Dried mint

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Dried mint
Dried mint

Dried mint: why is this fragrant spice useful, why in some cases it can be harmful. In which dishes to add the plant to make their taste brighter and more interesting. The use of dried mint is also explained by the presence of certain vitamins, macro- and microelements in its composition. Among the main beneficial effects:

  1. Mobilizing the immune system … The rich content of vitamin A in the spice helps to increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases: it improves the protective functions of the mucous membranes, and helps to increase the activity of leukocytes. Vitamin A also has a beneficial effect on vision and skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production.
  2. Activation of the work of all internal organs … The spice contains quite a few vitamins B1 and B2. These two components are especially necessary for people whose body is working in an enhanced mode. Increased consumption of B1 and B2 is recommended primarily for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people engaged in heavy physical and / or mental work. These vitamins give a powerful energy boost and help to concentrate.
  3. Preventing the development of inflammatory processes … The presence of vitamin B5 in mint stimulates the synthesis in the adrenal cortex of a substance such as glucocorticoids, which actively fight any inflammatory processes and promote the generation of antibodies.
  4. Normalization of glucose metabolism … Due to the content of vitamin B6 in mint, this spice helps to establish glucose metabolism, eliminates sharp jumps in blood sugar.
  5. Positive effects on cell division and tissue development … The plant owes this effect to the content of vitamin B9 in the composition. This vitamin is absolutely necessary for expectant mothers for the proper development of the child.
  6. Normalization of blood cholesterol levels … The spice is rich in vitamin PP, which is effective in regulating metabolic processes, in particular, it controls cholesterol levels, reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Regulation of water balance … Potassium and sodium, contained in the spice, contribute to the normalization of water balance, provide healthy vital functions of soft tissues.
  8. Strengthening bone tissue … Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium - macronutrients, which are rich in mint, have a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other similar diseases.
  9. Normalization of hemoglobin levels … It is an essential element of cellular respiration. Consumption of mint promotes healthy production of this component due to the high iron content of the spice.
  10. Prevention of pathologies of the reproductive system … Mint replenishes the need for manganese, copper and zinc, the normal content of which in the body ensures the correct functioning of the reproductive system.

The above beneficial properties of mint are only a small part of all its beneficial effects on the body. This plant is extremely useful, this fact proves that it is still a component of many modern medicines.

Harm and contraindications to the use of dried mint


The plant is a unique combination of beneficial elements, but, unfortunately, not every person can eat mint. Why is the spice contraindicated for some people:

  • Firstly, the harm of mint is associated with individual intolerance to plant components. Spice allergy is rare, but it does happen.
  • Secondly, the plant is contraindicated for hypotensive patients - the spice can further lower the already low pressure.
  • Third, doctors usually limit the consumption of peppermint for people suffering from varicose veins.
  • And, finally, the spice is recommended with caution to be tried by children who have never eaten it before.

It is widely believed that mint negatively affects potency. However, this fact is somewhat embellished. Mint, in principle, has a strong soothing and relaxing character, which is why it can suppress desire in a man. Of course, you should not drink tea with her before a responsible date, but in general, a representative of the stronger sex should not limit himself to the consumption of spices.

In the presence of chronic diseases, it is imperative to consult a doctor about the possibility of regular consumption of mint in food.

Dried mint recipes

Zucchini and mint soup
Zucchini and mint soup

Although in our country mint can be found in almost every garden, in Russia, nevertheless, this plant is rarely used as a seasoning. We add a fragrant spice to tea, and that's where its use in the kitchen ends.

However, as we said above, mint is actively used all over the world precisely as a culinary spice. Why don't we also learn from the world experience? Try these dishes using dried mint:

  1. Lamb with mint and oregano … Take a shoulder of lamb (600-800 grams), rub with salt and pepper, spread with vegetable oil, season one side with mint and oregano and roll the meat into a roll so that the seasoned side is inside. Tie up the shoulder blade with thread, fry in a pan, the task at this stage is to get a beautiful crust. Remove the meat and pass vegetables in the same pan: carrots (1 piece), onions (1 piece), celery (1 stalk). Heat the oven to 180 degrees, line the baking sheet with baking paper, brush with oil and lay out the lamb shoulder and vegetables. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Zucchini and mint soup … Cut potatoes and onions (2 each) into small cubes. Fry vegetables for 5-7 minutes, preferably in butter or olive oil. Transfer to a saucepan of boiling water or any stock (600 ml). Cut the courgettes into cubes, place in a saucepan for 3-5 minutes. Add mint (1 teaspoon), cream (150 ml) and turn off heat after a couple of minutes. Whisk the slightly cooled soup with a blender.
  3. Blue cheese and mint salad … Cut the blue cheese - Dorblu is best - into cubes (100 grams). Tear 1 bunch of arugula with your hands. Melt honey (1 tablespoon) in a frying pan and fry chopped walnuts (8 pieces) - a couple of minutes is enough. Cut the pear (1 piece) into thin slices. Stir all ingredients, sprinkle with dried mint and drizzle with lemon juice.
  4. Oriental salad Tabouleh … Cook couscous (1 cup) and cool. Extract seeds and juice from tomatoes (500 grams), cut into cubes. Peel the cucumbers (300 grams) and also chop into cubes. Chop green onions and parsley finely (in small bunches). Stir all the ingredients, add dried mint, salt and pepper, drizzle with lemon juice and season with vegetable or olive oil.
  5. Mint dessert with blackberries … Pour mint (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (50 ml), add sugar (1 tablespoon). Take a bowl, put natural Greek yogurt (100-150 grams) in it. Top with cooled mint tea syrup and top with blackberries or other berries.
  6. Iced tea with milk and mint … Pour black tea (4 tablespoons) and mint (1 teaspoon) with a glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled slightly, strain it, add milk (2 cups) and cream (1 cup). Mix separately sugar (1 cup), lemon juice (0.5 cups), salt (pinch). Add the lemon and sugar mixture to your tea. Stir everything well and refrigerate for a while. Serve over ice.

As you can see, recipes with dried mint are very diverse. This spice is used in soups, hot dishes, original salads, desserts and drinks. So if before you used the spice only as a "seasoning" for tea, it's time to reveal all the facets of this fragrant plant.

Interesting facts about mint

Mint plant
Mint plant

Mint is the oldest spice; references to this plant can be found already on the cuneiform tablets of the Assyrians, found in the tombs of the pharaohs of Egypt. She is also mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew.

In ancient Greece, the origin of mint was associated with the legend of a nymph of magical beauty - Mente. There was a myth that Pluto's wife, Persephone, was jealous of her husband for a beautiful girl and bewitched her, turning her into a plant. Pluto could not remove the spell from Mente, but managed to breathe an unusual attractive scent into it. It is interesting that in Russia mint was called "perekop", "bezhava", "dragolyub" and was used very actively in cooking, adding to a variety of dishes - cabbage soup, gingerbread and even kvass.

The plant has many uses, some of which are quite unexpected and surprising. Perhaps one of the most unusual properties of mint is the ability to repel insects - mosquitoes, wasps, ants. So if you go outdoors in summer, be sure to take mint leaves with you and put them on the table. Another interesting property of mint is this: if you put its sprig in milk, it will not sour for a long time. True, the plant must first be thoroughly washed and dried.

In addition, few people know that the spice is often used in the production of elite brands of cognac.

As for interesting beliefs about mint, there are few of them, but they are all purely positive. So, it is believed that if you put her piece of paper in your wallet, your financial situation will improve. And if the spice is dreamed of, fun and pleasant pastime awaits a person.

Watch a video about dried mint:

Mint is a truly amazing plant. Its use in cooking is endless, and you can write books about its useful properties. So if mint grows in your garden, be sure to dry it for the winter. However, a bag with a dried plant can be bought in the store for a very symbolic price.
