Bill Starr: Overtraining for Muscle Growth

Bill Starr: Overtraining for Muscle Growth
Bill Starr: Overtraining for Muscle Growth

Learn how overtraining can be the starting point for maximizing muscle growth in bodybuilding. Gain 10 kg of mass in 3 months. Everyone knows that for progress it is necessary to constantly create stressful conditions for the body. If you do not progress the load and use one training program for a long time, then you will not only be unable to develop muscles, but will also begin to regress. The body always strives for balance in everything. For a certain time, he adapts to a constant load, and you stop developing.

Only through stress can the body be made to develop. If you want to constantly progress, then you need to make changes to your training program. Although everyone knows about this, but often people strive to find a program that will give them the opportunity to develop and at the same time do not make much effort. But you should remember that this is simply not possible. Today we will talk about how to use overtraining in bodybuilding for muscle growth.

How to use overtraining for muscle growth?

Overtraining in an athlete
Overtraining in an athlete

The main reason for looking for training programs that we talked about above is lack of motivation. However, there are many people who are ready to improve their body and will go to any difficulties for this. They often lack guidance. If you put them on the right path, they will progress and achieve their goals.

Very often, athletes do not want to increase the load for fear of overtraining. But if you do not create stressful situations, then progress will simply be impossible. The line that separates productive activities, which also contain a state of overtraining from counterproductive ones, is extremely thin. When you increase the intensity of training, it is very important to monitor your own body signals and respond to them correctly. Effective training consists of a large number of factors. These are biological rhythms (often no one remembers them), a nutrition program, rest, sports supplements, etc. Psychological stress is also very important here. Unfortunately, in modern life, every person has a lot of stressful situations that can negatively affect the training process.

Working weight is very important in bodybuilding. This is a purely individual indicator, and it can be quite different in different periods of time. Psychological stress can also affect it and sometimes it is best to reduce the stress for a while. It is a sharp increase in the weight of sports equipment that can lead to overtraining. You must learn to understand your body to avoid this. At the same time, if overtraining is observed for a short period of time, then it will only benefit the athlete. It is important for the athlete to be able to distinguish between real severe overtraining from, for example, simple boredom caused by a training program. This can happen if you use one training method for a long time. In this case, you just need to make changes to your classes, and you will immediately begin to progress further. For your workout to be successful, you need to enjoy the process.

Very often, beginner athletes use a large number of movements, and as a result, their session can last a couple of hours. But just like in ordinary life, something simple can be very effective. This fully applies to the training process. To get good results, it is quite possible to limit yourself to three main movements, supplementing them with two auxiliary ones.

You can use more movements, but in this case it makes sense to create two programs and use each of them once every two weeks. However, the option with fewer exercises still seems to be more acceptable. This will allow you to train effectively without spending a lot of time in the gym.

Some athletes, having learned that their idol trains at least four times a week, begin to follow his example. You must be aware that your fitness level and that of your pro athletes are different. Simply copying the workout routines of famous bodybuilders will definitely lead you to overtraining. You must create a training program that is fully consistent with your current level of training. It must be expanded gradually.

Very often only one muscle group can be overtrained and the shoulder girdle is the leader here. This is because upper body training looks more attractive. Each of you will agree that training biceps or, say, delts is more interesting than legs. In addition, most amateurs pay special attention to the arms, chest and back. The wrong accent leads to overtraining.

Very often, athletes confuse psychological fatigue with overtraining. The central nervous system takes much longer to recover than the muscles. In addition to the stress of training, psychological stress also has a negative impact on her performance. It is very important to understand the difference between mental fatigue and overtraining.

To avoid serious overtraining, you should alternate between heavy, medium and light activities. To make this easier, you need a diary. You simply will not be able to memorize all the numbers, and the effectiveness of the training will decrease. If you have records of all your workouts in front of you, then you can quickly identify bottlenecks and fix them.

Speaking of overtraining, it is simply impossible to ignore proper nutrition and rest. If you increase the intensity of your workouts or start working not three times, but four times during the week, then you need to increase the time for rest. You should try to sleep at least one hour longer each day. If possible, do not ignore naps. To continually progress, you need to remember that very often you need to take a step back and then move forward.

Learn more about overtraining and periodization in bodybuilding in this video:
