Hair care in autumn

Hair care in autumn
Hair care in autumn

Why is it important to carefully care for your hair in the autumn, general recommendations on proper nutrition to maintain the health of curls, features of restoring the color and structure of strands, head massage technique. It is also recommended to abandon sulfate shampoos for the recovery period. Choose a sulfate-free product based on natural ingredients. You can additionally vitaminize any shampoo. Its use will begin to bring more benefits to the hair if vitamins A, B, C are added to it. The vitamin "portion" for the detergent should be disposable, and it should be prepared immediately before use.

Pour the shampoo into a container and add a few drops of each vitamin to it. Lather and hold the product on your hair for five minutes. Even after the first procedure, you will see the result: the curls will become shiny, voluminous, and the process of loss will decrease. And to overcome the problem of brittle hair, use vitamin E separately. To make the hair silky and light in the process of combing, you can add an aspirin tablet to the shampoo. In addition, you can wash your hair according to the grandmother's recipe using egg yolk. It cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes hair well. If used regularly, curls will always be shiny, well-groomed and strong. For the procedure, you need to take one or two eggs, it all depends on the length of your hair. Separate the yolks, beat them in a bowl.

The tool can be used in two ways:

  • The mass is simply applied to wet hair. Next, you can do a light head massage and rinse the curls. No shampoo is applied.
  • Cover the dry hair with a product, cover the head with a hat. Remember, the yolks should not dry out on the hair. It is recommended to wash off the mass after thirty minutes. Also, don't use shampoo.

Thus, you get a two-in-one result: the egg yolk rinses your hair well and nourishes it at the same time. You can use kefir as a detergent. For the care of curls in the fall, this product is the best choice. Kefir will wash and nourish both oily and dry hair well. The indisputable advantages of the tool are its budget price and ease of use. Half a glass is enough to rinse your hair. It is worth remembering: kefir should be warm and preferably fat-free. Apply it to moist strands. Next, you need to gently massage your head, and after 10 minutes, rinse. The result is soft, shiny, hydrated hair and dandruff-free hair.

Whatever you wash your hair, it is recommended to rinse it in acidified water after the procedure (juice of half a lemon per liter of purified water).

They work great on curls after washing, when their keratin scales are as open as possible, rinsing with a variety of herbal infusions. For women with dark hair, nettle is suitable: with its help, the strands will become softer, the process of loss will stop. To prepare a rinse, you need to pour five tablespoons of dry grass with a liter of boiling water and boil the product for 15 minutes, cool, strain and rinse your hair after washing.

Nettle is not suitable for blondes, as it can give curls a greenish tint. It is recommended for fair-haired girls to use decoctions of chamomile or lemon balm. The rinse aid is prepared and used in the same way as the previous one.

Features of hair color restoration

Kefir mask to restore hair color
Kefir mask to restore hair color

First of all, you can try to restore the natural hair color after summer using folk methods. All methods can be combined with each other, applying different masks for several days in a row. Typically, the mixture is left overnight.

Several well-known homemade recipes for restoring the color of curls:

  1. Honey mask … The beekeeping product must be melted, applied to semi-dry strands, wrap your head with a warm towel. The mask remains for the whole night, in the morning it is washed off with water and shampoo.
  2. Milk-kefir mask … A small amount of milk, yogurt or thick kefir is applied to dry strands for two to three hours. Five applications will be enough to restore the burnt-out natural hair color.

With the modern pace of life, many women do not have time to devote enough time to caring for curls at home. Salon services help out, which in the autumn period are aimed at moisturizing and restoring the structure and color of the hair.

Pay attention to the following procedures:

  • Keratinization … With its help, the cuticles of your hair will be restored after aggressive exposure to sunlight. Keratin treatment of curls will restore their radiance and elasticity.
  • A course of moisturizing masks … It can include from three to ten procedures. Masks contain nourishing and moisturizing fluids. Hair that has dried out in the summer will again become healthy and well-groomed, you can return them to their natural deep shade.
  • Elumination … This is a non-traumatic hair coloring procedure. The coloring mixture contains negatively charged particles, since our curls are positive. Thus, the eluminate "sticks" to the hair. The hair is perfectly restored and protected from mechanical damage and negative external influences for several months.

Using oils to care for the hair ends

Hair care oil
Hair care oil

Various natural oils are a storehouse of useful substances for curls. They can be used both in pure form at home and as part of complex ready-made products. The oil will relieve the ends of sections, breakage and help to regenerate damaged hair. There are several options for how you can care for the ends of your hair using a variety of oils. The most popular is the application as a caring mask without rinsing. Thus, the curls will always be protected from the sun, temperature extremes, wind or rain. As a rule, such oils are produced by cosmetic companies. They do not leave a greasy shine, do not stain hair and do not require rinsing. If you decide to use the substance as a mask, then before washing your hair, apply a small amount of castor, burdock, coconut, wheat or olive oil to the ends. Leave it on for an hour. During this time, the hair is saturated with useful components, the structure of the damaged ends will be restored.

If the length of your curls is more than thirty centimeters, then in most cases the ends will definitely begin to split. To restore their integrity, a mask is recommended using olive and castor oil, as well as vitamins A and E. Preparation: mix forty grams of oils with two grams of vitamins in a glass container. In this mixture, we moisten the ends well and leave for an hour. After that, rinse thoroughly with water. Among the most effective and popular cosmetic oils for the care of hair ends are the following:

  1. A caring complex with sea buckthorn extract and argan oil from Natura Siberica. The product is also used as thermal protection.
  2. For dry ends, Loreal Serie Exspert Absolut Repair oil is perfect. It can be added to masks from the same series.
  3. Brelil BIO Cristali Regenerating Hair Oil to help get rid of split ends. Apply to clean hair and does not rinse.
  4. Kerastase Nutrive Perfection oil has regenerating properties. Does not leave a feeling of greasy on the curls and nourishes them well.
  5. Avon Daily Care Oil Serum for Damaged Hair Ends. Perfect for owners of curly curls - it perfectly restores and protects the structure of the strands.

Vitamin mask recipes

Vitamins for hair masks
Vitamins for hair masks

There are a wide variety of masks that use different ingredients for different hair types and to solve a variety of problems. Here are the most effective ones:

  • Nourishing mask … In a glass container, mix the concentrate of aloe juice and one ampoule of vitamins C, B1 and B6, as well as a tablespoon of honey and one yolk. Apply the product for an hour. After that, wash off with warm water and shampoo. Masks are recommended to be done in a course of ten days.
  • Firming mask … Active ingredients: ampoule of vitamin D, a tablespoon of castor oil, two yolks. First, you need to mix all the ingredients except the yolks and apply to the scalp for forty-five minutes. Then the hair is washed, the yolks are applied literally for five minutes. Again, my curls, but without using shampoo. The procedure can be performed three times a week.
  • A revitalizing mask for all hair types … Mix the contents of the ampoule of nicotinic acid with aloe juice (20 drops) and propolis concentrate (25 drops). Rub the product into the head and cover it with a plastic cap. Wash off with shampoo after two hours. The course of the procedures - every other day for twenty days.

Firming massage for hair roots

Hair root massage
Hair root massage

Doctors-dermatologists advise regular head massage, especially in the autumn. It can be done both on dry hair and using medicated oils, because they contain many useful substances. To make them penetrate as deeply as possible into the hair follicles, apply oils to the root area. And to strengthen the ends, treat hair along the entire length. Massage is recommended to be done once or twice a week. The optimal oils for the procedure are burdock or hemp. Carrying out time - 15-20 minutes.

Various devices and massaging techniques can be used to achieve good results:

  1. Classic head massage … We spend it sitting or lying down. Rub the forehead, back of the head, temples with light circular movements. This will improve the blood flow in the veins. Next, we proceed to massage the part of the head covered with hair. We stroke it from the forehead to the back of the head, from the crown down and from the crown to the ears. Remember that the direction of the massage lines should correspond to the direction of the growth of the curls. You can iron, rub in a spiral, circular, rectilinear motion, tap with your fingers, stretch, shift, pinch the skin. All techniques should be finished with stroking.
  2. Head massage with hands … In this way, blood flow can be increased, therefore, the roots will receive a maximum of useful substances. Press the right palm to the right side of the head. We count to five and press hard with our palm on this area. We do the same on the left side, after that - with the back of the head, forehead.
  3. Head massage with a brush … The latter should be made of natural materials: wood, bristles, horns, ebonite. It is necessary to walk through the hair from the temples to the crown in a circular, soft, stroking motion. After that, we move on to the forehead and the back of the head. We repeat the procedure several times.
  4. Aroma head massage … To do this, take a few drops of rosemary, black pepper or sesame essential oil. We rub the mixture into the head in a downward direction. After that, we begin to make movements in the direction from the junction point of the neck and skull and up. At the end, pinch the skin with your fingers and massage the entire head.
  5. Massage with a heated terry towel … Before the procedure, the towel should be warmed up on the radiator. It is also recommended to apply any nutritious oil to the roots beforehand. We bend over the bathtub and quickly rub our head with a dry towel. After the massage, wrap it up with the same towel and leave it for half an hour. At the end, wash your hair.

Vitamins A and E can be rubbed into the scalp. The best time for a massage is in the morning or evening before bed. At night, it is recommended to additionally comb the hair with a massage comb. Thus, you increase the blood flow to the hair follicles.

Tips for keeping your hair healthy in the fall

Takes as protection of hair from hypothermia
Takes as protection of hair from hypothermia

To consolidate the effect of the above procedures, it is recommended to listen to certain advice from cosmetologists:

  • Remember to wear a hat in cold temperatures. Many women do not want to wear hats so as not to ruin their hair. But remember: in this case, you are putting your hair at great risk by prioritizing imaginary aesthetics. The follicles are supercooled. This can provoke active prolapse. The structure of the hair is also disturbed, and they become lifeless and dull. You should not buy hats made of synthetic materials, as they are poorly breathable and can create a greenhouse effect.
  • In autumn, it is recommended to wash your hair at least an hour before going out. After drying with a hairdryer, the scalp and curls should cool, and not be exposed to a sharp temperature drop. And of course it is forbidden to go out with wet or damp hair!
  • When drying with a hair dryer, do not use it at full power. Use a gentle mode so as not to dry out your curls. And don't forget about thermal protectors.
  • Better not buy products that are known from commercials as "two-in-one". Such cosmetics are an option for travel, not hair care, especially in the fall. It is best to purchase all products separately. Complex care will provide your hair with nourishment and gentle care.

How to care for your hair in the fall - watch the video:

Hair care in the fall is a laborious and important process. It is during this season that they fall out more intensively, after the summer period they become more brittle, dull and dry. The procedures should be aimed at their restoration and strengthening. In this case, you can use both home recipes and cosmetic preparations. And if you add salon methods to them, then you will be provided with excellent hair all year round.
