Black mustard: benefits, uses in cooking and recipes

Black mustard: benefits, uses in cooking and recipes
Black mustard: benefits, uses in cooking and recipes

Description, composition and list of medicinal properties of black mustard. Does the plant have special contraindications for use? Cooking recipes with the addition of grains. In addition, black mustard helps in the treatment of viral diseases. It flushes out excess mucus, relieves muscle aches, eases coughs and restores the immune system.

Contraindications and harm of real mustard

Man suffers from kidney pain
Man suffers from kidney pain

In addition to a number of useful properties, French mustard has special contraindications for use. Do not overuse the product, or even better, consult with a specialist and find out if you can add spice to your diet.

Black mustard will harm the following health problems:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system … The components of the plant are capable of provoking weakness and fever. Nausea, accompanied by vomiting, headache and motion sickness in transport also occur.
  • Weakened kidneys … A person feels pain in the lower back, urine outflow worsens, its color and smell change. There is a malfunction in the metabolism and the water-salt balance is disturbed.
  • Tuberculosis … The components can provoke a rise in temperature, impair appetite, increase cough with hemoptysis and increase sweating.
  • Allergy … There are cases of individual intolerance to the components, in which swelling of the mucous membranes occurs, a skin rash appears and hearing is impaired.
  • Digestive tract diseases … The chemical composition causes bloating, provokes problems with stool, and disrupts metabolism.

It is also not recommended to consume black mustard during pregnancy. There is a risk that the child will not receive the necessary components for its development, problems may arise during childbirth.

Note! In a dish for 2 people, add no more than 1/4 teaspoon of black mustard. Otherwise, you risk damaging the mucous membrane, irritating the skin and increasing body temperature.

How is black mustard used in cooking?

Black mustard seasoning
Black mustard seasoning

Dry seeds do not have any aroma, and a tart taste begins to appear after a few seconds of chewing. They instantly ignite the "fire" of digestion and intensify the activity of the stomach.

Grains of black mustard are added to rice, cereals, boiled vegetables, sauces, marinades, dressings, seasonings and salads. But it is recommended to fry them first. Thus, the grains will show medicinal, aromatic and taste properties. Mustard is also a key ingredient in making homemade mayonnaise as it has emulsifying qualities.

There are many recipes for making table mustard from ground grains. Among its components are vinegar, salt, sugar, various spices, honey and vegetable fats.

Young leaves of French mustard are added to food as a spice. They are used for canning mushrooms and vegetables. In Caucasian cuisine, during the preparation of cheeses, almost all parts of the plant can be added, except for the roots. And in India, black mustard seeds are an essential ingredient in masala, curry, rasama, chutney and sambhara. German chefs make a sauce from lightly ground grains and vinegar. It goes well with Bavarian sausages.

The volatile vapors of the plant are characterized by phytoncidal and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, they began to be actively used in food processing and to increase the shelf life of quickly perishable foods.

It's important to know! In order for mustard to retain all its nutritional properties longer, it should be stored in a dark place and in a glass container.

French Mustard Recipes

Pilaf with meat
Pilaf with meat

Black mustard has proven itself well in cooking. When added, the dish acquires a piquant pungency and pleasant aroma.

Below are the most interesting recipes with black mustard:

  1. Homemade mustard … 3 tablespoons of black mustard are ground in a coffee grinder and sieved through a sieve. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of cold vinegar to the resulting powder. Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. There is one interesting nuance: gourmets say that the longer the mustard is stirred, the sharper and more aromatic it becomes, and the most optimal time for this is 1 hour.
  2. Pilaf with meat … A pound of pork is washed, dried with a paper towel and chopped into small pieces. Then 2 onions are peeled and cut into half rings. Pass 2 carrots through a grater. After that, zirvak is prepared - the basis of pilaf. Warm up the cauldron, pour it with sunflower oil and fry it a little. Spread out onion half rings and bring them to a ruddy color (it will take about 5-7 minutes). Then spread the meat and continue to fry for about 10 minutes, so that it becomes golden brown. Next is the carrot. All ingredients are fried over low heat for about 4-6 minutes. Meanwhile, the kettle is heated and then the fried food is poured with boiling water. It should cover everything by a few centimeters. At their own discretion, the ingredients are salted, pepper and sprinkled with black mustard seeds. Then add 2 cups of rice, spread it over the surface. Please note that you do not need to mix! Put a peeled head of garlic on top and add water so that it covers the rice by 2-2.5 cm. Cook the dish without a lid over maximum heat until all the liquid has evaporated. After that, make a small fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Wheat porridge … 1, 5 cups of wheat groats are washed several times, put in a slow cooker and pour 600 ml of warm water. Then add 15 grams of butter, sprinkle with grains of French mustard. Expose the "Porridge" mode. After the end of cooking (about 35 minutes), leave the dish for another 10 minutes under a closed lid to infuse.
  4. Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms … 70 grams of dried porcini mushrooms are soaked for 4 hours and left in a dark place. 1, 5 cups of buckwheat are washed, pour 600 ml of water and begin to cook. Finely chop the mushrooms. After the water in the pan has boiled, add the mushrooms, cover and bring to a boil again. Then reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes until the porridge thickens. When all the liquid has evaporated, you need to salt the dish and add the grains of black mustard. Remove the pan from the stove and let it brew for another 15 minutes. Meanwhile, 2 onions are peeled, cut into small pieces, fried until golden brown and added to the porridge.

Grains of black mustard in cooking go well with paprika, cumin, fennel, turmeric, cardamom, barberry, chicken, beef, fish, hard cheese, lemon juice, garlic, peas and lentils.

Interesting facts about black mustard

Black mustard in the field
Black mustard in the field

Researchers suggest that in the "Parable of the mustard seed" (Matt. 13: 31-32), Jesus is talking about the seed of black mustard. But according to another version, he mentions the seeds of the Persian Salvador.

Hippocrates was one of the first to note the healing properties of the plant. He used it in the manufacture of medicines and described the results in medical treatises.

It is easy to confuse black mustard with Sarepta. It can only be recognized by the pressed pods and the dark brown color of the seeds.

Mustard oil is used in folk medicine. It is used for pneumonia, rheumatism, neuralgia, exudative pleurisy and bronchitis. It acts as a local irritant. Mustard flour can improve appetite, has laxative properties and is used in cosmetology.

Black mustard belongs to siderates, that is, it is able to fertilize the soil, improve its structure and inhibit the growth of weeds. Also, the plant prevents the occurrence of rot, late blight and scab of tubers. But it is not recommended to grow radish, horseradish, arugula, cabbage, radish and turnip with it.

Dijon mustard (traditional French) is based on black mustard seeds.

The plant has excellent melliferous properties. It even surpasses Sarepta and English mustard. Up to 260 kg of honey can be harvested from one hectare. On the first Saturday in August, the United States celebrates National Mustard Day. They hold various themed contests, concerts and give tasting of different types of mustards. The holiday has existed since 1991 and originated in Middleton. And in the state of Wisconsin there is a mustard museum with up to 5,000 exhibits.

In Danish culture, it is customary to use black mustard seeds to cleanse the house of evil spirits. It is scattered in all corners.

In the days of the USSR, plant powder was used as a detergent.

French author Alexandre Grimaud de La Renier glorifies the nutritional properties of black mustard in his culinary book Gourmet Almanac.

In folk medicine, a mixture is prepared for whitening freckles. To do this, combine honey with a decoction of white lily and mustard powder.

Watch a video on the benefits of using black mustard:
