Exercise develops triceps and is insulating for this muscle group. Find out all the technical features and the correct manner of execution. You can perform the extension of the arms on the block in various ways, which will allow you to shift the emphasis of the load on one or another section of the triceps. This is due to the possibility of using different handles, and you can also work with each hand alternately or with two at once. Since the movement belongs to the group of isolated ones, the triceps can be worked out perfectly.
Since the sections of the muscle have different lengths, they also require different load. The body always tries to use its strength as efficiently as possible and for this reason the load is distributed between the strong muscles or their departments, in relation to triceps training. In turn, an isolated movement is intended to emphasize the load on the section you need or the entire muscle.
Of course, isolated movements have certain drawbacks, and the extension of the arms on the block is no exception. Since only one joint and muscle is involved in the work, it is much more difficult to progress. The risk of injury may also increase. Isolated movements should be used by experienced builders, as they have well-developed neuro-muscular connections. But beginners should pay full attention to the base and leave isolated movements for the future.
Although the movement is focused on training the triceps, the biceps, forearm and anterior deltas also show little activity. If you perform the movement technically illiterate, then most of the load will go to the deltas altogether. As a result, the exercise will become useless and, among other things, traumatic. We will talk about technology a little later, but now we will consider ways to shift the emphasis of the load on various departments.
When using the large handle, the internal department is actively involved in the work. If you decide to use a narrow handle, then the load will be transferred to the lateral section. Also, thanks to the supination of the hand, it is possible to improve the elaboration of the internal section, and thanks to the pronation, respectively, of the external. To shift the emphasis of the load, you can also use the location of the elbow joint. If you bring it forward, then the maximum load will be on the lateral section, and when retracted back - the internal one. Remember that working on the block puts a lot of stress on the elbow joint and this can lead to injury.
How to properly extend the arms on the block?

The legs are about the width of the shoulder joints, and the center of gravity should be shifted to the heels. It is important to remember that the elbow joints should be pressed against the torso. Begin to lower your hands down as far as possible. This part of the movement should be done quickly and with inspiration. But the reverse movement must be controlled by performing it in a slow style. At this point, you must exhale.
You should not try to use large weights, it is better to perform the movement technically correctly. The movement should be performed at the final stage of the lesson, and put it third or fourth in your program. The duration of each approach should be about 30 or 40 seconds, and during this period of time you need to perform 12-15 repetitions.
In order to fix the shoulder joints as securely as possible, it is necessary to press the arms to the body, since otherwise most of the load will go to the deltas. Try to avoid severe burning in the muscles, only moderate is permissible. This is because a high concentration of lactic acid slows down muscle growth.
Denis Borisov tells more about the rules of execution and effectiveness in the following video: