Which is better, a barbell or an exercise machine?

Which is better, a barbell or an exercise machine?
Which is better, a barbell or an exercise machine?

The question of which is preferable, a simulator or a barbell, is relevant, but incorrectly formulated. At what point is it more effective to use free weight and the simulator. It should be said right away that the question - which is better, a barbell or a simulator - is not posed correctly. Muscle tissue will grow both with machines and with free weight training. However, there are situations where the use of one of these types of sports equipment would be more appropriate. This is what this article will be about. After studying it, you will understand what benefits and at what points simulators give, and when training with free weight.

Use of simulators

Strength trainer
Strength trainer

The simulator brings the movements to the machine

The athlete works out on the simulator
The athlete works out on the simulator

When working with free weights, it is much more difficult to maintain balance and control the quality of movements. To a greater extent, this applies to novice athletes. It is easier to master the correct biomechanics of movement on the simulator and bring all movements to automatism. After that, training with a barbell or dumbbells will become much easier.

The simulator develops the ability to maintain posture

Man doing exercise on the simulator
Man doing exercise on the simulator

Most often, when exercising on the simulator, it makes no sense to think about maintaining posture. The athlete is already in the most secure and correct position. This is of particular importance for the back, lower back and neck.

The simulator can be used without a partner

Athlete exercising
Athlete exercising

If you have used a lot of weight in the bench press at least once, then you are perfectly aware of the danger. With some exercises, it can be difficult to return the sports equipment to its starting position. In this case, you need a safety net from your partner. This is no longer necessary when using the simulator.

The simulator can be customized

The girl is engaged on a strength simulator
The girl is engaged on a strength simulator

Most of the sports equipment has the ability to customize the device for a specific athlete. It is almost always necessary to do this, but then you will be sure of your safety.

The simulator gives less stress on the ligaments and joints

The athlete is exercising on a strength simulator
The athlete is exercising on a strength simulator

If you feel pain in your joints or are recovering from a previous injury, then in such a situation it is better to use simulators. Almost always, exercising on the simulator is less painful. This is due to the fact that when working with free weights, the connective tissues are forced to work with full dedication to stabilize the joint. This can exacerbate the old trauma.

The simulator allows you to fix the required trajectory of movement. Another confirmation that it is impossible to raise the question of which is better - a barbell or a simulator. In some situations, it is simply necessary to make a specific choice between them.

Muscles are isolated when exercising

Seated athlete performs exercise on the simulator
Seated athlete performs exercise on the simulator

You will never be able to completely isolate the target muscle, however, the simulator can significantly reduce the contribution to the work of stabilizing muscles and significantly reduce the load on the joints. Thus, the target muscle will be loaded more efficiently.

The simulator helps to increase the intensity of training

Simulator training scheme
Simulator training scheme

When it comes to training for failure, then the simulators have a big advantage over free weights. For example, using the technique of 15–20 second pauses is easier to implement on the simulator than when exercising with free weights. This is due to the fact that in the second case it takes a lot of time to take the starting position. It is also easier to use on the trainer and drop sets, forced reps and powerful negative loads.

Using the barbell

Muscle engagement pattern for bench press
Muscle engagement pattern for bench press

The bar can be operated in all planes

The athlete performs an incline bench press
The athlete performs an incline bench press

Beginners should restrict movement to only one plane until the biomechanics of training is well mastered. For experienced athletes, these restrictions may not be necessary. When working with free weights, the athlete is forced to balance to maintain balance in all directions.

This requires high coordination from the stabilizer muscles, and therefore the exercise will use more muscles. For beginners, keep in mind that free weight exercises are always more difficult to do than exercise machines.

The bar helps to strengthen the connective tissue

Muscle engagement pattern when performing a seated barbell press
Muscle engagement pattern when performing a seated barbell press

As mentioned above, simulators contribute to higher muscle isolation, since they exclude stabilizers from work as much as possible in comparison with free weight. The barbell and dumbbells put more stress on the main and auxiliary muscles, and, therefore, the load on the connective tissues to which the muscles are attached also increases. The ability to reinforce the connecting structures is an undeniable advantage of free weight work.

Barbell Exercise Increases Anabolic Hormone Levels

Performing a barbell press on an incline bench
Performing a barbell press on an incline bench

Training with free weights requires a lot of effort from the body, which causes an accelerated synthesis of anabolic hormones. This primarily applies to testosterone and growth hormone. These substances are essential for muscle growth and increasing their levels stimulates this process.

The barbell can be used with any body type

Sportswoman performs french barbell press
Sportswoman performs french barbell press

Most of the simulators also provide the ability to customize everything for a specific athlete, but exceptions are possible. The simulators are created taking into account the average anthropometric indicators and may not correspond to your constitution. If this is neglected, it can injure the joints by forcing them to work in an unnatural position. In this case, you can safely work with free weights or switch to other sports equipment.

Barbell classes prepare you for any physical activity

Barbell press flow chart
Barbell press flow chart

The strength that simulators develop cannot always be used in everyday life. Outside the hall, the body is always in motion and it is necessary to be able to find balance. Simulators are not capable of helping to develop coordination, and therefore, you should not rely on them alone.

Barbell training does not require a lot of money

Diagram of the muscles involved and the barbell snatch
Diagram of the muscles involved and the barbell snatch

This is a definite plus for those people who prefer to train at home. It is enough to purchase an adjustable bench and typesetting dumbbells, which is quite enough for a full-fledged training. There is no point in spending money on expensive sports equipment.

In conclusion, it is worth reiterating that you should not ask which is better: a barbell or an exercise machine. Very good results can be achieved with a combination of these funds. You can start a training session with free weights, and at the final stage of training, go to simulators. By this time, the muscles will be tired, but with isolation and less stress on the joints, you can do a couple more sets.

For more information on choosing between a barbell and a strength machine, see this video:
