Bulgur is flooded with water

3. Fill the cereal with drinking water so that the bag is completely covered. Do not feel sorry for water, tk. during cooking, the cereal will absorb a lot of liquid.

Salt added to the pot
Salt added to the pot

4. Add salt to the container.

Bulgur is brewed
Bulgur is brewed

5. Place the pot on the stove and boil.

Bulgur is brewed
Bulgur is brewed

6. Bring to a boil over high heat.

Bulgur is brewed
Bulgur is brewed

7. Reduce heat to minimum, cover the pot and cook bulgur for half an hour.

Bulgur is cooked
Bulgur is cooked

8. After this time, remove the pot from the stove. As you can see, the croup has increased in size several times and absorbed most of the liquid.

Bulgur is cooked
Bulgur is cooked

9. Transfer it to a sieve without removing it from the bag for 5 3-5 minutes to drain all the liquid.

Ready porridge
Ready porridge

10. Then cut the bag, spoon the cereal onto a plate, season with butter and start your meal. You can also use it for further preparation of various dishes, for example, stew with fried mushrooms, vegetables or meat. In addition, if you do not want to cook the cereal in a bag, you can extract it raw and cook it in your usual way.

See also a video recipe for how to cook bulgur?
