What foods cannot be eaten on an empty stomach?

What foods cannot be eaten on an empty stomach?
What foods cannot be eaten on an empty stomach?

What foods should not be eaten on an empty stomach and why? What to Eat for Breakfast: The best foods to start your day with. Dangerous consequences of skipping your morning meal. Breakfast is, according to most nutritionists, the most important meal of the day. Indeed, the meals we eat in the morning not only set the mood and level of performance for the whole day, but also affect our health. Whether this effect is positive or negative depends on how well the breakfast foods are selected. Let's figure out what you can't eat in the morning, and what is not only possible, but even desirable.

Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

Breakfast as an important meal
Breakfast as an important meal

Many people today suffer from chronic fatigue - they complain of a constant lack of energy, bad mood, drowsiness. It is noteworthy that most of these people not only never eat breakfast, but do not even associate poor health with the refusal of the most important meal.

And why, in fact, is it the most important? Here are just a few facts about your morning meal that will convince you to get up 15 minutes early and still have breakfast:

  • Reducing the likelihood of developing gallbladder disease … If we do not eat breakfast, we are depriving ourselves of nutrients for too long a period of time - from yesterday's dinner to today's lunch, which is about 12-17 hours. Not only is such a long absence of new vitamins and minerals a stress for the body, but there is also a simple operation of the gallbladder, which increases the likelihood of developing its diseases, including the formation of stones.
  • Prevention of heart attacks and strokes … Heart attacks most often occur in the morning, it is at this time that the "clumping" of platelets in the blood occurs as intensively as possible. Eating in the morning can affect this process and reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Reduced cravings for constant snacking … By eating breakfast, you kind of take control of your appetite, and the likelihood of overeating during the day is reduced. In addition, a morning meal accelerates metabolism by 3-4%, which is very important for maintaining harmony.
  • Reducing the likelihood of developing diabetes … Research has also shown that not having breakfast is a direct path to diabetes. A large-scale experiment was conducted by British scientists. They worked with a focus group of 4,000 schoolchildren, and as a result, they found that markers that indicate a high risk of diabetes mellitus are more often found in the blood of students who do not eat breakfast. In addition, those who ignored their morning meals were found to have higher blood sugar levels than those who did not.
  • Improving brain function … Get ready for amazing numbers. Scientists have shown that breakfast increases performance by 30%. From food, the brain turns into glucose - its main fuel; without it, it simply cannot work efficiently.

And also, by the way, according to statistics, people who regularly eat breakfast are less stressed than those who skip their morning meal. As you can see, breakfast is not only a matter of satiety, but also of your health and mood.

What foods cannot be eaten on an empty stomach?

Of course, breakfast should consist of healthy foods - everyone understands that you should not start the day with obvious dangers, this is a bad idea for any meal, but especially for the morning meal. In addition, it is especially important for breakfast to be balanced so that the energy received from it lasts for a long time. However, proper breakfast is not only about these two obvious axioms. There is also a list of foods that seem to be not harmful at all, but in the morning it is better not to eat them for one reason or another. Let's figure out what these products are.

Yeast products

Butter buns
Butter buns

Yeast irritates the lining of an empty stomach and leads to increased gas production, so if you don't want to start the day with a heaviness in your stomach, know that a bun with your favorite coffee is not the best breakfast idea. Note, however, that yeast is added to almost any bread, not just baked goods. If you can't deny yourself the habit of eating a sandwich in the morning, look for yeast-free bread or bake it yourself.


It is undesirable to start the day with all sorts of sweets, since they are a great burden for the pancreas, which, in fact, has just “woken up”. The abuse of sweets on an empty stomach leads to the development of diabetes mellitus, so if you have a predisposition to the disease, you need to be especially careful with a sweet morning.

Dairy products

Contrary to popular belief, yogurt is hardly a good breakfast staple. It will not do much harm, but it will not be useful either, since hydrochloric acid, which is present in large quantities in an empty stomach, will simply corrode lactic acid bacteria, which are so valuable for yogurt and other fermented milk products.


Pears in a basket
Pears in a basket

If we talk about what you can't eat on an empty stomach from fruits, pears, citrus fruits and bananas will be included in the prohibited list. The former are undesirable for the reason that they have too much coarse fiber, which can injure the unprepared gastric mucosa.

Bananas should not be eaten on an empty stomach, because in this case the magnesium contained in them in large quantities will be absorbed too quickly and will greatly increase the load on the heart, at the moment when this exotic fruit, eaten at the right time, on the contrary, will help our main organ function better.

Finally, let's explain why citrus fruits are not the best breakfast idea. The fact is that they are rich in fruit acids, which, when ingested in an empty stomach, can cause heartburn, as well as contribute to the development of dangerous diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.


There are also vegetables prohibited for breakfast. In the "black list", the leading positions are occupied by all of us well-known cucumbers and tomatoes. The former, when consumed on an empty stomach, lead to heartburn, flatulence and general discomfort in the stomach, and the latter can trigger the development of ulcers - this is due to the presence of acids in them, which excessively increase the acidity of gastric juice, and it becomes "aggressive".


Spices on the kitchen table
Spices on the kitchen table

Any spices in the morning are another taboo, since they increase the production of gastric juice - on an empty stomach this is undesirable and can provoke the development of various diseases of the digestive system.

For the same reason, it is undesirable to start the day with various spicy, salty and smoked ready-made meals such as chicken wings, salted fish, homemade pickles, etc.


Foods that should not be eaten on an empty stomach include carbonated drinks, they impair blood circulation in the stomach, and food is more difficult to digest and absorb. Please note that any cold drinks, including water, have the same effect, so if you have a healthy habit of starting the day with a glass of water, make sure that it is at room temperature, otherwise the habit will not benefit, but harm …

What can you eat in the morning?


Well, now you know what is forbidden to eat for breakfast, which means it’s time to talk about what foods and dishes are preferable to eat in the morning:

  1. Porridge … Yes, my mother was right when she insisted that there is nothing healthier than porridge for breakfast. In general, any cereal is suitable, but it is best to eat oatmeal, buckwheat or corn porridge. And that's why. Oatmeal is able to envelop the mucous membrane and protect it from the action of hydrochloric acid, and it also contains fiber that lowers the level of bad cholesterol. Buckwheat porridge stimulates the digestive system, and is also a good source of protein, many vitamins and minerals. Corn porridge helps to remove various toxins and toxins from the body, including heavy metal salts. It also has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and is able to saturate for a long time.
  2. Sprouts … Many believe that sprouts are just another fashion trend in today's lucrative health food industry. However, in fact, our ancestors systematically consumed this product in food and noted its various kinds of positive effects on the body. Wheat sprouts will be especially useful for breakfast, they will properly start up the intestines, and also fill the body with such important vitamins as tocopherol (vitamin E) and folic acid (B9). Only two tablespoons of seedlings contain 15% of the daily dose of the first and 10% of the second.
  3. Eggs … Another perfect candidate for a morning meal. It has been proven that eating eggs for breakfast during the day then absorbs fewer calories. This feature must be taken advantage of by those who are losing weight, as well as those who constantly experience cravings for unhealthy snacks.
  4. Berries … A great breakfast idea is the largest berry watermelon. It will help you "fill" the body with fluid well. In addition, lycopene, which is part of the fetus, normalizes heart function and prevents visual impairment. It is also good to eat blueberries on an empty stomach, studies show that if you regularly eat this berry in the morning, your metabolism and blood pressure will normalize. In addition, blueberries bode well for memory improvement.
  5. Whole grain yeast-free bread … Bread is by no means a harmful product, as many believe. On the other hand, not all bread, as they say, is equally useful. Choosing whole grain yeast-free grains will provide your body with many beneficial nutrients. However, the best time for such a product is precisely in the morning, since it is rich in carbohydrates, and their consumption should be reduced by the evening.
  6. Nuts … Starting the day with nuts is another great idea. If they are eaten on an empty stomach, they normalize the acidity of gastric juice well and will generally have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  7. Honey … This product, eaten in the morning, will help awaken the body as a whole, as well as charge it with the necessary energy for a long time. An added bonus is a positive effect on the brain and serotonin levels. Yes, as it turns out, it's not just chocolate that stimulates the hormone of joy.

And still not only can, but also need to drink a glass of water before breakfast. If you don’t like drinking pure water, turn it into detox water by adding honey and / or lemon. By the way, in order not to forget about this habit, you can put it next to your bed at night.

Perhaps, guided by these rules, it is not difficult to build an ideal breakfast scheme: it is good to start the day with cereals, periodically it is worth alternating them so as not to get bored. Variety can also be made with omelets, whole wheat sandwiches with eggs or honey and nuts. No one will scold you if you drop olive oil on your bread, put a piece of cheese or chicken breast, although these products are not included in the TOP of the most useful, they certainly will not harm anything. However, keep an eye on the balance of proteins and carbohydrates, be especially careful with simple carbohydrates. The regularity here is this: proteins contribute to greater conservation of energy and satiety, and simple carbohydrates, on the contrary, will lead to the fact that in an hour and a half you will be very hungry.

Allowed and prohibited foods for breakfast are shown in the table:

Prohibited foods Allowed Products
Yeast products Porridge
Sweets Sprouts
Dairy products Berries: blueberries and watermelon
Fruits: bananas, pears, citrus fruits Eggs
Vegetables: cucumbers and tomatoes Whole wheat bread
All spices Nuts
Drinks: soda and all cold Honey

What foods can not be eaten on an empty stomach - look at the video:

Well, now you know not only what to eat in the morning is absolutely necessary, but also what foods should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Our recommendations will help you stay energized until lunchtime and will also preserve your health. But, by the way, if you still don't believe that breakfast is such a significant meal, here is the final fact: the favorite breakfast of the British is oatmeal and eggs, and of Americans - sweet cereals and orange juice from a bag, and, as you know, the second nation is in far worse health than the first.
